The Love by Hypnotic Episode 22 Plot

The Love by Hypnotic Episode 22 Plot

In Li Mingyue’s hypnosis, Li Qian recalled that when he was eight or nine years old, he was frustrated at Chongwenguan. When he returned home, his mother gave him a poem “I will enter the wine” and explained the origin and meaning of the poem for him. Come. That is the poem written by Li Taibai. Li Taibai wrote this poem under the stagnation, expressing his unwillingness to be unrequited… It was explained that Shu Xiao came to their palace with a smile. Li Mingyue saw Li Qian burst into tears and shook hands and wished the heart bell. Li Qian woke up from memory.

Li Qian told Mingyue that he clearly saw the appearance of the mother in hypnosis, so that Mingyue once again helped himself recall that in the past, because this memory was hidden too deeply, Mingyue had no heart hypnosis. In Li Qian’s memory, the mother’s body is very good, but Hu Gonggong tells him that his mother’s mother died in bed and sick for many years. He felt that there was something wrong with him. He decided to go to Hu Gonggong to face the quality, and the moon went to the harem to inquire. This matter.

Ling Wang Li asked the secret agent who was dismantled in Ziwangfu to inform Li Qian that he was investigating his own life. However, he was not afraid of it. After all, it was not easy to find the old things in the past. Moreover, it was not that Zheng Zheng entered Yongtai. he. Then ordered the subordinates to enter the palace to disclose the matter to Zhou Gonggong.

The emperor knew that Mingyue was asking about Zheng Hao, and he called Mingyue to the palace. He said that he was willing to tell Zheng Zheng the real cause of death, but the condition is that Ming Yue must let Li Qian forget about it. The moon promised the emperor. The emperor told Mingyue Zheng Zheng that he had killed others’ lives, but he did not kill him in Li Qian’s share. Instead, he broke into Yongtai and was burnt to death in a fire. Li Qian gave birth to a serious illness, but after his illness, his temperament changed greatly and he was completely lost in memory. The moon was sadly sitting on the ground, and the emperor once again warned that the moon would abide by his own promises and let Li Qian forget this unbearable mother-in-law, otherwise she would not let her go.

Qiao Huixin refused to accept the favor of Li Xun and decided to sell the house and dismiss the next person, but he was ridiculed by the next person. Li Xun was very angry after seeing it and solved the matter for him. Qiao Huixin did not want to owe Li to too much. He decided to give him a confession. Li asked that he could not bear the heart. He wanted to get the heart instead of the person. In the end, Qiao Huixin promised to marry him with tears.

Li Qian asked Hu Gonggong the case of Zheng Zheng’s illness and death. The emperor came from the rear and scolded him for disregarding the affairs of the political affairs. He then fined him to deal with the disaster in Qingzhou. When Li Qian returned to the government, he told his question to Mingyue. He felt that the emperor was deliberately concealing the matter, so he asked Mingyue to hypnotize himself again. The moon has been fragrant, trying to destroy Li Qian’s memory of Zheng Zheng. Li Qian cried and cried in the memory to find the mother-in-law. As a result, Shu Shu appeared to tell him that there was no mother-in-law. When he woke up, he felt that things were wrong. The memory of the mother-in-law was completely eliminated. He found that Mingyue was doing his hands and feet. Angrily smashed the incense burner and came out.

Mingyue was secretly hurt in the room, and Sikong really came to enlighten her, and hoped she could help Li Qian find her memory. Ming Yue came to Li Qian’s room. She persuaded Li Qian to forget the memories of her mother-in-law and said that it was an unhappy memory. Li Qian told her firmly, even if the mother-in-law really did something bad, He will make atonement for him, and if he is blind, he will certainly help his mother. When Ming Yue saw such a persistent Li Qian, he told him that he had been called into the royal study by the emperor and his Zheng Yu’s death. After Li Qian was shocked, he shook his head. He did not believe that his mother would be such a person. The moon touched Li Qian’s hand and promised to accompany him to check it out. Even if the emperor blamed it, she was not afraid. Li Qian distressedly embraced the moon in his arms.


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