The Controllers 掌中之物 Episode 7 Recap

The Controllers 掌中之物 Episode 7 Recap

In order to intimidate Feng Xiaosheng, Xiao Wu lied that Ke Ying was the woman of his second uncle Feng Meng. If he knew it, let him leave quickly. Feng Xiaosheng didn’t take his words to heart. He was just here to teach Ke Ying a meal. Now seeing that his goal was achieved, he turned and left the ward.

Here, because of Chen Miaomiao’s affairs a few days ago, Feng Meng specifically came to Xiao Tongbin to understand the situation of the tip of the knife, but the other party saw him all the time. Li is always criticized by his superiors, how could he easily let go of this cancer like this. But Feng Meng’s hands and eyes were open to the sky. He didn’t know where to entrust him, so he directly ordered the police to release the people.

As the Jujinxiao Casino is involved in illegal incidents, the tip of the knife as a legal person is subject to legal sanctions, but the province has long launched control over the family closure and criminal involvement. As a less important part of the game, the tip of the knife can only First tolerate and accommodate. In addition, there is no direct evidence to prove that the tip of the knife killed Chen Jinyan. Even if the evidence can be found, the real behind-the-scenes will still be at large. Now the central government has vigorously strengthened its efforts to crack down on gangsters, not just these gangster companies, but also All corrupt officials are dug out. So the tip of the knife had to be put.

On the golf course, Feng Meng asked about a recently lost amount of money. In boredom, he used a cue to severely teach a kid under the old oil gun, but what they didn’t know was that their conversation was being transmitted through the monitoring device. In the ears of the police.

Mr. Feng also heard about the affairs of the Central Investigation Team, and ordered the secretary to investigate the matter, but the officials who had been handed in on weekdays were silent now, dare not to disclose a word, nor did they accept the gifts.

Ke Ying nibbled at the apple, and Yuze looked at his girlfriend with bruises distressed. Why did he fall like this while climbing? But when he asked to see the wound on Ke Ying’s body, she was circumvented by her in a few words, and joked whether Yuze wanted to eat his own tofu.

The tip of the knife came back, and Mr. Feng wanted to see Xiaowu and let himself lead people over. This was strange. He thought for a long time and couldn’t remember when Xiaowu met Feng Xiaosheng, and he was seeing Xiaowu for the first time. At that time, Mr. Feng made him a full-time driver.

When Ke Ying’s injury was almost healed, he returned to school. He happened to receive a call from his best friend Tian Tian. The two hadn’t seen each other for a long time. Tian Tian’s father was the deputy mayor of Nanzhou City, so don’t look at her good status. When investigating a problematic company, she almost got people pushed under the wheel. Fortunately, a friend named Qiao Yu helped her.

At night, Ke Ying bid farewell to Tian Tian, ​​and came to the feasting Ju Jinxiao again. This time it was a middle-aged man named Zhang. She said all the bad things and dragged the person to the bathroom after she was so drunk. As he was about to get out and leave, he ran into Feng Xiaosheng. Unfortunately, at this time in the women’s bathroom, Ke Ying pushed Feng Xiaosheng into a compartment when someone came, and cleverly left here.

The existence of the Central Investigation Team is top secret. Xiao Tongbin knew that he could not tell Xiaowu the truth, so he could only shirk the tip of the knife because there is no direct evidence that the masked person is the tip of the knife. However, everyone knows that this is a refusal. The purpose of the public security personnel is not to arrest the tip of the knife, but to bring out the handle behind the scene that manipulates the tip of the knife. This is what really paints Lao Chen’s case.


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