The Sooner Prepare to Fight Eye Bags, The Better

The sooner you prepare to fight eye bags, the better

Coffee, staying up late, stress and other reasons have caused more and more young women to have big puffy eyes. Especially when people reach middle age, they are more likely to develop eye bags, which not only affects the appearance, but also makes the eye skin dry and dull. , puffy eye bags will make the girl look older and older! To get rid of puffy eye bags, the most important thing to do is to choose a comfortable eye cream, which can effectively combat eye bags and create bright and electric eyes.

Expert tips: How do people with eye bags form?

The skin around the eyes is only 0.5mm thin, and the average eye blinks 10,000 times a day. Coupled with acquired factors such as excessive eye use, the skin around the eyes will age prematurely. Although modern women have a good skin care routine, when it comes to eye care, nearly 50% of women still do not have the habit of applying special eye care products.

Experts remind: Rejuvenate eye bags

Doctors remind that old age bags under the eyes are no longer exclusive to the elderly. The trend of people with bags under the eyes becoming younger is becoming more and more obvious. Bags under the eyes can even occur as early as 25 years old, including those who are night owls, those who stay up late, and those who often use computers at work. Ethnic groups, etc., due to excessive use of the eyes, are the targets of eye bags that knock on the door early.

Take good care of yourself: Say goodbye to bags under the eyes easily

If you want to solve the troublesome problem of eye bags, the most basic thing is to apply special skin care products every day. In addition to checking the problems on the surface of the eyes, you should also check your own physiology and lifestyle, maintain a normal work and rest, and avoid excessive amounts. Stay up late and give your eyes more rest. Friends who need to use their eyes for a long time should pay more attention to avoid early warning signs of aging.

Eye Care: Choosing Ingredients is Important

Special eye care products, in addition to choosing alcohol-free ingredients, also focus on the problem: choose vitamin C and vitamin K ingredients for dark circles; use chamomile water, licorice essence, green tea, and cucumber ingredients for eye bags and edema; use A-containing aldehydes for fine lines , uronic acid, hyaluronic acid, and peptide ingredients.

Eye Massage: The techniques have miraculous effects

When using skin care products, use them in the morning and evening. When applying, gently tap and massage, use acupressure to gently massage the vaginal area to stimulate eye circulation, or first rub the fingertips of both hands to generate heat to increase the temperature of the hands. To help the absorption of skin care products.

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