The Glory of Humanity Story

EP4. The Glory of Humanity

There is such a pair of father and son, Zhu Qizhen, Emperor Yingzong of Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Jianshen, Emperor Xianzong of Ming Dynasty, who abolished human sacrifice.

Yingzong of the Ming Dynasty was praised by history for this, and Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty implemented his father’s instructions and did good deeds to benefit his children.

Zhu Qizhen reigned for twenty-four years. He made great use of eunuchs, killed meritorious officials, and served as prisoners. He had no achievements to speak of.

But he was a humble man, a good man, and a man full of humanity.

The history of the Ming Dynasty praised him, respectfully granted his posthumous title, released the young son and family members of Emperor Jianwen who was overthrown by Zhu Di, and dismissed his concubines for burial, “so that the deeds of great virtue can be followed by future generations.”

The prince of Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Jianshen, suffered greatly and had deep hatred.

Zhu Qizhen was defeated and taken prisoner, and Zhu Jianshen was deposed as prince. For almost eight years, he encountered the harsh world and was in danger of being beheaded at any time.

Later, Zhu Qizhen returned to the throne and he was re-established as prince.

Like his father, he had never done anything decent, but he carried out his father’s dying instructions. From then on, there was no such thing as burial.

Several strange things happened to Zhu Jianshen.

First, the palace maid named Wan, who had served him since childhood, never left him and became his closest relative.

Zhu Jianshen succeeded to the throne, and the palace maids became the emperor’s concubines.

At that time, she was thirty-five and he was sixteen.

The next year, Concubine Wan gave birth to a son. Zhu Jianshen was extremely happy, and Concubine Wan was named a noble concubine.

But unfortunately, the child died soon, and Concubine Wan Gui did not have any more children.

From then on, whenever there was a pregnancy in the palace, she would try her best to have the fetus aborted.

The official army conquered the barbarians and captured a girl named Ji, who was sent to the palace to manage the treasury.

She is well-educated, smart, and good-tempered, and everyone likes her.

Once Zhu Jianshen met her, he favored her.

Will the fate of the child she gave birth to be the same as that of other innocent people? The brilliance of humanity begins to show.

First, an ordinary palace maid appeared.

Ordinary, because the history books did not record her name.

She was ordered by Concubine Wan Gui to inquire about the situation.

The palace maid reported back that the palace lady was ill and was not pregnant.

She was moved to another place and the child was born.

Concubine Wan Gui found out and sent people to drown the child.

Another ordinary eunuch appears, his name is Zhang Min.

Speaking of ordinary, because he is a eunuch who watches the door.

He saw the mother and child and said: The child is not safe here. I will take him away and you can visit him often.

From then on, there was such a child in the deep palace, and he grew up year by year. Only the emperor did not know, and Concubine Wan Gui did not know.

After five years of this, by chance, Zhang Min reported the incident to the emperor, and father and son recognized each other.

This child, named Zhu Youtang, became the prince.

After that, Zhu Jianshen had more sons.

Concubine Wan Guishen was afraid that the child would grow up and take revenge, so she persuaded the emperor to depose the prince, and Zhu Jianshen obeyed.

At this time, another eunuch appeared. His name was Hua En, and he was in charge of the ceremony.

Facing the emperor’s imperial edict, he couldn’t help but kneel down and replied, “I cannot carry out your order.”

Because if I carry out your order, everyone in the world will kill me; if I don’t carry out your order, you will kill me too.

It’s all a death, so you should kill me.

Zhu Jianshen was furious and sent him to Nanjing as an errand.

The history of the Ming Dynasty also mentioned a eunuch named Tan Ji who served as a teacher for this poor child who survived.

The emperor granted the prince a land, and Tan Ji persuaded the prince to resign, saying that as the prince, the world will be yours in the future, so why do you want to grant the land? The prince secretly read Buddhist books, and Tan Ji knelt down and said that the prince should read the books of saints.

This bitter and resentful child was the famous Ming Xiaozong in history.

After he becomes emperor, he will repay those good people.

He denounced traitors and sycophants, drove away Dharma kings, Buddhist disciples, national teachers, and real people from the palace, reused loyal ministers, worked hard, and spared the relatives of Concubine Wan Gui in a tolerant way.

There are two evaluations in the history of the Ming Dynasty: The Ming Dynasty had the world, and it was handed down for sixteen generations. Except for Taizu and Chengzu, they can be called Renzong, Xuanzong, and Xiaozong.

Xiaozong was uniquely able to be thrifty and orderly, diligent in administration and caring for the people, and dedicated to maintaining peace and prosperity. He made the government orderly and orderly, and the people prosperous.

The history books have not forgotten a little person, that is, Qin Ji, who taught Xiaozong to read, “In the era of Hongzhi, politics was mellow, the rulers were clear and clear, the official history was correct, and Ji was powerful.

“The brilliance of human nature has made a generation of wise kings.

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