The Legend of Xiao Zhuang 大玉儿传奇 Episode 3 Recap

The four big Baylors arrested Azie, who was guarding the palace, for crimes of conspiracy and conspiracy.

Before hanging, Abahai told Nurha Chiling about the relationship between husband and wife for more than 20 years. He was deeply loved and could not live alone. The reason why he missed the world was to wait for Dorgon to grow up. In the end, Abahai meaningfully urged Dorgon to be strong, listen carefully to the myna, and be loyal to Daikin. Yue’er can’t bear to witness this scene while hiding. Dorgon was so sad that he still didn’t know why, he asked why Father Khan was so cruel and let Eniang be buried. Dorgon, who was stopped to death, watched as his mother hanged herself.

Duduo rushed in and wept bitterly, not believing that his father Khan would bury such a beloved mother, and blamed Dorgon for being too cowardly. The emperor comforted Duoduo very much and showed him the profuse edict.

After dealing with the concubine, the four Baylors came to the hall together and announced that the concubine had been buried. The ministers talked a lot about the fact that the people who were buried according to the custom had no heirs, and the concubine had two underage children, how could they be buried. Facing doubts, Big Baylor was somewhat modest, but Huang Taiji was still very calm and made Big Baylor read out his will.

Dudor found ink on his hands, and he must have just written the edict. Fugui, the father-in-law who was in charge of writing the will, and his servant Ahuan both died of poison. All these made Dorgon had to admit that Eniang’s death must be a conspiracy. Duduo wanted to rush into the hall to expose the four great Baylors who had forged the edict and forced the mother to die. Dorgon struggled to stop.

Big Baylor read the edict of Huang Taiji ascension, and the three big Baylors assisted together, and the four of Huang Taiji, Big Baylor, Er Baylor and San Baylor all sat in high positions. Duduo rushed to the court despite the obstacles, accusing Huang Taiji of killing Aemiang. Dorgon knew that only forbearance at this time would the three brothers survive. He slapped Duoduo and forced him to kneel together. I asked the four big Baylors to let his brother Aji for the sake of the mother who had just died. The emperor, who had just ascended the Khan throne, showed his generosity and agreed to release Ajie despite the opposition of Er Baylor and San Baylor. Two Baylors and San Baylors, who wanted to kill Aji’e and snatched his yellow flag, had to give up seeing Huang Taiji showing off his brotherhood.

The newly released Azie also scolded Dorgon for his lack of spine, and hated Huang Taiji not only for taking away Dorgon’s sweat, but also killing Eniang. Dorgon felt that they couldn’t impulsively lose their lives, so he was sorry for the dead Eniang. He understood that Eniang was willing to sacrifice herself so as to save the three brothers. Her wish was to let them live well.

Dorgon didn’t understand how his friendly starling had become so cruel and terrifying. Yuer reminds Dorgon that now he can only dispel Huang Taiji’s suspicion, gain his trust, and make plans after establishing his own merits in the future.

Huang Taiji, who had ascended to the position of Khan, wanted to test whether Dorgon resented him. Dorgon said that he had no military merit, prestige, or talent, and never dreamed of Khan. In September 1626, Huang Taiji held the ascension ceremony in Shengjing. Dorgon is determined to preserve his strength as his mother wishes, and live strong. One day, he will stand upright and overlook the world.

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