The Royal Agricultural Station Inthanon in Chiang Mai

The Royal Agricultural Station Inthanon is one of the Research centers of the Royal Station. It was found in 1977 according to the idea of His Majesty the King Bhumibol Adulyadej to improve Thai tribesmen’s life. The Station supports them to cultivate and sell good crops, have permanent habitation, stop opium planting, destroy forest, and shifting cultivation, turn to cultivate winter plants and animals with soil and water preservation system, and can depend on themselves as His Majesty the King has aimed.

This Station is located on the steep hill. The watershed divided the area into two parts: the east and the west. The Station provides a lot of activities for the visitors including agricultural tour (such as visiting winter vegetable garden, 80th Anniversary garden, flower house, thousand year rose garden), cultural tour (such as visiting Mong Khun Klang village), and natural tour (such as Doi Inthanon National Park which is the tallest point of Thailand, Siri Phum waterfall and Siri Phum Royal Garden, and elaborated Phra Maha Dhatu Nabha Metaneedol and Phra Maha Dhatu Nabhapol Bhumisiri).

The Station provides 3 types of accommodation: hospices in the Station (for information and reservation, please contact 053-286-773-7), tents in Inthanon National Park, and qualified homestays in Baan Mae Klang Luang (please contact Baan Mae Klang Luang Ecotourism Center).

For more information, please directly contact the Station tel. 053-286-777-8, Fax 053-286-779 or 080-769-1944.

How to get there:

You can use Chiang Mai-Hod route: go along the road No. 108. At the km. 57 which is about one kilometer before the Jomthong District, there will be a right junction to the road No. 1009 Jomthong-Inthanon. There is the right junction to Baan Khun Klang at km. 31. The Station is about one kilometer from the junction.

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