The historical story of Yu Shun’s farming and Yu Shun’s succession to the throne

The earliest dynasties in China’s history were the period when the world was king, that is, when the emperor abdicated, he ceded the throne to the most virtuous person recognized by the whole world. During this period, there were three emperors: Yao, Shun, and Yu, who were very famous. They were all elected to the throne by the people of the Quartet because of their great virtue. Among them, Da Shun moved the world because of his “extreme filial piety” and was selected as the heir by Emperor Yao.

When Emperor Yao was in power, the country was called “Tang”, and historically it was called “Tang Yao”. Emperor Yao became emperor at the age of sixteen and began to rule the world. At the age of eighty-six, he was old and hoped to find a suitable person to inherit his throne. So he asked for the opinions of the ministers, but he did not expect that all the ministers in unison recommended to him a countryman, Shun, because he was a well-known dutiful son. It can be seen from this that our ancestors put filial piety in the first place of virtue. A person who is filial to his parents will definitely love the people in the world.

After Shun ascended the throne, the country’s name was “Yu”, and historically it was called “Yu Shun”. His surname is Yao, and his name is “Chonghua”. His father’s name was “Gu Gu”. He was an unreasonable person. He was very stubborn and treated Shun very badly. His mother’s name was “Wu Deng”. She was very virtuous, but unfortunately, she passed away when Shun was a child. So my father remarried, but I didn’t expect this stepmother to be an immoral and unkind person. He had a half-brother named Xiang, who was very arrogant, and the three often joined forces to murder Shun.

Shun has been very filial and attached to his parents since he was a child. His biological mother taught him since he was a child that filial piety to his parents is the most important virtue of a person. As long as a person works hard to be a filial son, nothing in the world cannot be solved. Mother also often told Shun many stories, these stories planted the seeds of virtue in his young heart, and gradually took root and sprouted with time.

And Xianhui’s mother passed away so early, and Shun felt that he had lost his support in his heart. He couldn’t help but want to drill into his father’s arms, hoping that his father would hug him like his mother, but his father pushed him away and welcomed his stepmother and younger brother. Shun turned his full-hearted desire to his stepmother again, but what he didn’t expect in return was a beating and scolding from his stepmother. He wanted to hold his younger brother’s little hand again, but his younger brother kicked him.

Shun tried his best to do everything a child could do, and he often longed for his father and stepmother, even a small look of affirmation or concern, but never got one. The younger brother didn’t even pay attention to him. When he came home one night, first his stepmother scolded him, then his father beat him, while his younger brother applauded. He had to come out of the house again. He ran into the field in one breath and cried a lot. He shouted to the sky, “What’s wrong with me? Why don’t my parents like me?”

Suddenly, he seemed to hear the kind and gentle voice of his biological mother: “Child, you have to work harder to do everything well, and you will definitely win their favor!” Shun felt that there was a strong and warm force in the shadows. Protecting himself, he went back with confidence. He must make his parents happy, let his younger brother like him, and make this family warm and happy, full of happiness.

He was instructed by his father to cultivate in Lishan, and he got along very harmoniously with the mountains, rocks, plants, birds, beasts, insects and fish. Later, the animals came to help Shun one after another. The elephants ploughed the fields and the birds weeded the grass. His actions were praised by many people, and he was so humble, people were surprised and admired him, and all over the country knew that Shun was a dutiful son.

At that time, Emperor Yao was worrying about the succession of the throne. Hearing the recommendation of the ministers from all directions, he invited Shun into the palace. Seeing that he was simple, generous, modest and cautious, Emperor Yao had a good impression on him. But after all, what he needs to govern the world is a perfect person, so Emperor Yao sent nine ministers to assist him and married his two daughters to him. It is hoped that his two daughters will observe and test his inner conduct; nine ministers will test his ability to stand up and deal with affairs, to see how he uses his talents, how to farm, and how to behave as a person.

At home, Shun did not have any preference because his wife was the emperor’s daughter. He let the two princesses work in the fields like ordinary peasant women, and asked them to be filial to their in-laws. These two princesses, Ehuang and Nuying, were indeed the good daughters of Emperor Yao. They not only kept the family and home in good order, but also planned many times in advance to let Shun escape the poisonous hands of his father, stepmother and younger brother. , to make the family whole and harmonious.

After Shun was re-used by Emperor Yao, Shun’s father still wanted to kill him. Once, Gu Gu deliberately asked Shun to go up to the house and plug the holes in the warehouse with soil. Shun knew that his father had bad intentions, so he didn’t want to go up, but the two ladies told him not to go against his father’s wishes, and asked him to take two big hats with him, and instructed him like this. After Shun went up, Gu Gu set fire to the house below, thinking of burning Shun to death inside. At this time, Shun jumped down like a big bird riding two hats, unscathed. On another occasion, Gu Liao asked Shun to dig a well. Shun, under the pre-arrangement of the two ladies, dug a horizontal passage from one side in the middle of the well. When Shun went down to the depths of the well, Gu Gu and Xiang poured soil into the well to bury Shun in it. Just when they were triumphantly thinking that Shun would surely die this time, they did not expect Shun to appear in front of them unharmed. Even under such circumstances, Shun still did not complain at all, and continued to perform his duty as a son of man and a brother of man.

Outside, Shun also experienced all kinds of hardships and trials, and Shun influenced the people one by one with his own virtues. When he was farming in Alexandria, when he first arrived there, the local farmers often competed with each other for the fields. After Shun left, he respected the old and loved the young, and showed courtesy to others. A year later, these farmers were greatly moved, and they no longer competed with each other for land. He once went to Leize to fish. There are many people, especially young and strong people, who often occupy better positions. Some elderly people who are lonely, widowed, old and weak have no way to catch fish. Seeing this situation, Shun took the lead in setting an example. He gave the old man a place with deep water and many fish, and went to the shoal to fish. Because he was sincere and didn’t force it at all, in just one year, not only young people, but everyone was courteous to each other and respected the old and the worthy. Many foreigners have also moved in.

According to historical records, Shun also once visited a place called Taohe, where the soil quality was not good, and the pottery he made was quite poor. After Shun came here, he influenced many people’s hearts and educated the local people. A year later, even the quality of the clay has improved, and the utensils made are quite good. It can be seen that these kindnesses and virtues that a person sincerely reveals from their own hearts can not only influence people’s hearts, but also influence all things, and even the soil can be changed from bad to good. Wherever Shun went, people were attracted, and they became villages in one year, county towns in two years, and cities in three years.

After Shun went through various trials, Emperor Yao did not immediately pass the throne to him, but let him act as the regent for twenty-eight years, and only after twenty-eight years did he officially pass the throne to Shun. It can be seen that the ancient emperors were indeed well-intentioned when governing the world, and they did not dare to be careless. If the world cannot be governed by benevolence, the people of the world will suffer great suffering; if filial piety is not the foundation of governance in the world, it will be difficult to manage the country well.

When Shun heard that Emperor Yao was going to pass the throne to him, he didn’t feel happy at all, he didn’t feel it was a very happy thing at all, but sad. He said, “Even if I own the world today, my parents still don’t like me. What’s the use of me as the Son of Heaven and the Emperor?” Brother Elephant.

There is a sentence in the “Mencius”: “Who is Shun? Who is it for? Those who do something are also if they are!” Many people think that Shun is an ancient person, a sage, and we can’t do it. But Shun was also an ordinary child in an ordinary family since he was a child, especially his situation from childhood to adulthood, it can be said that there is nothing more difficult than him. He can stand firm, love and respect his parents. Shuneng, we can do the same. Because each of us has the most kindness, the most respect, the most love, the most kindness, and the most kindness in our hearts.

But in the current situation, this kind of love is mostly manifested in parents for their children. As children, what do we give back to our parents? Once upon a time, we almost forgot about filial piety. The Book of Filial Piety says: “From the Son of Heaven to the common people, filial piety has no end or beginning, and those who are not in time for their troubles will never come.” The hearts of parents will be very warm. What’s more, filial piety is the most important duty of being a child! Only by truly fulfilling “filial piety” can we lay the foundation for everyone to cultivate one’s self-cultivation, order one’s family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world.

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