The Blood of Youth (2022) Episode 40 End

The Blood of Youth (2022) 少年歌行 Episode 40 End Recap and Review

Episode 40: The storm subsides and Xiao Chong ascends the throne

Heavy snow fell, corpses were everywhere, Xiao Chong stood on the long street with his sword in hand, the blood moon hung in the sky, and the long-lost peace returned, and finally the dust settled. In the palace bedroom, Hua Jinshou took care of him by the bed until Emperor Mingde woke up. Even though his face was pale, it was still difficult to conceal the domineering look in his eyes.

Now that the turmoil in Apocalypse City has subsided, the ghost doctor Ye Ya subdued the law, and the Red Prince’s Mansion has been sealed off. After Wuxin healed Yueji, he sent someone to send her to Hanshui Temple to reunite with Marquis Ming, and it was time for him to bid farewell to everyone and return to Tianwaitian. Before leaving, Wuxin asked Xiao Se if he wanted to be emperor clearly, and reminded him that if it was difficult to choose, he could try to sit on the throne. Feeling at this moment is the answer.

After Wuxin left, Luo Qingyang also took Concubine Xuan away from Tianqi. Xiao Se was called into the palace to meet Emperor Mingde, and saw him sitting on his head, his eyes were like torches, and his face seemed to be radiant, more like a flash of light. Emperor Mingde lifted Jinxuan’s confinement, hoping that Xiao Se would let him go. As for Huajin’s life-saving grace, he rewarded Jin Wanliang and Tianqi Medicine House, Mu Chunfeng’s meritorious escort, and named the long boat Cedar the Spring Breeze.

In fact, Emperor Mingde knew in his heart that Mu Chunfeng’s father had great ambitions, and the reason why he allowed Mu Chunfeng to come to Tianqi to assist Xiao Se was because he valued Xiao Se’s ascension to the throne sooner or later. Compared with Emperor Mingde who fought for the throne, Xiao Se was chosen by destiny, so Emperor Mingde left two dragon seal scrolls and gave them to Xiao Se and Jinxuan for safekeeping.

Xiao Se unfolded the dragon seal scroll in public, and the name of the White King Xiao Chong came into view. Emperor Mingde retreated from the crowd, like a father and son of ordinary people, pulling Xiao Se to sit side by side, chatting about the past, occasionally a moment of warmth made Xiao Se feel cherished . When Emperor Ming De wanted to marry Xiao Se, he first thought of Ye Ruoyi, the daughter of Ye Xiaoying, but Xiao Se revealed that he had a favorite person, and the other party was Suzaku’s daughter Sikong Qianluo.

Although Emperor Ming De thought that Sikong Qianluo was not bad, he still had lingering fears about the people in the Jianghu. He couldn’t help but think of Concubine Xuan, and felt ashamed of King Langya. At this moment, Emperor Mingde seemed to be much older. When he slowly read the name of King Langya, Xiao Se stopped in place, and the dragon seal scroll fell to the ground.

In the winter of the twenty-third year of Mingde, Emperor Mingde passed away in his sleep at the age of fifty-seven. On the same day, the Langya army on the frontier was defeated and retreated 19 cities in a row, covering 900 miles. It snowed heavily for several days in succession, Xiao Se, regardless of King Bai’s obstruction, insisted on leading the army to set off, bid farewell to everyone and rushed to the border to support the Langya Army.

Unexpectedly, just as Xiao Se left, Jinxuan suddenly came to the White Prince’s Mansion and presented him with a dragon seal scroll, persuading Xiao Chong to ascend the throne as soon as possible while Xiao Se was not in Tianqi City, otherwise when Xiao Se came back, he would have a heavy army in his hands and military merits , I am afraid that he will tear up the scroll and become emperor himself. Xiao Chong did not accept Jinxuan’s suggestion, and with an order, Jinyan, Xie Xuan, Nu Jianxian and Wushuang pushed the door in.

That night, Xiao Chong sat alone in his study and unfolded the scroll, staring at the names on the scroll until dawn the next day. Soon Xiao Se led the army to return triumphantly, and all civil and military officials greeted him. The grand scene was not inferior to that of King Langya back then. Xiao Chong knew very well that the day of Xiao Chong’s triumphant return would be the time when the new emperor ascended the throne, and he and Xiao Yueli had already been waiting in the main hall for a long time.

All civil and military officials tacitly agreed that Xiao Se must be the new emperor, bowed their heads and kowtowed with great momentum, but Xiao Se didn’t let them get up, and threatened to announce the last thing. When Xiao Se sat on the throne, after pondering for a while, he finally made a decision, and then handed over the dragon seal scroll to Xiao Yueli for reading, announcing the imperial edict of Emperor Ming De to inherit the throne as White King Xiao Chong.

The ministers were shocked when they heard the words, even Xiao Chong found it inconceivable, Xiao Se kowtowed slightly to him, and walked towards the door very freely, without any attachment to the throne. Xiao Yueli heard the courtiers admire Xiao Se, and ridiculed them for having too little knowledge.

Xiao Se decided to take Lei Wujie, Ye Ruoyi, and Sikong Qianluo to continue wandering the rivers and lakes. Xie Xuan, Ji Xue, Li Fansong and others came to see him off. Tu Erye smiled happily at Yong’an Palace. Even though the Yong’an Palace looks grand and magnificent, in Xiao Se’s heart, it is completely inferior to the Xueluo Villa on the frontier.

Just as Xiao Se was saying goodbye to everyone, Sword Immortal Nu sent a dragon seal scroll instead of Xiao Chong. It turned out that the scroll that Emperor Ming De gave to Xiao Se had Xiao Chong’s name written on it, and the scroll that Jin Xuan kept was written with Xiao Se’s name on it. The name, so as to prevent the two sons from repeating the same mistakes, can only be obtained if they are willing to give up the throne. The person who is willing to surrender the throne is a Mingjun.

Xiao Se laughed and said that his father was really cunning, and immediately destroyed the scroll of the dragon seal, and took Lei Wujie and the others to leave Yong’an Palace. In the twenty-three years of Mingde, the three-month rule of no king finally came to an end. Xiao Chong, the second prince of the former emperor, ascended the throne and was named Chonghe. In the first year of Chonghe, spring blossoms.

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