The Legend of Zhuohua (2023) 灼灼风流 Episode 3 Recap & Review

Episode 3: Mu Zhuohua meets Princess Joo Chia

Liu Yan took Mu Zhuohua to see Yun Xiangyue’s body, and he asked Mu Zhuohua to do an autopsy. Although Mu Zhuohua was afraid, he still bit the bullet and did it. Guo Juli was standing outside with Zhimo, she kept eating, Zhimo glanced at her again and again, Guo Juli thought he wanted to eat too, Guo Juli gave his snacks to Zhimo, but Zhimo didn’t want it, Guo Juli said Li murmured that he didn’t want to eat why not.

Mu Zhuohua asked Liu Yan to describe the symptoms before and after Yun Xiangyue was poisoned. After Liu Yan told her, she knew that Liu Yan had also had contact with Yun Xiangyue. No past medical history.

Zhijian told her that Liu Yan had been poisoned by Yuan Luohua before, and he could only come back alive after taking Xuechen Pill. After hearing this, Mu Zhuohua understood what was going on. She cut off Yun Xiangyue’s clothes and smelled them, and she told Liu Yan that the poison was on the clothes. Poison enters the body through clothes, but this is not a medicine called Huanyang Powder.

Mu Zhuohua told Liu Yan that the raw materials for making Huanyang powder are very rare, and I am afraid that only the Tai Hospital has them. And the poisoner knew Liu Yan’s condition very well, because ordinary poison would be dissipated by the Xuechen Pill in Liu Yan’s body, and she didn’t understand why Yun Xiangyue wanted to change clothes with the maid. On the clothes, unless the maid was bribed in advance.

She told Liu Yan that she could ask the maid, and she held the sword and told her that the maid had been silenced. When Mu Zhuohua heard that she was silenced, she was very scared, Liu Yan saw her fear, and he asked Zhimo to escort the two of them back. After returning home, Mu Zhuohua told Guo Juli that their future days might not be peaceful.

Zhi Jian told Liu Yan the results of Mu Zhuohua’s investigation, and Mu Zhuohua felt that it was very rare for her to be able to read books so well in a family where her father had countless wives and concubines. Liu Yan asked Zhijian to go to Dr. Zhao to check and find out Huan Yangsan, and asked Zhijian to keep staring at Mu Zhuohua. Butler Zhang laments that Ding Wangfu is so big, it would be great if there is a mistress.

Mu Zhuohua and Guo Juli came to wander in the street. Guo Juli didn’t know what Mu Zhuohua was doing. Mu Zhuohua told her that Liu Yan could help her if someone came to them one day. They happened to meet His Majesty Liu Ju ascending the city tower. Liu Ju saw the people under the city wall. He was very grateful to Liu Yan for being by his side and helping him govern the country. They chatted about Liu Ju’s daughter Liu Jiao, also Princess Roujia, and it happened that Liu Jiao came back.

Guo Juli didn’t understand why they asked Liu Jiao to call her a goddess. Mu Zhuohua told her that Liu Jiao’s fiancé died in the war five years ago, so she opened many clinics to help the people of Liming.

As soon as Guo Juli turned around to buy candied haws, Mu Zhuohua ran into Butler Zhou to arrest him, and the two of them ran away after seeing it. Mu Zhuohua ran for a while and just happened to see Liu Jiao, she hurried forward, and when she saw Liu Jiao was guessing charades, she joined in, and the two of them won the lantern for guessing charades. Liu Jiao asked Mu Zhuohua to pick one first, and Mu Zhuohua told Liu Jiao that he was taught by her when he was a child.

Steward Zhou rushed over and saw Mu Zhuohua and Liu Jiao standing together, he didn’t dare to act rashly. Liu Jiao also saw that Mu Zhuohua was using herself to solve difficulties, but the princess was not angry at all, and she even invited Mu Zhuohua to participate in poetry and poetry in Wenzheng Building.

Liu Yan and Liu Ju drank and chatted together. He felt that he would be very happy if he could trade his life for Liu Ju’s health and safety. Liu Ju told him that he still needs him in many places and let him live a good life.

Liu Yan caught Steward Zhou, and he felt that Steward Zhou was useful to them and they should keep it first. Mu Zhuohua and Guo Juli came to Wenzheng Building together. She heard people say that Shen Jinghong had won five games in a row, and that he only came to Dingjing six days ago. They felt that this time the champion must go to him. Soon the topic came out, it was about raising tigers, Liu Chen didn’t understand why the emperor’s uncle Liu Yan named it after himself, but Liu Yan thought it was very good.

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