The Legend of Zhuohua (2023) 灼灼风流 Episode 5 Recap & Review

Episode 5: Liu Yan has some concerns for Mu Zhuohua

There are still ten days before the exam, and Mu Zhuohua studies hard at home every day, concentrating on preparing for the exam. Guo Juli hurriedly brought Mu Zhuohua to Fuyun Temple. She heard that Fuyun Temple was very effective. Many people came to ask for blessings from the Bodhisattva, hoping to get good results. Mu Zhuohua and Guo Juli knelt in front of the Bodhisattva, and Guo Juli asked the Bodhisattva to bless Mu Zhuohua’s exams.

Mu Zhuohua was very moved when she saw Guo Juli’s pleading for herself. Guo Juli told Mu Zhuohua that there was a poetry conference, maybe he could see the scene of Shen Jinghong killing all directions. Mu Zhuohua caught a glimpse of a figure like Liu Yan, and she quickly found an excuse to leave first.

When Mu Zhuohua came to Houshan, he saw Liu Yan here. Liu Yan asked Mu Zhuohua about the formula of Huanyang Powder, and he told Mu Zhuohua that he had searched all over but could not find it. He also checked the Tai Hospital but no one knew. . Mu Zhuohua told him that in the formula of Huanyang Powder, there is a medicinal material, Zhixianguo, which is very rare and expensive.

She told Liu Yan that she can go to Tai Hospital to check the consumption of Zhixianguo. Liu Yan thinks this is a good way, but Mu Zhuohua’s suspicion still exists. Shen Jinghong was looking forward to Liu Jiao’s arrival, he played a piece in front of the piano, Liu Chen just came behind him, he stood quietly listening to him play.

Liu Yan felt that Mu Zhuohua came to Dingjing this time not only for the test, Mu Zhuohua told him that she knew Huanyang San was all because of her mother, and she was very surprised why her mother knew so much. These are also unsolved mysteries in her heart, if Liu Yan can help her solve these doubts, she will be very grateful. Shen Jinghong’s poems attracted praise from everyone, and Guo Juli was very anxious to see that Mu Zhuohua hadn’t arrived yet.

She found Zhimo and asked him if his memory was good, and asked him to write down all the poems that Shen Jinghong said. Zhimo told her that his calligraphy was ugly, and Guo Juli told him that if he had nothing to write, it was fine. After Zhimo finished writing, Zhijian told him that the ugly words made his eyes hurt.

Mu Zhuohua told Liu Yan that the eldest prince was very kind to his people, could he also treat himself well. Liu Yan asked her how she was concerned, and Mu Zhuohua told him that he was a little tight recently. Liu Yan took out his money bag and gave it to Mu Zhuohua, and Mu Zhuohua thanked Liu Yan happily. Zhimo gave Guo Juli the collection of poems he had written. He was just about to turn around and leave.

Guo Juli wanted to hold him back to thank him, but because of too much force, Zhimo dislocated his hand. Shen Jinghong came to see Princess Liu Jiao. The princess heard about his performance today, and she thought it was very good that Shen Jinghong was chosen by Liu Chen. She also hoped that Shen Jinghong could take the exam well and be a useful talent.

Seeing that Mu Zhuohua got back so much money, Guo Juli asked Mu Zhuohua if he was slapping a tiger’s ass. Mu Zhuohua told her that the tiger’s butt cannot be patted, so at most she stroked the tiger’s beard. Mu Zhuohua felt that Liu Yan was very suspicious, and he still didn’t fully believe them. It’s just because she knows that Huanyang powder is useful to him, and what she has to do now is to gain Liu Yan’s trust.

Guo Juli thinks that Mu Zhuohua is very smart for earning so much money today, and Mu Zhuohua thinks that the most troublesome thing for her now is this matter of stillness. She guessed that Liu Yan was currently chasing three clues, one was the situation of Zhixianguo, the other was her mother’s gentleman, and the third was the corpse of Deputy General Yuan.

Mu Zhuohua told Guo Juli that his mother had told her that his grandfather worked in the Imperial Hospital. Could Huanyang San be developed by his grandfather? She was very afraid that Liu Yan would take revenge on her, and the two of them were talking together when there was a knock on the door. Guo Juli opened the door and saw that the person who came was holding a sword, and holding the sword let Mu Zhuohua follow him on horseback.

Mu Zhuohua was so frightened that she couldn’t ride a horse at all, Liu Yan told Zhijian that it wasn’t how he brought people here. Liu Yan asks Mu Zhuohua to give the medicine box to Zhimo, and let her get on his horse. Mu Zhuohua was terrified on the galloping horse, so Liu Yan held her in his arms.

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