The Last Immortal (2023) 神隐 Episode 8 Recap & Review

Episode 8: Ayin helps Kuching chase Princess Huashu

On the way to Nantian Cave Mansion with his disciples, Xianzhu accidentally left his books in the mortal world, but he personally went down to earth to retrieve them, and by the way he saved a girl Wan Yue who was in danger. This encounter made Wanyue fall in love with Xianzhu, and she even took the initiative to mend Xianzhu’s robe. Her gentleness and beauty moved Xianzhu’s heart.

It was also because Xianzhu was out and Master Xianshan was busy and had no time to spare, so Kuching went to sign for the lottery for the trial conference on their behalf, and unexpectedly learned that the lottery was actually Yin Fire Yang Bing. Thinking that Yin Fire and Yang Bing were extremely important to Ayin, Kuching actively signed up to participate. Ayin thought he was participating in the trial for Princess Huashu and couldn’t help but feel jealous.

Because the trial conference is a good opportunity for each immortal sect to grab the limelight and the immortals to strive for a future, there is an endless stream of people signing up, including Feng Yuan’s nephew Feng Ming. Although Feng Ming was inferior to Feng Yin in all aspects, he was extremely ambitious and tried to take the position of Feng Huang, and even secretly colluded with the demons. Zhuo Ying came to Feng Ming and told him about the ban on Fire Phoenix Jade, and asked him to use a star-finding compass to find the location of the immortal veins, and take the opportunity to plant the God-killing Flower in it to destroy the ban.

Emperor Lanfeng personally presided over the trial meeting, hoping to find some talents among them. Kuching and others came to the stage one after another, and suddenly saw Hua Shu falling from the sky, which made everyone’s eyes brighten. As a bird song pierced the sky, the thunderbird became the object of competition for everyone. The rule is that the first two immortals to collect purple lightning win.

After the trial began, Emperor Lanfeng came to talk to Hua Shu and picked up the sachet she had left behind, which was exactly what he had given her. On the other hand, Lingfeng deliberately acted mischievously and used immortal magic to immobilize Kuching. With no competition, he chased the thunderbird, but Fengming took the lead and retrieved the purple lightning. At the critical moment, Kuching grabbed Thunderbird’s feet, and when he was collecting purple electricity, he happened to encounter the promotion of Thunder Tribulation. Seeing that something was not going well, Ah Yin flew forward to save him from the disaster, but when the last thunder and lightning struck, Kuching subconsciously stood in front of Ah Yin and held her tightly in his arms.

Fortunately, there was no danger in the thunderstorm this time. Kuching was only slightly injured and was successfully promoted to the lower rank. Hua Shu asked Kuching to choose a position, but Kuching only chose the lottery, which puzzled others. After waking up from a coma in Kuching, he handed over his winnings to Ayin. At this moment, Ayin understood the real reason why he participated in the trial meeting, and felt warm and sweet in his heart.

It was precisely because Ayin realized that he had wrongly blamed Kuching that he decided to help Kuching chase Hua Shu and fulfill his wish. A Yin ran to Hong Yi to ask for advice on how to woo a girl. Hong Yi had never known the relationship between men and women, and he always came up with unpopular methods such as the fox tribe’s charm technique. Therefore, A Yin objected, and after much thought, he prepared to let Kuching On the Chinese Valentine’s Day, Hua Shu was invited to enjoy the best pear tree red radish.

Kuching couldn’t wait to send an invitation to Hua Shu. Hua Shu accepted with a smile, but actually she had other plans in mind. Originally, Hua Shu thought Kuching was a useless second-generation ancestor, but after getting along with him, she felt that he had an extraordinary origin. In order to keep the parasol in the Peacock tribe, she temporarily catered to Kuching’s wishes. In addition, Hua Shu also deliberately dropped the sachet and got along with her through their childhood friendship.

As expected, Emperor Lanfeng had a deep love for Hua Shu and invited her to enjoy the moon together on Chinese Valentine’s Day. On the other side, Kuching, with the help of Ayin, successfully made the red rose tree bloom, and treated her as Hua Shu to practice confession and reveal her innermost feelings. Ayin knew clearly that the person Kuching said she liked was Hua Shu, but she still had heart palpitations for a moment, had delusional thoughts, and fell into a coma.

Qing Yi hurriedly sent A Yin back to the room and found Hong Yi and Xian Shan. When Ayin woke up and saw everyone beside the bed, Xianshan even pointed out that she had feelings for Kuching.

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