The Steamed Rice Cakes Recipes

The steamed rice cakes are white and plump, with a soft texture and rich rice fragrance. They are paired with sweet and sour dried cranberries, which are especially delicious.

Main Ingredients:

  • 360 grams of sticky rice flour
  • 100 grams of ordinary flour
  • 5 grams of yeast powder
  • 10 grams of sugar
  • appropriate amount of dried cranberries.

8 steps for preparation:

Step 1: Put sticky rice flour, plain flour, yeast powder, and sugar together in a pot, as shown in the picture.

Step 2: Pour about 350 ml of water, and the water can also be added in batches. Different flours have different water absorption, so it is necessary to increase or decrease them appropriately.

Step 3: Use a manual egg beater to stir the batter until it has no particles, as shown in the picture, after the batter is stirred, it is probably slightly thicker than the yogurt . Lift the egg beater, and the falling lines will not disappear immediately. Then cover with cling film and leave in a warm place to ferment for 30 minutes.

Step 4: After fermentation, the volume of the batter will increase. Turn it over with a spoon, you can see that there are many small holes in it, and you can smell the sour taste. Then stir again with a spoon, stirring until the volume becomes smaller and there are fewer and fewer air bubbles. This step is to deflate the batter.

Step 5: Take some silicone molds and put them on the steamer, and then sprinkle some dried cranberries into the molds, as shown in the picture.

Step 6: Pour the exhausted batter into the mold, as shown in the picture, 8 points are enough. After all is poured, cover the lid and ferment for 10 minutes for the second time.

Step 7: Turn on the fire, steam for about 25 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

Step 8: Take off the film after it cools down, put it on a plate, and serve it~

Say more:

1. This is made with sticky rice flour, which is rice flour. If you don’t have ready-made sticky rice flour, you can use rice to make it. The method is to wash the rice, soak it for one night, add a little water the next day and make it into rice paste with a wall breaker, then add flour, yeast, and sugar to make it.

2. If you like milky flavor, you can also replace the water with milk.

3. Dried cranberries can also be replaced with raisins.

Source: Leyou Kitchen, Song Yun

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