The Last Immortal (2023) 神隐 Episode 33 Recap & Review

Episode 33: Kuching volunteers to become the son-in-law of the Feng clan

Yanshuang drank alone in Lihualin, thinking about the past, feeling very uncomfortable. Feng Yin took the initiative to come to Yan Shuang and confessed that she had no romantic feelings for Hong Yi. When the divine light came to attract the demon cultivators, they would dissolve their engagement. However, Yanshuang forced a smile and responded that she didn’t care. She had decided to go back and take over the position of Eagle King and take on the real responsibility.

Although Hong Yi got his wish and married Feng Yin, he was not as happy as he imagined. He even felt that Feng Yin and A Yin were different. A Yin was cute and enthusiastic, but Feng Yin was cold and cold, as if they existed between two people. When Lin Mo heard what Hong Yi said, he just saw through it without saying anything, and told him to prepare for the wedding.

Hua Shu suspected that the Peacock King was the demon cultivator who secretly attacked Emperor Lanfeng. After all, he was the only one who cultivated demons and had the right to enter and exit the heavenly palace. The Peacock King strongly denied it. In order to dispel Hua Shu’s suspicion about him, he took her to the ice coffin where Emperor Lanfeng’s body was stored. He cast a spell to make Emperor Lanfeng’s fingers react, indicating that he was the one who wanted to save Lanfeng the most. How could he kill his son-in-law with his own hands? As expected, Hua Shu believed it and felt that her father practiced magic skills for the sake of herself and her tribe.

Early the next morning, Hua Shu retrieved the files from the sealed archives of Tiangong and handed them to Kuching. However, Kuching was curious about why so many immortals were demoted for mistakes. Even the maid Hongque beside Hua Shu was not spared, and their whereabouts are unknown. . Hua Shu was shocked when she heard this. She pretended to be calm and explained that these people were demoted because they neglected their duties.

Just as Kuching was about to continue questioning, he suddenly heard the news that Feng Yin and Hong Yi were getting married. He rushed to Wutong Island in a hurry, held Feng Yin’s hand excitedly, and confessed his love to her. Feng Yin couldn’t bear it a little, but still refused coldly, telling him that he had said that A Yin was just a passer-by in life, and the relationship between the two was destined to be broken.

Although Hua Shu felt that Feng Yin’s marriage was a good thing for Bai Niao Dao, the Peacock King had doubts and speculated that it would affect her fight for the Emperor of Heaven and Lan Feng’s resurrection. Kuching never believed that Feng Yin would like Hong Yi. After leaving Wutong Island, he personally read some ancient books and finally discovered the true purpose of Feng Yin and Hong Yi’s marriage.

Hongyi was not interested in preparing for the wedding, so he made excuses to ask Yanshuang to help him arrange it, but Yanshuang refused decisively. As a result, Hongyi had to visit the house in person. He was considerate and romantic and picked flowers for Yanshuang. He also prepared various exquisite pastries for her, which made Yanshuang feel flattered. But when he saw Hongyi waving his hand and showing off his prepared wedding clothes, and heard him complaining about the complicated wedding affairs, he felt angry and kicked him out of the room.

The maids of Wutong Island prepared wedding clothes, which reminded Feng Yin of the fake marriage between herself and Kuching in the mortal world, and she had mixed feelings in her heart. Kuching came to Feng Yin again and used his divine power to tie her up and take her back to Qingchi Palace, saying he had a way to find out the demon cultivator. Feng Yin didn’t want to listen at all, so he turned around and left after releasing the restraint.

On the eve of the wedding, Kuching brought several bottles of good wine to Hongyi and deliberately got him drunk on the pretext of celebrating the wedding. When Hong Yi woke up, he realized that he had been tricked. Just as he rushed to Wutong Island, he accidentally rescued an Eagle tribe member and learned that the elder of the Eagle tribe was possessed and attacked Yan Shuang. Seeing that the situation was critical, Hongyi ignored the wedding and went to rescue Yanshuang himself, thus delaying the wedding.

Feng Yin appeared in red clothes and was worshiped by the immortals, but Hong Yi was not seen yet, and the immortals talked a lot. Kuching suddenly appeared and said that he was coming to snatch the bride. Then he changed into a groom’s dress and took out the Qingchi Palace token. He was willing to use the entire Qingchi Palace as a betrothal gift and voluntarily moved to Wutong Island.

Seeing Feng Yin’s silence, Kuching smiled and whispered to Feng Yin to express his position as soon as possible. All the immortals were even more surprised, and some of the female immortals were envious. It could be said that the Phoenix clan had gained a lot of face. In the end, for the sake of the overall situation, Feng Yin had no choice but to accept the token from Qingchi Palace and announced her marriage to Kuching on the spot. On the other hand, when Hongyi arrived at Wutong Island, he saw that Fengyin and Kuching had already gone to the church to get married.

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