The Last Immortal (2023) 神隐 Episode 30 Recap & Review

Episode 30: Kuching knows that Feng Yin is A Yin

Kuching hurried to Youmingjie, but unexpectedly Hua Shu also came and invited him to the Heavenly Palace on the pretext of reminiscing about the past, but Kuching refused. However, Hua Shu was still entangled, asking Kuching whether he still cared about Shui Ning Beast, and even believed that Ayin killed Emperor Lanfeng and deserved his death. Such insulting words made Kuching furious. He reprimanded her in public for being too arbitrary in handling matters and not suitable for sitting in the position of Emperor Daitian. If it was not for the sake of Emperor Lanfeng, how could he let her do it again and again?

The wantonness. Before Hua Shu could refute, Kuching exposed Hua Shu’s despicable behavior of pretending to be a benefactor and even used this little kindness to refine the sky-shielding umbrella. Seeing the rage in Kuching’s eyes, Hua Shu was panic-stricken. She could only pretend to be bitter and sad, explaining that she had to deceive Kuching in order to solve the critical situation on Bainiao Island. However, Kuching had already lost patience and warned her. From now on, don’t have any more false thoughts, so you can take care of yourself.

Xiu Yan and Feng Yin stood upstairs watching this scene, with unknown emotions in their eyes. They suddenly knocked Hua Shu to the ground and scolded her to get out of the Youming Realm. Hua Shu left in embarrassment. Ku Qing looked up and saw Feng Yin holding a bamboo dragonfly in his hand, which overlapped with A Yin’s appearance, making him completely sure that the two were the same person.

Kuching hurriedly chased after him and couldn’t help calling Ayin’s name. Sure enough, Feng Yin stopped. Although Feng Yin no longer concealed her identity and returned to her original appearance, there was no fluctuation in her heart and her expression remained calm as usual. Sanshengshi came to Feng Yin to reminisce about the past, and was happy that she was still alive and became Feng Huang.

Xiuyan smiled and said, no wonder he felt familiar when he saw Feng Yin. It was indeed a reunion of old friends. At this moment, Kuching was in tears, Xiuyan couldn’t bear it, and asked Feng Yin if she was willing to reminisce with him. Feng Yin made it clear that he would no longer be involved.

After leaving Youmingjie, Feng Yin returned to Wutong Island and found Kuching standing outside, deliberately casting rain to force him to leave. However, Kuching persisted in standing in the heavy rain, even though the sky turned gloomy and his spiritual power became weak, he still never took a step forward. Early the next morning, Feng Yin woke up and saw that there was no figure of Kuching outside, and gradually felt relieved.

Fuchenjian revealed that Kuching had stood all night before leaving. Then Feng Yin went to see Yanshuang and saw a lot of pear blossom wine in the house. He picked up a bottle and heard that Yanshuang was making wine for an old friend, so he took out the token that Yanshuang had given to him and restored his appearance to match it. recognize. Yanshuang couldn’t believe it, she cried with joy while holding Feng Yin, and understood the general situation through Feng Yin’s narration.

At this time, Hongyi stood aside and stared at them blankly. After confirming Feng Yin’s identity, he ran over with joy and held her tightly in his arms. Seeing Hong Yi’s joyful and excited expression, Yan Shuang was not only happy that A Yin had transformed into the Phoenix Emperor, but also thought of what the Eagle King had said, thinking that Hong Yi always only had A Yin in his heart. Feng Yin wanted to investigate the real cause of Demon Emperor Lin Sen’s death, and Hong Yi suggested that she talk to Yufeng Immortal Lord face to face.

Kuching was already weak and fell seriously ill due to the rain. Ayu was entrusted by the sword spirit to guide Feng Yin to Qingchi Palace to visit Kuching, and accidentally learned that Feng Yin was his sister Ayin. Although Feng Yin was grateful to Kuching for helping A-Yin transform, she bluntly said that the past cannot be pursued. Now she just wants to find out the truth behind the demons’ rebellion, give some comfort to the many undead in Daze Mountain, and give A-Yin innocence.

Hua Shu knew that Kuching knew what happened back then and would no longer be her supporter, but she still organized the birthday banquet as usual, temporarily creating an illusion that she and Kuching had a good relationship with the outside world. Kuching no longer asked Feng Yin for forgiveness, but only hoped to spend the remaining time with him, so he sent people to send gifts to the Feng clan, all of which were things A Yin once liked.

Kuching asked Feng Yuan to meet under the ancestral Wutong tree, and confessed to her Feng Yin’s identity thousands of years ago, as well as the bond between them. So Kuching hoped that Fengyuan could help him say something nice in front of Fengyin. Fengyuan saw Kuching’s sincerity and came to talk to Fengyin personally, telling her that if she misses the person in front of her, she may regret it. Besides, Kuching I won’t give up easily.

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