The Last Immortal (2023) 神隐 Episode 9 Recap & Review

Episode 9: Ayin catches Hua Shu having a tryst with someone

Ayin denied that she had any harmful thoughts towards Kuching, but Xianshan pointed out that she was emotional. Although Ayin did not admit it, everyone present knew it and left her alone in the room. However, Ayin would always have random thoughts and silently evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Kuching in her mind, which made her irritated and she simply went out to relax.

On the night of the Chinese Valentine’s Day, the magpie bridge was built over the Tianhe River to form a beautiful sight, which attracted all the immortals to come and admire it. Ayin bumps into Hua Shu having a tryst with Emperor Lanfeng. The two confide in each other and understand each other’s feelings. Emperor Lanfeng presented the magpie feather lantern to Hua Shu and also prepared a special gift for her.

While Emperor Lanfeng went to get the gift, Ayin stepped forward and asked Hua Shu why she missed the appointment in Kuching. If she had no intention of Kuching, she should make it clear to him and never be so perfunctory. Hua Shu didn’t take it seriously when she heard this, and mocked Ayin for trying to climb a high branch as a fairy servant. Who knows that Ayin guessed that she was worried about Kuching taking back the sky-shielding umbrella, so she was reluctant to express her attitude.

Realizing that Kuching had been deceived by Hua Shu’s teasing, Ayin was furious and turned around to find Kuching to tell the truth. Hua Shu cast a spell to control A Yin and used cloud smoke to erase A Yin’s memory of today. Emperor Lanfeng didn’t know the depth of Hua Shu’s scheming, so he specially asked Tianhe’s skillful fairy to make a peacock necklace for her. After all the hard work, he finally got the beauty back.

Here Ayin walked to Tianhe Bridge in a daze, suddenly sobered up a lot, always feeling that she seemed to have forgotten something very important. On the other hand, in Kuching, we waited all night next to the red rose tree, and we didn’t see Hua Shu, who had arrived belatedly, until dawn. The other party lied about not feeling well and missed the appointment, but Ayin regained some memory and only remembered that Hua Shu was dating someone else, but forgot the man’s identity.

Hua Shu directly took out the Heart-Calling Charm to test Ayin. If she told something untrue, she would suffer heart-burning pain. Seeing this, Kuching hurriedly stopped her. She did not believe Hua Shu’s words easily, and she believed that Ayin would not make up lies randomly. talk. The maid Hongque congratulates Hua Shu for winning over Emperor Lanfeng as she wished. There is no need to take Ayin and Kuching seriously. One has a low status and immortal power, and the other is Adou who cannot hold up a wall.

Although Hua Shu prefers Emperor Lanfeng, she knows that he will not show favoritism because of her. In the final analysis, he is a just and upright successor to the Emperor of Heaven. Hua Shu received the news and learned that her younger brother Hua Yan was adept at making plans to attack the Eagle Camp, but was captured by the Eagle King. In this case, she decided to refine the Sky-shading Umbrella to improve her cultivation and be promoted to the Supreme Lord.

Hong Yi accompanied A Yin outside to drink and admire the moon. When he was asked about the Fox Clan, he couldn’t help but fall into heavy and complicated emotions. Although her aunt Hongruo was very good to Hong Yi, Hong Yi could never forget the battle between immortals and monsters. The more she wanted to make amends, the more she wanted to escape. A Yin used his drunkenness to comfort Hong Yi and promised to find him a place of freedom in the future. Hong Yi was moved by what he heard and wanted to express his love to her.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Kuching used a master-servant contract to bring A Yin back to the room. Because Ayin drank too much, he turned into the original form of a water condensation beast, and he remembered that someone gave Hua Shu a magpie feather lantern. However, Ayin had no evidence, but Hua Shu came to visit again, and Kuching did not think about it at all.

Feng Ming found the location of the Immortal Vein, but because of the spiritual power of the Sky-shielding Umbrella, he was unable to enter it and was even almost exposed. Qing Yi noticed something and rushed to check, but under the inspections of Xian Shan and Xian Zhu, they found no damage to the immortal veins and the barrier was intact. The thing that Xianshan is most worried about right now is that Kuching likes Ayin without knowing it.

If this is true, it may directly lead to disaster. In the battle between the Peacock Clan and the Eagle Clan, they were no match for the Eagle Clan. However, Hua Shu had already refined the sky-shielding umbrella and greatly increased her cultivation, causing the Eagle Clan to suffer heavy casualties. Feng Ming was injured by Tiangang Qi, and Zhuoying healed him. He gave him the god-killing flower seeds and told him to put them into the immortal veins. He didn’t have to worry about being hurt by Tiangang Qi again, because someone had already refined the Sky-shading Umbrella. change.

After the Peacock Tribe returned from a great victory, the Peacock King Hua Mo began to prepare for his birthday and invited all the immortals to come to the island for a banquet. In order to prevent the disaster in Kuching, Xianshan wrote a letter of appointment for him as the head teacher on the pretext that Kuching admired Hua Shu, and asked him to go to Bainiao Island to propose marriage to him with the letter of appointment and the dazzling star phoenix crown. Kuching was a little hesitant, especially when he saw Feng Guan thinking of A Yin, he was instantly confused.

Under the instructions of the two senior brothers, Kuching took Qingyi and took a fairy car to Bainiao Island. Before leaving, Qing Yi revealed her marriage proposal to A Yin. A Yin pretended to be calm. When she returned to the room and saw the map scroll of Kuching looking for Ningyun Mountain, she couldn’t help crying.

The Peacock King Hua Mo greeted Kuching with a smile and wanted to form a good relationship with Daze Mountain, so he justifiably possessed magical weapons such as the sky-shielding umbrella. Kuching did not directly express his intention to propose marriage, which made Qing Yi a little anxious, so he informed the Peacock King privately. As expected, the Peacock King was overjoyed and accepted the dazzling star phoenix crown.

However, Hua Shu had her own plans, and a mere Daze Mountain was not worth taking to heart. She wanted to become a queen of heaven, so that the peacock clan could replace the phoenix and be admired by all the immortals.

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