The Legend of Zhuohua (2023) 灼灼风流 Episode 6 Recap & Review

Episode 6: Liu Yan takes care of Mu Zhuohua

Mu Zhuohua found two needle holes on the corpse, and she analyzed the situation to Liu Yan. Moreover, there is only one kind of weapon that can pierce human skulls very hard, the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, which is as thin as a cow’s hair but can pierce human bones. The taciturn Zhimo at the side said that he knew it, and Zhijian also said that this is a walking needle that only the royal family has.

Liu Yan felt a little sad after hearing this and asked them not to talk nonsense. He recalled when he was with his elder brother Liu Ju when he was a child, he knew that Liu Ju had this kind of wandering needle. Seeing Liu Yan like this, Mu Zhuohua never imagined that the usually invincible prince would have such a moment.

Just as Liu Yan and his group were about to leave, they encountered the assassin when they reached the door. Holding the sword, they let Liu Yan go first, and Liu Yan ran into the woods with Mu Zhuohua. At the moment of crisis, Mu Zhuohua sprinkled a powdery thing on the person who was chasing them. Liu Yan asked her what kind of poison it was, and Mu Zhuohua told him that it was not poison but lime powder.

Mu Zhuohua felt that he had caught the cold, so Liu Yan took off his cloak and put it on Mu Zhuohua. Mu Zhuohua knew that Liu Yan wanted to invite Jun into the urn, so she sprinkled the remaining lime powder on her body, and sure enough, after a while, sunspots came out. Mu Zhuohua and Liu Yan fought with the man in black, and the royal guards arrived in time.

Liu Ju came to ask why his mother did that to Liu Yan, and his mother told him that I gave him what he did. His mother felt that Liu Ju could rest easy only after Liu Yan died. Liu Ju told his mother that the mother’s debt was repaid by the son. Back then, his mother deliberately let Liu Yan fall into the water, and she sacrificed her life to save him from a chronic illness. If his mother should do this now, he will follow suit.

The Queen Mother was so angry at what Liu Ju said, she felt that everything she did was for Liu Ju. Mu Zhuohua was very sad that she was afraid that she would not be able to catch up with the meeting, and Liu Yan told her to wait for the next time if she could not make it up. Mu Zhuohua told him that he had been preparing for so many years and could not wait for the next time.

Mu Zhuohua’s foot was injured and he walked with a limp. Seeing her like this, Liu Yan wanted to carry her on his back. Mu Zhuohua felt that this was inappropriate, and Liu Yan told her that if she really wanted to miss this test, she could just wait here. Only then did Mu Zhuohua let Liu Yan carry her on his back, Liu Yan felt that Mu Zhuohua was too light. Mu Zhuohua told him that she was just a concubine, and the servants in the mansion clung to the powerful, and she couldn’t get enough to eat since she was a child, so she was so light.

She worked hard to gain fame in order to feed herself in the future, Liu Yan asked her to eat more in the future. At night, Mu Zhuohua had a fever, and Liu Yan asked Zhimo and Zhijian to boil medicine.

Zhijian asked Zhimo to send the medicine in, Liu Yan looked at the medicine and then at Zhimo, the two of them looked at each other, Liu Yan asked Zhimo if he could feed the medicine. Zhimo told him that he would not know how to hold a sword, but he was in a bad mood to hold a sword. Seeing this, Liu Yan fed the medicine himself, and he asked Zhimo to comfort Zhijian. Zhijian felt that Liu Yan didn’t believe that His Majesty was going to kill him, so he did not hesitate to bet his own life. Fortunately, the result was good. His Majesty sent someone to rescue him, but their investigation failed again.

Zhi Jian recalled that at that time, their clansmen disregarded the lives of their brothers in order to fight for the family property. It was Liu Yan who rushed into the mansion and took them away, so the two of them had a way out. That night he lost his heart, Zhimo lost his words, but Liu Yan lost everything.

Liu Yan looked at Mu Zhuohua who was sleeping soundly, he felt that the imperial examination was not an easy path to take, and neither of those paths was easy to walk. Mu Zhuohua dreamed of her mother, and she cried and told her mother that she missed her very much.

Now she knows what her mother said, reading is good, and reading more books will make her feel sad. Her mother was very ashamed that she had not won a future for her, and asked her to fight for it herself. Mu Zhuohua woke up suddenly, Liu Yan told her that she was already on her way back, and told her not to worry, she would catch up with the exam. Seeing Liu Yan’s face, Mu Zhuohua thought in her heart that Liu Yan might be taking care of herself these days.

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