The Last Immortal (2023) 神隐 Episode 29 Recap & Review

Episode 29: Feng Yin and Kuching team up to investigate the murderer

Since Wutong Island announced the breakup of their engagement, Feng Ming arranged for top-notch immortal disciples to visit the island, which made Feng Yin very unhappy. He bluntly said that the Feng Clan must rely on itself to become strong. If Feng Ming wanted to get married, he would do it himself, which left him speechless. . Wu Gui knew that A Yin had regained his status as a fire phoenix, so he naturally wanted to come to pay homage, which made Feng Yin extremely happy.

Kuching questioned why Feng Yin used the Thunder Fire Talisman, and unexpectedly saw Wu Gui beside Feng Yin, making him even more confused about when the two met. Feng Yin no longer paid attention to Ku Qing, and reminisced with Wu Gui in the pavilion. Wu Gui had heard a little bit about A Yin and Ku Qing. Although Feng Yin did not want to mention it and wanted to forget it, he believed that A Yin was the main immortal. How can you forget a part of your temperament if you just forget it?

Even though Feng Yin refused to talk about the past and pretended to be indifferent, Wu Gui still noticed something strange and stood up to say goodbye with a smile. The maid Feng Ge brought sweet water, but the taste was far inferior to the previous days. Feng Yin felt a little sad when she heard that Kuching had left Wutong Island. That night, Feng Yin dreamed of many things from a thousand years ago, including the scene of Kuching slaying Ningyun Mountain, and instantly woke up from the nightmare.

Then Feng Yin came to the dilapidated Ningyun Mountain and suddenly saw a young woman coming from the opposite side. Lingyun Mountain was activated by an outsider’s intrusion. Feng Yin subconsciously protected the woman and was injured. It was not until the other party cast a spell to heal the injury that she realized that she was actually her younger sister Ayu. Logically speaking, the water-condensing beast needs to be nourished by the Xuan Lake before it can transform into a human being. Feng Yin couldn’t help but ask, but it once again aroused Kuching’s doubts. She was obviously the Phoenix Emperor who had just come into the world, how did she know about the water-condensing beast? The existence of feathers.

Kuching concealed his doubts for the time being and told him that there were auras of immortals disguised as demons all around him. Feng Yin could not completely tell the difference, so he thought that the Fuchen Sword in Sibingdian could be traced. The two of them went to the Sibing Palace together. Feng Yin easily controlled the attack of the magic weapon. Even the Fu Chen Sword was subdued by her and she regarded him as its master.

With the help of Fu Chen Jian, Feng Yin found out that the colorful crystal silk was kept by Feng Ming, which means that Feng Ming is most likely the murderer. Therefore, Feng Yin, Ku Jin and others teamed up to put on a play, causing Feng Ming to reveal his identity. When Feng Yuan found out that he actually practiced magic skills, he was very sad about this, and finally eliminated him from the list of superiors according to the rules of the Feng clan and was imprisoned. Heavenly prison.

After the matter was settled, Kuching asked Feng Yin the question in his heart, why she was familiar with the weapon spirits of Sifeng Palace and still had a natural closeness with Ayu. Although Feng Yin made excuses, Kuching still didn’t completely believe it. On the contrary, Feng Yin accepted A Yu as his adopted sister and was even more ready to tell the Three Realms.

Feng Yuan saw that Feng Yin was worthy of a great responsibility, so he personally handed her the Feng Huang Ring and let her take charge of the Heavenly Palace. Although Feng Yin doesn’t like the way the fairy world bullies the weak based on their status, Feng Yuan reminds her that if she wants to change all this, she must be involved in it and use the power in her hands to protect the weak. Because of this, Feng Yin did not continue to shirk and completed the handover ceremony in front of the Wutong ancestral tree.

In the Jiuyuan Evil Prison, Ming Qi knew that Feng Ming had been exposed, so he privately summoned the possessed Peacock King and told him to complete the errands that Qing Lin had not yet done. Fu Chenjian reported the progress of the investigation to Feng Yin and found the brother of Yan Fang, the immortal servant who had exchanged the soul-protecting arrows. According to his report, Yan Fang had no signs of cultivating demons, but Yan Fang suddenly received a lot of money after he started casting the soul-protecting arrows. The precious elixir and fairy grass, so it is very likely that it was bribed by someone, and after the incident was exposed, it was faked into the illusion of cultivating demons.

Feng Yin thought about some suspicious things in the past and went to the Tianlao in person to interrogate Feng Ming. As a result, he met Ku Qing who came to interrogate Feng Ming. The two met in Tianlao, and Kuching raised questions again. Fengyin deliberately talked about Ayin’s humble background with a humiliating tone. He was just repeating what Hongsi had said, which made Kuching angry. But seeing Kuching like this, Feng Yin just felt ridiculous and laughed at him, why pretend to be affectionate when he has been let down.

After returning to Wutong Island, Ayin thought for a long time and felt that what Senior Wugui said was right. She had indeed not completely let go of the past. If that was the case, she would simply fulfill Ayin’s last wish as the Phoenix Emperor. When Fu Chenjian saw Feng Yin’s true appearance, he was shocked that A Yin was transformed from the Fire Phoenix Immortal Yuan, and was delighted that A Yin had come back to life.

Hua Shu was extremely unhappy when she heard that Feng Yin succeeded to the throne of Feng Huang. In order to prevent Feng Yin from putting pressure on her, she decided to summon all the immortals and told them to use the Kuching birthday banquet to facilitate her marriage with him. Feng Yin received the birthday banquet invitation and had no intention of attending, so he arranged for Fu Chenjian to send someone to deliver the congratulatory gift.

In fact, Kuching had a vague answer to Feng Yin’s identity. Before he could fully confirm it, he asked Ayu to keep an eye on Feng Yin for him. Ayu watched Feng Yin go to Youming Realm and hurriedly sent a message to Kuching, who hurriedly chased after him. At this time, Feng Yin came to Xiuyan Tower alone to meet her old friend, and Xiuyan saw at a glance that she was A Yin.

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