The Legend of Nine Tails Fox (2016) 青丘狐传说 Episode 14 Recap

The Legend of Nine Tails Fox (2016) 青丘狐传说 Episode 14 Recap

Child in suit proposes to Ying Ning, the baby is rejected, and Aunt Ning leaves the world. Ying Ning Niang was seriously injured by Cao Daochang. Before she died, Nedan was inserted into Ying Ning’s body, and Aunt Lan was asked to raise her. Cao Daochang found the baby Ning Niang, and asked Nei Ning from the lying baby Ning Niang. Every time he killed a demon, Cao Daochang absorbed the death demon Nei Dan. Ying Ningniang’s path is extremely high, and the inner Dan in her body has infinite appeal to Cao Daochang. Cao Daochang did not know that Ying Ning had absorbed the mother’s inner Dan. Aunt Lan picked up Ning Ning and left quickly. Ning Ning turned her head and looked behind her, with a sad look on her mother being kicked by Cao Daochang.

Ten years later, Ying Ning saw Aunt Lan being chased and killed by Cao Daochang, and in a hurry, she used her mana to break the seal in her head and restore her childhood memories. The seal in Ying Ning’s brain was set by his mother, and her mother did not want her to take the path of revenge when she grew up. Unexpectedly, after ten years, Ning Ning broke through the seal and remembered the long-lost past. Wang Zifu was full of guilt for Ying Ning and was not ashamed of what his mother had done that year. The queen mother found out about Ying Ning’s life from the mouth of Wang Zifu and was taken aback by calling Cao Daochang to surrender Ying Ning. In the eyes of the queen mother, mother and daughter Ying Ning are harmful fox spirits, destroying the harmonious family of others. Mother Wang’s sister’s home was broken up by Ying Ning Niang. Mother Wang has been sick of foxes for many years.

After Ying Ning regained his memory, he devoted himself to finding the mother’s remains, wandering in the mountains near the Wang family, and met Cao Dao on the narrow road. Cao Daochang held a gold-shaped iron box in his hand, which contained the infant god Ning Niang. In order to regain the mother’s primordial spirit, Ying Ning lost his rational control of the inner Dan, and his head was radiant, and he wanted to fight desperately with Cao Daochang. Wang Zifu was worried about Ying Ning’s injury and persevered in persuasion. Ying Ning suddenly realized that he had to wake up in time. He wanted to return to his mother’s Yuanshen from Cao Daochang. He left the royal family with the aunt Lan’s company and planned to return to the fox family’s territory.

The prince suit caught up with Ning Ning and offered to marry him, and Ning Ning couldn’t forget the cause of his mother’s death. With the persuasion of Aunt Lan, he held back his heart in grief and turned away. The Wang’s garden was withered, and the mother suspected that Ying Ning had manipulated the garden. The Prince’s clothing never missed Ning Ning, and the whole day the soul didn’t keep his heart. The mother wanted to find his wife for the Prince’s clothing in order to cut off the Prince’s clothing’s longing for Ying Ning. The prince only had Ying Ning in his heart, and he didn’t feel other women. He told his mother that this life was not loved by infants.

In fact, Ying Ning also missed the prince’s suit, and walked all the way to a river. If she gazed at the river, she unknowingly developed an illusion, and found that the prince’s suit appeared in the water. When she was surprised, she turned around and looked empty.


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