Tiger Cave Temple in Kanchanaburi, Thailand

Tiger Cave Temple in Kanchanaburi, Thailand

Wat Tham Sua or Tiger Cave Temple is located in Muang Chum, Tha Muang District, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. You can catch the eye of tourists visiting at the temple who come to pay respect in the relics. The temple is the vastness and the largest Buddha image in Kanchanaburi with beautiful Buddha amulet with whole golden mosaic. When you arrive at the top of the temple, you will find the freshness of the cool wind blowing and sometimes quite strong. By look from below, there is a verdant field.

There also have pagoda at Ket Kaew Castle. The entire pagoda is made of brick, divided into many layers. Each floor houses a variety of Buddha statues, up to the top floor, which is enshrined by the Sari Rikthi brought from India. There are also various at the temples. You can go and make a worship of the Buddha and admire the beauty of the interior murals.

Once you have seen it all, then go down Below to enter the tiger cave is a small cave at the foot of the hill. Inside the cave have the birthday Buddha statue and sell sacred objects products.

How to get there:

By Car:

  • Wat Tham Sua is about 5 kilometers away from the Mae Klong Dam. The entrance to the temple must pass the Mae Klong Dam and there will be a sign to turn right for about 2 kilometers and turn left for about 200 meters.

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