The King’s Woman 秦时丽人明月心 Episode 37 Recap

The King’s Woman 秦时丽人明月心 Episode 37 Recap

Li Zhong and Mengwu were shocked when they heard that Han Jun was surrounded by the back mountain. They were about to go out to check the situation, just when Gongsun Li came. Li Zhong thought that Gongsun Li alone was more effective than thousands of soldiers and horses. Gongsun Li had no intention of greeting, and asked Meng Wu to tell her Ying Zheng’s missing status and detailed location.

The green hills are long and undulating; the birds sing endlessly in the ears; the sunshine is warm and gentle. Yingzheng’s steps were heavy, his crown was irregular, and his body and mind were already exhausted. Suddenly, he was surrounded by two Han soldiers, and despite fighting hard, he still got a knife in the abdomen.

The breath had not yet calmed down, and several Han Jun surrounded them again, and Ying Zheng’s eyes grabbed them fiercely. In the next second, several arrows were shot at the sound, hitting the target accurately and quickly. Upon seeing this, one person quickly hijacked Ying Zheng, and when he turned around, he saw Gongsun Li standing on the slope with a bow. The two of them knew what the other side was thinking.

Ying Zheng nodded slightly and then turned sideways, and the arrow hit the soldier in this gap. Gongsun Li hurriedly ran to Yingzheng, extremely anxious, as if the Milky Way was separated from him, and it was difficult to reach the end. Hearing the footsteps of Han Jun, the two hurriedly hid under a small hill, clasping their hands tightly. After Han Jun left, Ying Zheng was weak, and the two had to find a place to bandage their wounds.

In the silent cave, Gongsun Li cared about Yingzheng’s wounds. He looked at the beautiful face in front of him, with the corners of his mouth rising, and said to Gongsun Li that she had saved herself twice, once with a person and once with a heart. Gongsun Li looked back slightly, and he continued to say that if he chooses by himself, he will definitely choose to be with her. It’s just that he is a lonely person. In order to fulfill the unification desire of Qin Zong generations, he can only guard Xianyang and guard Daqin. Gongsun Li told him to stop talking, because it was still important to bandage the wound right now.

One day later, the two of them were eating the picked wild fruits, and Ying Zheng learned that Qin Jun was still in place and threatened to go back to clean up Mengwu. Gongsun Li was speechless about his bad temper. Both Meng Wu and Li Zhong really cared about him.

If they were forced to leave, they would undoubtedly break their arms. She can fly pigeons and pass the book to Meng Wu to attack Nanyang first, and also make Yingzheng promise not to blame the two. Yingzheng is delighted that she is still willing to care about her own affairs, take a look and smile.

After Meng Wu and Li Zhong received the letter, they both breathed a sigh of relief. Having determined that the victory is in danger, Mengwu ordered to advance to Nanyang with all his strength. The soldiers have not fought for a long time, and all of them have high morale. In Nanyang City, Gongsun Li and Ying Zheng are dressed in commoners, just like ordinary people.

The two asked the aunt selling rice cakes if there was an inn nearby. The aunt was embarrassed to say that there was no inn in the small place, and instead left an empty house in their home, which could be loaned to them. The two were also infected by the aunt’s enthusiasm, and they accepted it happily and helped her pack things together.

When he came to the flat house, Ying Zheng awkwardly chopped vegetables, Gongsun Li couldn’t stand it and went to battle. Looking at her skillful appearance when cutting vegetables, Ying Zheng knew that she was still a master cook. Suddenly Gongsun Li had a retching, and Ying Zheng urgently asked if she was sick. Gongsun Lirou said softly that this was not a disease, and Ying Zheng immediately realized that she was pregnant.

Knowing that she had discovered it when she was in Yongxiang, he blamed her for not saying it earlier, while Gongsun Li blamed him for being the worst-tempered person. Yingzheng was not upset, smiled and took all the mistakes to himself. Gongsun Li continued to cook in a hurry, Ying Zheng’s sight always followed her, and she was able to be with her loved ones, and the thick tea and vegetarian food was better than a full banquet.

Ying Zheng also thought about the child’s name, and found that she did not exclude hearing about returning to Qin. Gongsun Li also admitted that she had planned to return to Qin early this time. Ying Zheng hugged her and admitted that Yan Dan was her fault because she was too jealous of the man next to her. Gongsun Li smiled and felt relieved. The two of them laughed and laughed, very happy.

In the evening eating at the same table with my aunt, Gongsun Li asked her why she was alone. When she mentioned this, she complained with tears that all of her relatives had been killed by the Qin army. Ying Zheng said that King Qin was also in order to let the war end as soon as possible to dominate the world. How could the aunt listen to this, only said that the two of them should leave tomorrow, and Qin Jun didn’t know when they would come. Neither of them feels like it. It takes ten thousand bones to achieve success, let alone unify the world?

In a blink of an eye, Qin Jun came to Nanyang, and the two soldiers took advantage of the robbery and happened to arrive at the aunt’s house. Ying Zheng came out to stop him, but the soldier didn’t know people, and didn’t realize that he had made a big mistake until Meng Wu came. The aunt knew that the person in front of her was King Qin, so she picked up the sword on the ground in hatred, but was stabbed to death by the eager Mengwu sword.

Ying Zheng was furious, and before her death, she told Gongsun Li not to be with the Tyrant King. Life and death are separated, Gongsun Li is heartbroken, and blames Yingzheng’s unifying cause for only slaughter. Ying Zheng promised that the order will only be a battle between soldiers in the future and will not harm the innocent.

That head Tian Guang told Yan Dan Yingzheng to send troops to South Korea on the grounds that Han Fei rebelled against Qin, but now Dayan has taken in Qin’s rebel general Fan Yuqi, which is undoubtedly an excuse for Qin to send troops. Prosperity in a short period of time is not realistic, assassination of Qin became the only way out. Yan Dan’s heart was shocked after hearing this, this matter needs to be considered again and again.

On the streets of Jicheng, a few rascals begged for protection money from the mother and son selling cakes, begging to beat people if it was inconvenient. A swordsman named Wei Zhuang came to the rescue, but Jing Ke felt that this man’s swordsmanship was very familiar. When the rascals were going to step forward, Jing Ke quietly kicked out the stones and hit them, and then left with Galan. When I returned to the house, I saw a crowd gathering. It turned out that these people were all invited by Qin Wuyang, and Wei Zhuang was also in the crowd.


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