To Get Her (2019) 惹不起的殿下大人 Episode 20 Recap

To Get Her (2019) 惹不起的殿下大人 Episode 20 Recap

Lin Zhener and Yin Tianshan met when they were young, and Tu Siyi was jealous. Lin Zhener poisoned the arrow at Anguifei House. Tu Siyi came to Cui Yan and wanted Cui Yan to help him find this Yin Tianshan on the rivers and lakes. At this time, Lin Zhener came to tell him to go to Yin Tianshan to discuss ways to help An Zhaoyi, but Tu Siyi was angry every time she heard about Yin Tianshan. All this was seen by Lin Zhener and said He is naive. The four gathered at An Zhaoyi’s sleeping palace to discuss plans, and were prepared to appear every day on the way the emperor had to go back to the palace. When the emperor’s apprehension was upset and disturbed, he would use the music to move the emperor.

In the evening, on the way back to the palace, the emperor saw An Zhaoyi who had been waiting there in advance, and Tu Siyi helped her pretend to play the flute. The emperor saw it and thought he was dazzled. The father-in-law said that the emperor had no dazzle, but playing the flute in the Minglu Garden in the middle of the night made the emperor feel incredible. The father-in-law told him that the haunting things in Minglu Garden were spread recently, although the emperor said I don’t believe in ghosts and gods, but still run around. After several days, the emperor saw this scene every night when passing by, and he turned away in fright. Lin Zhen’er Qi Tu Siyi played such a sad song every time, but Tu Siyi was full of jealousy and spoke a few words.

Just when everyone felt hopeless, the imperial edict of the emperor arrived suddenly, and An Zhaoyi was promoted to be a concubine, and everyone was overjoyed, thinking that the plan had taken effect. Who knows that the father-in-law told them that because the emperor had been hitting ghosts in Minglu Garden recently, and the restlessness caused him to fall ill, the state teacher told him that he needed to be happy, and it happened that An Zhaoyi ’s birthday character was very consistent, so he happened to pass An Zhao Yi Sheng raised the concubine. An Zhaoyi did not feel disappointed. She only wanted to take the concubines who were suffering in the palace out of the cold palace, and now she has forgotten her wish.

Tu Siyi came to Cui Ye at night, and Cui Ye said that Yin Tianshan had just entered the city recently, and had sneaked into his house, and found nothing suspicious, but he had half a token with the word “true” on it. Tu Si Yi felt as if she had seen it before, so she sneaked into Lin Zhen’er’s room and searched, and found the other half. Sure enough, the two tokens could be combined into one, and Tu Siyi felt that Lin Zhener was deceiving him.
Si Tu to get up early to the palace to see the memorial and see the little duck Ann Royal’s also inside, although he began to feel very scared, knifed down in front of a cute little duck even think, decided to adopt him, and named petit into his Back to the palace, I found that An Guifei’s ducks ran into his palace, and duck Xiaocheng also ran in. Tu Sicheng couldn’t recognize that it was only Xiaocheng, and was furious.

Tu Siyi took two tokens to find Lin Zhener and Yin Tianshan, but Lin Zhener did not recognize the token and blamed him for stealing his room. Yin Tianshan said that they were married couples who played family at the age of eight. Although Lin Zhener had forgotten it, Yin Tianshan kept it in his heart. Because Lin Zhener rescued him when he was eight years old, and the two were later separated. This time I came to see if Lin Zhener had a good life and left after seeing her life, but Tu Siyi and Lin Zhen There was still a fight.

At night Tu Siyi secretly followed Lin Zhen’er. Lin Zhener found that he pretended not to know and was shopping wildly on the street, but Tu Siyi didn’t notice anything abnormal and was too worried to sleep all night. Lin Zhen’er also came to An Guifei’s side, tearing down the gifts sent by the palace to vent his madness. At this time, three poison arrows were shot in, and Lin Zhen’er’s face was scratched.


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