The Last Immortal (2023) 神隐 Episode 34 Recap & Review

Episode 34: Hongyi falls in love with Yanshuang without knowing it

After the ceremony between Kuching and Feng Yin was completed, a divine light descended and all the immortals were delighted. Hong Yi couldn’t hide his disappointment, feeling sad when seeing Yan Shuang, but thinking that he had let go of him, he stopped and did not come forward to comfort him. After the wedding, Kuching followed Feng Yin back to Wutong Island. In order to avoid being discovered, the two had to act as a loving couple.

Hua Shu was angry that she had worked hard and relied on Kuching to secure her position as the Emperor of Heaven. However, the appearance of Feng Yin put her in danger. Many immortal families sized up the situation and cut off their close contacts with the Peacock Clan. The Mauryan King always felt that something was fishy. He speculated that Feng Yin suddenly married Kuching in an abnormal way. Perhaps in order to draw out the divine light, he also bribed the Feng clan disciples on Wutong Island to help him monitor the other party.

On the wedding night, Kuching poured two glasses of wine, one of which was handed to Feng Yin, indicating that the two had been married once in the human world. Time was in a hurry and there was no time to prepare and decorate the wedding room, but he always remembered A Yin’s joy. The light in his eyes was more dazzling than the Nine Heavens.

However, Feng Yin did not take the wine glass and took out the written letter of reconciliation. A month later, it was announced to the three realms that both parties were free. Originally, Feng Yin wanted Kuching to give up the idea of ​​getting back together and leave Wutong Island. Who knew that Kuching would have at least one month to be an upright son-in-law on Wutong Island before they reconciled and left.

Hongyi returned to the Yaozu to drink and sulk, scolding Kuching for playing tricks on him, and worried about Yanshuang’s injury. Later, Hongyi came to the Eagle Clan alone and happened to catch up with the succession ceremony. He couldn’t help complaining that Yanshuang didn’t inform him. Yan Shuang announced in public that he would draw a clear line with Hong Yi, claiming that today is different from the past.

From now on, everything he says and does will represent the Eagle Clan, and he can no longer be considered a friend of the Demon King. Hong Yi was shocked when he heard Yan Shuang’s words. When he confirmed that Yan Shuang was not angry, he turned and left angrily. As Yanshuang officially took over as the Eagle King, she looked at Hongyi’s back and finally shed two lines of tears.

Kuching and Feng Yin were in the same room but in different beds. Feng Yin woke up early in the morning and did not see Kuching. Even during breakfast, he was nowhere to be found. She felt a little uneasy in her heart, worried that he was going to receive the punishment from heaven behind her back. Just as Feng Yin expected, even though his spiritual power was extremely weak, Kuching still resisted the thunder and pretended that nothing happened and went back to see Feng Yin.

Fu Chenjian checked the list of absent guests, including the Peacock King Hua Mo, which made Feng Yin suspicious. Kuching restored Fengming Canyuan and witnessed his murder. After a series of analyses, he concluded that the demon cultivator was the Peacock King. Although the demon cultivator has been found, it is not possible to alert the snake yet. Firstly, we need to find out if there is another mastermind behind the scenes, and secondly, we need to track Ziyue’s specific location.

Not long after, Fu Chenjian found out that Ziyue was in the Xuanchi Wonderland. Without a magic weapon that could defeat him, it might be difficult to enter the source of the weak water. At this time, Kuching sent exquisite snacks made by himself, and Feng Yin had to taste them. Ayu came in from outside the door and saw the two of them being so close. He urged them to have a child as soon as possible to play with him, and then left the two of them alone.

Because weak water has a strong swallowing ability, Kuching thought of a way to overcome it and asked Hongyi to borrow some fox hairs. Hongyi was originally in a very bad mood, and when he saw Kuching, he was like enemies meeting each other, and he wanted to have a fight with him. Fortunately, Feng Yin stepped forward to stop him and directly explained his intention. Hong Yi would not refuse and complained to them about Yan Shuang.

On the other side, Hongsi was very dissatisfied when she heard that Kuching had entered Wutong Island and planned to go to Wutong Island to settle accounts with Feng Yin. After listening to Hong Yi’s story, Feng Yin comforted Hong Yi not to be angry and that he should understand the difficulty of Yan Shuang’s succession to the throne of Eagle King.

However, Hong Yi was most angry not with Yan Shuang but with Yan Shuang’s frequent interactions with Lian Xi. As soon as these words came out, Feng Yin and Ku Qing looked at each other in tacit understanding, knowing that Hong Yi was jealous without knowing it.

Feng Yin found an excuse to go to Yan Shuang, and Ku Qing was about to leave. Hong Yi hurriedly stopped him and wished him and Feng Yin sincerely, knowing that his unrequited love was meaningless. Kuching revealed that Hongyi had already fallen in love with Yanshuang, otherwise he would have lost his temper when Lianxi appeared. What he said completely awakened Hongyi. Yanshuang was very happy that Feng Yin came to see her. Feng Yin knew that Yanshuang still had feelings for Hongyi, and wanted to persuade her to give him another chance, but Yanshuang had already made a decision and just wanted to take good care of the Eagle Clan.

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