The Wife’s Lies 妻子的谎言 Episode 31 Recap

The Wife’s Lies 妻子的谎言 Episode 31 Recap

Xu Jinxiu visited Jiang Yan with a gift. She apologized to Jiang Yan. She said that no matter what, she should keep Sun Dazhi’s position before Jiayuan’s marriage. Otherwise, she might have an impact on Jiayuan’s marriage. Daughter, that’s when Jiayuan gets married. Jiang Yan turned back and forth with a smile and said that Jiayuan was engaged, she found a handsome surgeon, and the hospital had an idea to train him to become the director of surgery. Xu Jinxiu was relieved. She I think Jiayuan is really able to find such a good boyfriend.

When Xu Jinxiu returned home, it was rare that Jiang Tianhao had read the newspaper in the living room. Seeing her come back sarcastically that the busy man Xu Mingyuan finally returned after socializing? Xu Jinxiu was too lazy to talk to him. She let Yiming act as a megaphone, and said that she had broken off with Jiang Tianhao, but Jiang Tianhao also told Yiming that there was no break between the couple, only divorce. The two bullfighted with big eyes and small eyes, and dragged Yi Shan into the battle group, but Yi Shan didn’t care about their affairs at all. When she heard that Jiayuan was going to marry the most handsome doctor in the hospital, Yishan was shocked. She rushed to question Dongxu. Dong Xu meets with her sister. Dong Xu sees Xia Xi who has been worried about the lie being broken down at her husband’s house.

Dong Xu made an idea for her sister and let her have a child. Even if the lie is broken down and there is a child, at least the family can Sustain it. Xia Xi wondered why his brother didn’t blame her suddenly? Dong Xu said that she has experienced a lot of things, and now she can understand her sister’s approach. She used to pay a lot for her family, but now it’s time for her to give. Yishan went to Li Guoliang at home and found that there was no one at home. She picked up Dong Xu’s album and looked at it. She was surprised to find the photo of Xia Xi and Dong Xu, and she stayed there. She finally understood why Dong Xu broke up with her life and death, why she recognized him at the first sight of her brother, and then hid from him like a ghost, and everything had an answer.

Yishan couldn’t understand what kind of person Li Xiaxi was. She said with red lips and white teeth that the living father was dead. She said that her brother in the same city had lost contact with her, so that she could put the entire Jiang family in the drum and become the head of injustice? Xia Xi came to the bar to find a bin. The drunken one saw that Xia Xi deliberately held the wine girl tightly, and Xia Xi felt wronged. Sun Jiahao Yue Dongxu talked, he said that he was not speaking as an elder brother, he just did not want him and Yishan to affect his work because of this. Dong Xu said he was planning to change to another hospital, but Jiahao didn’t think it was necessary. Xia Xi saw a dispute between Zhou Yan and a man in the law firm’s parking lot and was pushed into the car by the man to leave. Xia Xi bravely stopped in front of the car and rescued Zhou Yan. She asked Zhou Yan if she was Borrowing usury?

She has also experienced such a scenario. Zhou Yan said that her father had borrowed usury stocks, and the more he lost, the more the debtor turned to her. As a lawyer, Xia Xi helped Zhou Yan settle the matter and lent money to Zhou Yan to repay her debt. Zhou Yan was very moved. Yishan felt unable to understand how Dongxu sacrificed his sister so much. Dongxu told Yishan that without Xia Xi, she would not have today. The university admission notice they received together was that her sister went to work silently for her own medical university, rather than herself. After repeating another year, I finished part-time college.

She always felt that she should take care of her younger brother, but in fact she was only born three minutes earlier than her younger brother. Dong Xu said that he also wanted to be willful for the happiness of the two, but he asked Shanshan if he would be willing to let everyone suffer because of their happiness.


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