The new generation of Airbnb-style work

Insights into the new generation of Airbnb-style work: full flexibility Work from anywhere in the world!

Airbnb, is a popular accommodation booking platform in the United States. It is one of the companies with a flexible work culture that stands out from growing up as a leading tech startup. After expecting the world to enter the era of travel to work, Airbnb recently announced a new work policy. Working from anywhere in the world covering employees around the world Adds full flexibility to existing employees. and attracting talented people from all over the world to work together as Remote Workers.

Not only that, Airbnb is also working with landlords and destinations to develop long-term stay experiences for workers. Airbnb sends emails to employees around the world and also clarifies in a company blog post that.

You can work from home or at the office. You can ‘move’ to live anywhere in the country where you work without reducing wages (This is as opposed to the case with Google, which declares that pay varies depending on where employees are located.) You can travel and work from anywhere in the world. We try to meet regularly. We will continue to work with high participation as usual.

As you can see, Airbnb offers employees the full flexibility of working. Not forgetting to fix the problem that comes with working remotely: lost ties in the workplace, which Microsoft research suggests can lead to reduced coordination among teams.

One-way communication than before and more difficult to get along with new employees. Airbnb points out that the culprit behind the rebranding of work practices is the COVID-19 pandemic. That has given millions of people the flexibility of working.

[Airbnb tells the new world everyone can work flexibly]

Brian Chesky, founder and CEO of Airbnb, emailed all of the company’s employees around the world saying: “We started thinking about this by asking a simple question: How will the world turn in the future? And the answer is clear: the world will be more flexible in terms of where we will work.”

“We can clearly see this change through our own business. Airbnb won’t be recovering so quickly. If not for the fact that there are now millions of people renting long-term Airbnb rooms for work. (and traveling as a Workation)” Chesky pointed out the figure clearly: “In the second half of last year, over 20% of stays were more than a month and more than 50% were more than a week.”

Brian Chesky previously said that he even works flexibly. Work wherever you want. He stated via Twitter that “I will live in Airbnb, live in cities. which will continue to move every two weeks From now on, his home is an Airbnb, somewhere.”

Elon Musk, the world’s number 1 billionaire and CEO of Tesla, recently spoke at TED that he doesn’t even have a home of his own these days. He lives at the address of a friend. He constantly changed his address. at his friend’s house He doesn’t have a yacht. Not even a vacation except the plane Because the lack of a plane made him work less.

[New Travel Trends = New Work Trends]

Airbnb’s results clearly reflect a new way of working. More and more people are likely to book ‘long stay’ and ‘further’ accommodation in the last year or so.

As mentioned earlier More than half of the time of stay in the second half of the year was for stays longer than 1 week. 20% of the stay was for long-term stays (more than 1 month), with over 100,000 guests booking. Accommodation for more than 3 months.

According to Brian Chesky, “more and more people are starting to go abroad, traveling for a long time during the summer. Or even give up renting a house and turn yourself into digital nomads.”

It’s also interesting that people are booking longer distances even though the epidemic is not yet recovering. declined from Q1 2021. International bookings and long-haul accommodation recovered at a faster rate than in Q1 2021. This is to quit being tied to your home or work life. Spread the possibilities of living to the places you want to go, and this is the new travel trend that has shifted in the eyes of Airbnb.

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