The story of Sui Ren’s drilling wood to make fire

Long, long ago, in the wild, far-flung west, there was a country called Suiming Kingdom. Because this place is so remote and desolate, the rays of the sun and the silver rays of the moon cannot be illuminated.

In the country of Suiming, there was a big tree named “Suiming”. This tree is really unusually large. Its branches are very tall and long. The area of ​​the canopy alone is 10,000 hectares, stretching dozens of miles away, and the whole tree looks like a dense forest. . It stands to reason that the Sui Ming Kingdom was originally unable to see the light of the sun and the moon, and it was dark, and with such a large tree covering it, it must be dark and pitch-dark. In fact, this is not the case. There are beautiful fires shining everywhere under the big tree, like pearls shining, gems shining, and shining brightly all around, like the day.

The people of Suiming who do not see the sun, in this splendid and beautiful firelight, work hard, feel content, and live leisurely by this firelight. Although the phenomenon of fire has long existed in nature, when volcanoes erupt, there is fire; when there is thunder and lightning, fires also occur in the woods.

Later, people occasionally picked up beasts that were burned to death by fire, and they tasted delicious. After many trials, people gradually learn to use fire to burn food, and try to save the fire so that it will not go out all the year round. In the past, all things were eaten raw, not counting the raw fruits of plants.

Even the beasts that were called were mostly eaten alive, with the hair and blood in them, because there was no fire to cook them. Therefore, in Suiming, people did not know how to make a fire.

Fire played a very important role in their daily life as it was found to help people keep out the cold, defend against wild animals and cook food, so that people could avoid starvation and freezing. For a long, long period of time, people have been suffering because the fire cannot last for a long time, so protecting the fire is a very important thing.

If there is no fire, I really don’t know what terrible things will happen? Because if there is no fire, it means that there is no light, and people cannot live a normal life. Not only do they have to eat a lot of unpleasant food, but at night, they can only rely on the moonlight for illumination, and they will often suffer from beasts and birds of prey. attack.

In order to save the fire, everyone took turns on duty to guard the fire for many years without end. However, it is very difficult to save fire, and there are many unfavorable factors, which often make their lives in a state of no fire. A wise man swore to solve the mystery when he thought of the miserable state of the people of his country.

One day, this wise and wise man traveled all over the world, and traveled so far, so far that even the sun, moon and stars disappeared, and finally came to Suiming. When he saw the strange sight of this place, he felt very strange, and was determined to find out the source of the fire.

After many days of careful observation, one day, he finally discovered that there is a large bird here. Orange-red beaks, pitch-black backs, and snow-white belly, with sharp claws like ospreys, jumping up and down trees to find insects to eat, from time to time like woodpeckers pecking at tree trunks with their long, hard beaks, As soon as it pecks, it emits a bright and dazzling fire.

This wise man saw this scene and was inspired, he thought of the power and method to obtain fire. So he picked up a hardwood branch and drilled it on the wood, and it really lit up. It is a pity that the fire drilled out of this kind of tree only emits light and has no fire head.

After he returned to his country, he continued to experiment with other trees, and although it was very difficult to drill, he finally got out of the fire. He also selflessly taught the people the power and method of drilling wood to make fire. From then on, human beings no longer need to rely on natural lightning to ignite the fire, nor do they need to carefully guard the lit fire every day, lest it be extinguished. With the method of making fire, the use of fire is greatly expanded. And smart humans have changed the way of making fire.

After a long period of time, people drilled hard and sharp wood hard on another hard wood to get sparks; some knocked flint and knocked out fire. In this way, people finally mastered the method of artificial fire. Because of his credit, it is really great that people can enjoy the light and let people not need to live in the dark. His story is an ode to man’s first conquest of fire. Man conquered fire, fire tempered man, and man became the spirit of all things among the stars.

This wise man invented the method of drilling wood to make fire, and was admired by later generations, and he was honored as “Suirenshi”, which means the fire maker. Due to the invention of drilling wood to make fire, Suiren was named Situ by the Yellow Emperor and was in charge of southern affairs. He lived in Hengshan and was buried in Hengshan. In order to commemorate his great contribution, the highest peak of Hengshan was named Zhurong Mountain.

The above are purely mythological stories for the audience. The following are historical facts:

Sui Ren is the first person in legend to invent the use of drilling wood to make fire, which has been recorded in ancient books of the pre-Qin period. According to the record of “Han Feizi Five Beetles”: “In ancient times, the people were few and animals were numerous, and the people were invincible against animals, insects, snakes and snakes; … people eat fruits, clams, clams, and the stench hurts the stomach and stomach, and the people suffer from many diseases. Sui uses fire to dispel the stinky smell, and the people say (pleasure) it, make the king of the world, and call it Sui Renshi.”

“The Corpse” says: “The Sui people look up at the stars and look down at the five trees for fire.” “Supplementary Notes” says: “The famous tree in the Ming Dynasty was named Sui, and it was full of thousands of hectares. Later, there were sages who traveled to their country, and there were When a bird pecks a tree, the fire bursts out, and the sage feels it, because it uses a small branch to drill the fire, and it is called Sui Ren.”

“Ancient History Research” says: “In the beginning of time immemorial, people sucked dew, ate herbs and trees, and mountain dwellers ate birds and beasts, clothing and clothing. Its feather skin, near the water, eats fish, turtles, clams, and clams. It has not been cremated, and it has a lot of fishy smell, which is harmful to the stomach. In order to make (yes) a sage come out, use the king of fire virtue, make a drill to make a fire, teach people to cook cooked food, and cast gold as a blade “The people are very happy, and they are called Ri Sui people.”

“Three Graves” says: “The Sui people teach people to eat cannon, drill wood to make fire, have a mission platform, and have the government of knotting rope.” “Han Shu” also has “teaching the people” Cooked food, nourishing human beings, avoiding odor and poisoning” records. Mr. Shang Binghe, a well-known scholar in the late Qing Dynasty, said: “There is a fire that exists out of nothing, and its invention is extremely difficult. The Emperor Sui felt the forest self-immolation, and knew that the fire was hidden in the wood. His work went into the nest again, and it was called the emperor’s title, which shows that the surprise at that time was sacred, and the benefit was deep.”

He also said: “It may be said that cremation and eating begin with Paoxi, so it is called the name. How can you know that the Sui people have invented fire, and their wisdom does not know how to eat with cannons? In fact, the cannons wrap meat and burn it, scorching its hair to make ears familiar.

In cooked food, Suiren not only invented artificial fire, but also taught cooked food first. Mr. Shang also said in the “Research on Social Customs and Things of the Past Dynasties”: “From now on, before there is fire, all meat is eaten raw, which is harmful to Those who die prematurely do not know how many people are, and they do not know the taste.

When it comes to cooked food, the meat is fragrant and fragrant, the grass and woods are indifferent and tasteless, and the water is icy, and it can be drunk, and the cold can be warm. In the dark night, I burn firewood to fight tigers and leopards. When the husband takes the stage to preach, and the broadcast is for use, the sense of the people is the most crude method.

The people of Sui went to Fuxi, and Fuxi was well-developed and beautiful. It was created by the Sui people, no doubt. “Mr. Shang Binghe believes that Dai Qingxing is like this, it is a truly earth-shattering feat. If there is fire, it can be used for metallurgy and other utensils. Before there was fire, all utensils were made of stone, which is now the so-called Stone Age.

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