The Love by Hypnotic Episode 21 Plot

The Love by Hypnotic Episode 21 Plot

Mingyue and Li Qian implement shift work. Li Qian recalls her mother in hypnosis.

Li Qian saw that the moon was not good enough to clean up the room. He was very angry when he was clean. He also collected the preserves and dried fruits that Li Mingyue hid in every corner of the room. Mingyue was angry, but he also took the initiative to confess with Li Qian and promised that he would clean up in the future. Li Qian took a large list of books to the bright moon, let her learn more about Bei Xuan’s knowledge, but suddenly found that her most precious folding fan disappeared. Mingyue thought that the folding fan was taken to the kitchen to help the fire, and he told Li Qian weakly. After Li Qian knew it, he angered and went to the dining room to look around. When he found it, it was almost damaged by fire. It is. To know that the folding fan is a masterpiece of a master, very precious. Li Qian suddenly slammed Li Mingyue and Li Mingyue thought that his confiscated candied would not dare to show up with him.

Li Qian feels that the habits of the two countries are different. The way they get along with each other is not a long-term solution, and they communicate with the moon. Li Mingyue proposed to implement the shift-based system. Whoever is the rule of the turn will follow the rules of the other party. The other party’s actions must be approved by the head of the family. If they do not follow the rules, they can be punished at will. Li Qian promised her, Li Mingyue immediately wrote the system happily, and he did not pay attention to let Li Qian press the fingerprint on the system.

Today is Li Qian’s head. Li Qian put a cock in the bright moon room early and told her to get up. A condescending appearance made Mingyue sort out the room. She was not allowed to lie down and eat. Li Mingyue hated it. Li Qian took out Li Taibai’s poems for Mingyue reading, and angry that she would not know these before she burned her own folding fan. The moon does not mean the meaning of poetry. In the face of Li Qian’s misinterpretation, Li Qian shook his head helplessly and ordered Mingyue to recite the whole poem within one hour. Otherwise, don’t use the morning meal.

Mingyue thought of using painting to increase his memory. As a result, when Li Qian was tested, he was still reciting. Li Qian took her seriously, and the temper was coming back in the moon, but for the sake of breakfast and a compromise.

In the evening, Li Mingyue was lying on the bed, and one person took up more than half of the bed, and he was still mad. Li Qian ridiculed her to lie, Li Mingyue said that his limbs were sore and could not move his body. Li Qian walked into the study room to rest. I know that Li Qian turned over and pressed on Li Mingyue. He laughed at her and didn’t want to move. Li Mingyue pushed him away, indicating that Ziwang was his own master. It is forbidden to get up early tomorrow. If she is awakened by any voice tomorrow, she will be severely punished whether or not she is issued by Li Qian. And she hasn’t got up yet, and he can’t leave the bed. Li Qian immediately refuted Li Mingyue, and if he could not recite the wine on the next day, he would also be severely punished.

The next morning, Li Qian woke up early, but did not dare to move. He had to wake up with the moon. Mingyue woke up with a smug look, let Tanli come to eat food on the couch, and let Li Qiang her fingers, Li Qiansheng can’t be loved, but in order to implement the system of the house, I still did it one by one. Li Mingyue asked Li Qian to wear the clothes of the gar, and then took Li Qian to go outside the palace to eat chaos. Li Qian disliked the food on the street vendor and refused to eat it. Mingyue deliberately tempted him. Li Qian was so hungry that he couldn’t help but take a bite, but found that it was delicious on earth, and he finished eating for one night.

Mingyue tells Liqian City that the bowl on the street vendor is dirty. The less food left, the better the business. The good business means good food. Li Qian sighs that the poems of Mingyue poetry are ignorant, but they are very good at the market. He said If one day’s own luck does not work, I hope that the moon will be able to use her market skills. Li Mingyue listened with complacency and patted his chest.

The two returned to the palace, the sky was dark, and Li Qian was lying on the couch. Ming Moon looked at Li Qian naughtyly. If it wasn’t for the father to be her and her relatives, how could the two people who were so dissimilar would lie together with fire. After Li Qian listened to the gentle kiss, the two men hugged and slept.

The next day, Li Qian was the master. He gathered in his ear and called for the moon to get up. He said that if he couldn’t recite the “will enter the wine” today, he would not be able to eat. He would wake up immediately after listening to the moon and gently serve Li Qian to change clothes. He did not prepare to hypnotize Li Qian, asking him to forget to recite the poetry. In the hypnosis, Li Qian remembered to return to his childhood, when his mother-in-law sat next to him and recited his first “will enter the wine.”


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