The King’s Woman 秦时丽人明月心 Episode 36 Recap

The King’s Woman 秦时丽人明月心 Episode 36 Recap

Just as Han Shen’s sword and stabbing against Yingzheng, Gongsun Li hurriedly ran out to stand in front of Yingzheng. When Ying Zheng saw the person on the apex of his heart, his eyes blushed only at a glance. Trying to suppress the choking voice, he said that he was not qualified to give her happiness anymore. He was afraid that if he kept her forcibly, he would be put in a dangerous situation like Han Fei.

He also promised to let Tianming return to her tomorrow. It seems to be the best arrangement, but the two who said this and listened to it were crying, and when the words fell, Ying Zheng turned around and left. Gongsun Li looked at his back, the joy of the past came to her heart, how could she be willing to be separated from him.

Ying Zheng watched the prosperity of Xianyang City in the sedan chair. He is the king here and has more responsibilities to bear. Slowly wipe away the tears, only when Gongsun Li is a beautiful and short dream of herself.

The next day, Tianming came down to the inn under Li Si’s escort. Gongsun Li raised her eyebrows and hurriedly ran out to hug Tianming. The sound of Tianming’s soft voice made her feel calm. Li Si said that the king had come to send it in person, but he had gone to Korea with Mengwu personally in the morning, and then left without saying much. Han Shen told Gongsun Li to stop thinking about it. From now on, the three of them will be idle and no longer worry about the affairs of the Qin State. Tianming Shang Xiaowu started to say okay. However, Gongsun Li was worried, and Yingzheng personally set off to see if she would be safe and sound.

It turns out that this crusade against South Korea is Li Si’s proposal, and he is complacent about Ying Zheng’s advice. Mrs. Min reminded that Ying Zheng attacked Han just to vent the hatred of losing Han Fei, and also to vent the pain of losing Gongsun Li. Li Si just understood, but he thought Ying Zheng was really going to break with Gongsun Li this time.

When Mrs. Min wakes up, Gongsun Li seems to have lost the Sacred Heart, but Yingzheng is actually protecting it in another way. But even if she went back to the palace, she wouldn’t be afraid. In fact, Mrs. Min is a transparent and wise woman, but she is blinded by hatred. This wisdom is used in the wrong place.

But since Gongsun Li went out of the palace, Chu Liangren became depressed, and the scene of Japanese Hanshen colliding with Yingzheng because of Gongsun Li has been lingering in his mind. Although she is a princess, she has never met a man who is sincere to her in her life. Gongsun Li was so impressed by Ying Zheng and Han Shen that she was a little envious of herself.

At the end of the country of Yan, Yan Dan’s master had already returned to Yan. He came to Yan Dan to tell about Gongsun Li’s imprisonment, and at the same time discussed that Fan Yuqi was a traitor to the Qin State. If he stayed in Yan, it would be disadvantageous to Yan. It is better to let him guard the frontier. Yan Dan stubbornly refused to agree because of his love. When the two went out of the room, they saw Jing Ke standing in front of the door. He had heard that Gongsun Li was imprisoned, but he had no worries, and only said that he believed she would survive this time.

Jing Ke and Gai Lan went shopping together. Gai Lan walked into a powder shop, listened to the store’s recommendation, and used powder to win the love of her sweetheart. Looking at the waiting figure of Jing Ke outside the door, his heart was even more delighted. On the way, Galan found that Jing Ke had been avoiding her contact, and Xu Shi was still embarrassed about sleeping together that day. It happened that Tian Guang found them and said that the prince had prepared a house for them.

Jing Ke wanted to refuse, but seeing that Gaelan was interested, he nodded in agreement. Seeing this magnificent and luxurious mansion, both of them were flattered. At this time, Qin Wuyang also came to play a slap, and Gailan didn’t like his frivolity, causing everyone to shake their heads and laugh.

Ying Zheng personally set off and the tiger general Mengwu followed. The soldiers had high morale and a good order. But the good times didn’t last long. Yingzheng was dispersed by the enemy on the way, and his whereabouts are still unknown. King Qin is missing in South Korea. If the news comes out, the morale of the army will be ruined and it will be unfavorable to fight.

Now only a few main generals know about it, and they secretly start searching on the grounds that King Qin is unwell. In the Qin Army barracks, soldiers came to report on the battle of the Han and Wei forces against Qin in order to get instructions. Even if the Qin Army was disadvantaged, Meng Wu was determined not to move his own formation. The master Qin entered the camp and reported that Yingzheng had not been found. Mengwu was unsure of what to do, but all this was eavesdropped on by a soldier outside the camp.

At this time, Gongsun Li and Han Shen were teaching Tianming martial arts together, and Li Zhong led people to convey the news of Ying Zheng’s disappearance. He knew that Gongsun Li had been to South Korea to learn about the terrain. People in the rivers and lakes had their own methods of finding people. This time he wanted to ask her to help find them. Gongsun Li was concerned about the safety of her politics and would definitely not refuse.

Early the next morning, Gongsun Li was ready to go on the road. Seeing that she had decided to leave, Han Shen always considered from the standpoint of Yingzheng, only to realize that she had loved Yingzheng the most. Gongsun Li did not conceal anything, confessing her love for Yingzheng. Now that this is the case, Han Shen no longer obstructed, Gongsun Li handed Tianming to him and turned away.

Li Zhong arrived in South Korea and discussed with Mengwu about tracing people. At this time, there was news that the Han army had attacked in the direction of the back mountain, and the two were shocked, fearing that the wind of King Qin’s disappearance had already leaked. At this time, Ying Zheng was wandering into the wilderness, with a rough head and exhausted body and mind. He walked in the forest with heavy steps, but was surrounded by many soldiers.


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