The Finally Episode on the Ashes of Love which is Reasonable but Unexpected at the Same Time

Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜) 2018 “Sweet Honey as Ashes as Frost

“Xiangmi”, which I have been following for a whole summer, finally comes to an end. The spiritual couple lived up to expectations and finally got married after three lifetimes of love. The two gave birth to a child, Egret, and lived a carefree life in the world. This is what all Xiangmi girls are looking forward to. In the ending, although the spiritual part is no longer there, the sweetness of the spiritual couple is always there. Although the ending is happy, it is full of regrets. As a loyal viewer of “Xiangmi”, this ending is a bit unexpected for the editor. I wonder if you feel the same way.

Xu Feng and Jin Mi were destined to be together from the beginning, no matter what hardships and tests they would go through in the middle, but the endings of other supporting characters made people feel sad or regretful.

Runyu, who had done many evil things, did not suffer the consequences in the end. He was still the aloof Emperor of Heaven. I thought he would die to atone for his sins. After all, what he did to Jin Mi and Xufeng was still vivid in his mind. Now that he sees him The editor was a little angry because he didn’t receive a box lunch. But seeing him sitting alone on the Nine Heavens Cloud Palace, with only Kuang Lu and the Nightmare Beast in front of him, he could feel his loneliness through the screen, which made people feel sorry for him.

This must be the scriptwriter’s punishment for the character Runyu. It’s not easy to die, but it’s not easy to redeem yourself alive.

In addition to Runyu, the ending of Suihe, who also made the audience hate him to the bone, did not look happy. Five hundred years later, the crazy Sui He is still surviving in the demon world, but she still fantasizes that Xu Feng can return to her until her death. This is probably an explanation of the depth of love.

The editor felt a little distressed when she saw Sui He’s crazy look. She didn’t do anything wrong. She just fell in love with a man who didn’t love her, and she committed an unforgivable mistake. The majestic princess of the bird tribe, even death is a luxury in the drama. The editor was deeply surprised when I saw her being dragged into the cave by the foolish son of King Yancheng. With such an ending, it would be better to let her die because of love.

After leaving the body, it can be regarded as leaving the last dignity. Unexpectedly, in the end, it became someone else’s “meal on the plate.” I’m afraid more than one person feels sorry for this silly girl crazy about love like the editor…

In addition to these villains, the endings of Jin Mi’s friend Yan You and Yuexiaxian Danzhu, who was worried from the beginning to the end, also made many viewers feel helpless.

It is said that plastic surgery will ruin a drama. Although the actor Yanyou in the drama has an obvious plastic surgery face, it still does not affect his favorability in the hearts of the audience. Yanyou is not only a good friend of Jinmi, but they also have a life-long friendship. At first, Yanyou rescued Jin Mi in danger. Later, Yanyou was seriously injured by Sui He and was dying. Jin Mi personally went into danger to find life-saving medicine for him.

As long as Jin Mi calls, Yan You will appear immediately no matter when and where. There are probably only a few friends in the world who are always available like this!

Yanyou is still a very assertive person. As the adopted son of Runyu’s mother Suli, he always remembers to repay her kindness, but he cannot bear to watch her step into the abyss, and often risks his own life to persuade her.

Later, Runyu turned black and hoped that Yanyou could help him complete his revenge plan. However, he did not want to violate his original intention and conscience, and even if he broke up with Runyu, he would not participate in his absurd revenge plan.

For such a beloved character, the ending only has one shot of just a few seconds, which is the scene of him crying while holding grapes after learning that Jin Mi died. Later, when Jin Mi was reborn in the mortal world, he never appeared again, and Bai Lu did not mention this person who was of great significance to his mother. At this time, the editor felt a little sorry for Yan You.

There is also the Moon Immortal Danzhu who has been worried about Xu Feng and Jin Mi from the very beginning. He plays a vital role in Jin Mi and Xu Feng’s bumpy relationship. At first, he not only helps to maintain everything After Jin Mi later learns about Xu Feng’s feelings for Jin Mi, he tries every means to bring them together. If it weren’t for his red thread, how could Jin Mi and Xufeng strengthen their relationship in the mortal world?

If he and Yanyou hadn’t risked their lives to rescue Jin Mi from the flower world, then sent her to Xu Feng in the devil world, and used puppetry to make Xu Feng and Jin Mi come to the church to get married, how could Xu Feng stop deceiving himself and face the truth? Feelings for Jin Mi.

For such a key figure, the ending was the same as Yanyou’s. He was just a heartbroken profile after learning about Jin Mi’s death. He never appeared again. Similarly, Bailu didn’t talk about this grandfather. It seemed that he had never appeared in his life. in memory.

The endings of the two protagonists are happy, but the endings of these important supporting characters seem too sad and hasty. Do you have the same opinion as the editor?

Source: TV Cat

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