The seventh story: I’m waiting for someone

The seventh story: I’m waiting for someone

The seventh story: I’m waiting for someone

“I’m waiting for someone, have you seen him?”

Jack, a fifth-year college student, is assigned to an internship at Posner’s hospital. This is a pretty bad hospital. In previous years, this hospital was famous for a medical accident in which a girl was burned to death in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. But the teacher said that medical accidents happened not only once or twice in this hospital, but even a simple appendectomy almost killed someone. God knows what those guys did.

Jack had nothing else to do in the hospital. He mainly helped his instructor, Dr. Hans, organize the hospital’s case cards. In a blink of an eye, Christmas came. On Christmas night, Jack accompanied Dr. Hans on duty in the hospital.

The clock struck past eleven-thirty. Jack went to the small bar opposite the hospital to buy supper. It had just snowed outside, and the snow on the ground was so thick. It was very thick and made a squeaking sound when you stepped on it. The biting cold wind blew straight into your neck. There was no one on the road, and the town looked like it was in decline.

After chatting with the people in the bar for a while, the Christmas bell rang. Jack put on his coat and walked out of the bar. On the road, there was still no one, only the shrill wind and the snow on the ground decorated the midnight town.

Jack put the burger inside his coat to keep it warm. He retracted his head into his collar and walked quickly with his head lowered. When Jack walked to the door of the hospital, he suddenly stopped. There was a person standing in front of him, just one or two meters in front. Jack almost bumped into that person, and he was startled.

It was a man in a white robe. The girl, she almost merged with Bai Xue, as if she suddenly appeared in front of Jack’s eyes. Jack slowed down, it was so late, she wasn’t going home for Christmas? Jack walked up to the girl. Oh my God, there was a beautiful and cute face hidden under the long golden hair. It was very clean and white, showing blue eyes, a handsome nose, and small lips. , and there is a very matching beauty mark on the left side of her lip. The girl stood facing the hospital, her face was pale, and she was only wearing a thin robe…

“Miss, you are here alone at such a late hour. I…I am the doctor on duty here. You see, I went to buy midnight snacks…you know…” Jack actually became incoherent. He didn’t know what he was talking about. , seemed to have an inexplicable panic, but the girl still stood there as if no one else was around, seeming to ignore Jack’s existence.

“Miss Er, what can I do for you? It’s so cold, I mean…” “I’m waiting for someone, I’m waiting for someone, Brada Ford, have you seen him?” “Oh… …I’m sorry, no, there’s nothing to do. I’m going in.” Jack’s voice seemed to be trembling a little. He had never heard of the name Brada Ford. He ran all the way into the hospital. This girl is indeed very beautiful. Beautiful, but Jack seemed to have an ominous feeling in his heart. When he saw the girl talking, he always felt that something was wrong… Where exactly was it?

On Christmas night the next year, Jack was already the official doctor of this hospital. That night, Hans was on duty in the office, and Jack was drinking in the small bar opposite the hospital. At midnight, when Jack was about to get up and go home, he suddenly found that he had left the keys of his car in the office. So, he opened the door of the bar and walked to the hospital.

There is still the same thick snow outside, the same cold wind, exactly the same as Christmas in previous years. When Jack walked to the door of the hospital, he suddenly looked up… Oh my God! ! ! It’s her again! ! ! Yes, that’s the girl I saw in previous years, with her long hair…that robe…standing facing the hospital like that! !

“Miss, do you still remember me? We have met, just in the past years…” The girl still had no reaction. “Miss, I mean, aren’t you going home? Maybe my car…” “I’m waiting for someone, Brada Ford. He went in for a long time and didn’t come out…” “Oh…then…goodbye.” “An indescribable sense of ominousness hit Jack’s heart again. When she saw the girl talking, he felt again that there must be something wrong! ! ! What’s wrong? Jack couldn’t say anything, so he walked quickly into the office. Dr. Hans was sorting out the hospital’s medical records alone. There was a lot of information piled up on the desk of the university.

“Jack, why are you back?” “Dr. Hans, I left my car keys in the office, did you see it?” “Oh… your car keys… are over there, over there, yes, right there.

Next to the medical record card.” “Oh, I saw it, thank you…huh?” Jack saw that the girl in the photo of the medical record card next to the key was basically the same as the girl at the door of the hospital! ! The most obvious feature is a beauty mark on the left side of the mouth! “Doctor Hans, have you seen this girl? She is at the entrance of the hospital now…”

The Korean doctor took the medical record card from Jack’s hand. Suddenly, a trace of surprise and nervousness crossed his face… “Impossible!!” “How is it impossible?

I guarantee it! She said she was waiting for someone, Waiting for someone named…Brada Ford!” Dr. Hans came over, holding up the medical record card with one hand and putting his hand on Jack’s shoulder.

“Young man, please see clearly, this girl’s name is Brada Ford, she was the one who was burned to death in that medical accident two years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was Christmas two years ago…”

Jack was stunned, he suddenly realized! Why do I always feel something is wrong every time I see that girl… It’s a footprint, right! It’s a footprint! Because every time he saw the girl, Jack only saw his own footprints on the snow! ! ! But not that girl! ! !

Later, both Jack and Dr. Hans left the hospital. Later, Jack learned from the newspaper that on a Christmas night, the hospital was destroyed by a fire. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

Okay, this is the story I want to tell you: I’m waiting for someone

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