The Blood of Youth (2022) Episode 38

The Blood of Youth (2022) 少年歌行 Episode 38 Recap and Review

Episode 38: Xiao Se’s Climb to the Heavenly Sword Pavilion Fails

Before everyone could react, they found that Wushuang put the sword into the box, was seriously injured and vomited blood. Luo Qingyang praised Wushuang for being young and promising, but after he praised Wushuang, his killing intent increased sharply. Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Se took action in time, mocking Luo Qingyang as a sword fairy who bullied the younger generation, threatened to save Wushuang’s life, and asked Xiao Se to take him first Leave Qianjintai.

Because Luo Qingyang won two matches in a row, and both of them were exciting duels, which obviously made him more courageous as he fought, and his spirit was in full swing. Xiao Se was not his opponent in the first place, and I am afraid that he will definitely die today. It was also at this critical juncture that Lei Wujie became wise in a hurry, launched a verbal offensive to distract Luo Qingyang, and took the opportunity to decide to fight again in three days, causing the feeling that Luo Qingyang wanted to create to be defeated by a master disappeared.

But the problem was that Lei Wujie could escape for three days, but he couldn’t escape the confrontation three days later. That night, he went to Bai Wang’s mansion to ask Wuxin for advice, trying to understand Luo Qingyang through him, so that he would be able to win a hundred battles if he knew the enemy and himself. However, the unintentional description made Lei Wujie want to cry without tears, and finally realized that the real master is to cut a side of the world with a sword, trap the opponent in the world, and it is difficult to break free.

Xie Xuan instructed Lei Wujie to understand that every sword fairy has his own sword power, and if he wants to break the sword power, he must do the opposite. Lei Wujie pondered for a while when he heard this, and suddenly remembered how to break Luo Qingyang. With a desolate sword move, that is to yell at the opponent. Xiao Se and Wushuang felt helpless, but Xie Xuan felt that it might be useful, and by the way suggested that Lei Wujie retreat into Jianxin for two days, and follow the example of his mother Li Xinyue to practice his sword with pure sword heart, maybe there will be a glimmer of chance.

Ye Ruoyi heard that Lei Wujie still had a chance of winning, and broke into a cold sweat for him from the bottom of her heart, hoping that Xiao Se would persuade Lei Wujie to cancel the battle. Xiao Se felt that Lei Wujie was Li Hanyi’s younger brother after all, and the friendship between the Five Great Sword Immortals was different, but they still felt a little sympathetic to each other. Just because of this, Luo Qingyang would definitely not kill him.

Now that Li Hanyi returned to Xueyue City from Jianxin Tomb, his skill has recovered by 30%, and he heard that the reason why Yin Luoxia left Xueyue City was because her apprentice confessed her love in public, and even Luo Mingxuan chased her away. Although there have been incidents of master-student love in the world, it is difficult to accept after all. Li Hanyi feels that there must be someone who takes the first step bravely in love, but he does not know whether it is Luo Mingxuan or Zhao Yuzhen.

Because of the recent civil strife in Beili, Nanjue took the opportunity to invade the border and captured three cities in just one day. Xiao Lingchen was about to lead the army to march on the border, and visited Xiao Se before leaving. As Xiao’s children, the two were destined to shoulder the mission of protecting the family and the country. One was responsible for guarding the country, and the other was responsible for setting the apocalypse.

Beili practiced swords, Nanjue practiced swords, every boy from Beili dreamed of being a knight in his heart, walking around the rivers and lakes with swords in white clothes, Xiao Se also thought about it, so everyone knows that he is good at Wuji stick, but they don’t know that his swordsmanship is superior to stick above the law. If he wanted to defeat Luo Qingyang, Xiao Se could only think of going to Qin Tianjian to find Qi Tianchen to open a sword pavilion for him, and only by obtaining the Heavenly Zhan Sword would he have a chance of winning.

However, Qi Tianchen was severely injured on Penglai Island before, so he could not protect Xiao Se. Fortunately, Sikong Qianluo appeared and wished to ensure his smooth entry into the cabinet. Witnessed by Sikong Qianluo and Qi Tianchen, Xiao Se used the Nation Splitting Formation to intimidate the nine sharp swords. This sword technique was passed down by the founding emperor Xiao Yi. Those who are not talented cannot practice.

The sword art of splitting the country is divided into four realms: Juesheng, Pofeng, Shocking Dragon, and Pofeng. Most people can hardly practice it in their lifetime. The person who has achieved the highest achievement in this sword art in the past century is only Xiao Ruofeng, King of Langya. Even if he practiced to the Breaking Wind Realm, he couldn’t enter the sword room where the Heavenly Zhan Sword was stored. Xiao Se rushed to open the door of the sword room with the nine-handed sword, but he fell into a dreamland when he approached the Tianzhan sword.

In the illusion, Xiao Se saw that his inner demon was Emperor Mingde, and he drew his sword to kill him, but after the inner demon, he saw Lei Wujie and others die tragically under Luo Qingyang’s sword, and then he was trapped between love and justice and failed to pass. trial. The sword guard was willing to give Xiao Se a chance to understand the emperor’s intentions, but he finally chose to give up and return to Sikong Qianluo’s side.

Sikong Qianluo fought bitterly for Xiao Se for three hours with a spear. Although Xiao Se failed to take the sword, at least he understood that what the emperor thought of as restraint was actually something that accompanied him all the way to today. The Heavenly Zhanjian does not belong to Xiao Se, and he does not want to become the second Emperor Mingde, even if he dies, he will not back down, and he has to take the first step to protect those who care about him.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, Tang Ze replaced Tang Lian in Xuanwu, the new Four Guardians regrouped in Qianjintai, and the others came as scheduled, but Lei Wujie was delayed. After a long wait, Xiao Se, the king of Yong’an, appeared to fight. Nine swords all came out and used the sword technique of splitting the country.

The roar of the dragon was loud, the wind of the sword was fierce, and there seemed to be thousands of heroes singing sadly. Although it was not the first time for everyone to see the sword dance of Guoshang, they still felt desolate and sorrowful when they saw it again. Luo Qingyang swung his sword and sang loudly, gathering momentum to approach Xiao Se, his eyes were like blades, just when everyone was worried about Xiao Se, how did Xiao Se curse and the sword broke in response.

Luo Qingyang became angry from embarrassment, and sacrificed the most powerful sword of the Desolation Sword, “Lihun”, and Xiao Se fell to the ground with serious injuries. Lei Wujie rushed into Qianjin Terrace to resist Luo Qingyang’s sword array, Ji Xue, Tang Ze and Sikong Qianluo joined in one after another, the four guardians stood in front of Xiao Se, vowing to fight to the death.

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