The Biography of Shakyamuni Buddha (King Jingfan and Madame Maya)

The Biography of Shakyamuni Buddha -5- King Jingfan and Madame Maya

King Jingfan and Mrs. Maya

In the lush forest near the southern foot of the snow mountain, there is a very wealthy country established here, which is the famous Kapilavatthu country. King Jingfan the Great is the patriarch of the Shakya clan. He is brave and capable, outwitted and virtuous. Since he became the king, he has governed the Kapilavastu state in a smooth manner, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe.

Because he is a great king with both majesty and love, he is very popular with his subjects. Under his wise leadership, the people of the whole country lived their precious years in peace and happiness with ample food and clothing.

The young King of Pure Rice, who achieved success at a young age, is the head of the clan at home and the leader of the country politically. Therefore, the princesses of various countries and the daughters of famous families are secretly praying for their life-long events, hoping to marry The mighty young king.

Finally, King Shanjue, the lord of the Koli clan, has a younger sister, Maya, who is dignified and beautiful, with a generous demeanor, and her gentle and virtuous deeds are well-known far and wide. The young king and the beautiful princess had a happy marriage in this way.

Since King Jingfan got married, the relationship between husband and wife has been like a fish in water, really like heaven on earth.

From summer to cold, from autumn to spring, the days flowed like flowing water, King Jingfan and Mrs. Maya, the youthful years, also passed away with the hurried years. The king and his wife, who had always been intoxicated with joy, finally cast a dark and dull shadow in their circle of life.

Because King Jingfan and Mrs. Maya have been married, day after day, year after year, and they have not yet given birth to an heir prince.

When King Jingfan returned to the palace during his spare time dealing with state affairs, he would look at his gentle and wise wife and look at the lonely furnishings in the palace, always frowning and sighing.

The clever Mrs. Maya had already seen what the king was thinking. One day, the virtuous wife said softly to King Jingfan:

“My king! We are getting old gradually, and our knees are still weak, and you are the king of a country, how can you lose a crown prince?

“well! ...The King of Pure Rice frowned.

“My king! I said, “Mrs. Maya sat next to King Jingfan: “Don’t be as stubborn as before, I hope you can accept my opinion once. Since ancient times, there have been many concubines in the king’s court. Why do you want to abolish this practice? You see, apart from me, there is no other concubine in the palace. Hurry up and find some more flowery beauties, maybe they will give birth to a lovely prince for you.

“No! King Jingfan resolutely replied: “If it is fate that I have no heir, even if I get all the women in the world, it will be the same.”

King Jingfan said this verbally, but the worries in his heart grew day by day.

Mrs. Maya is the mother of Kapilavatthu, her appearance is like a full moon in autumn, and her heart is like a pure lotus flower in a pond. However, she couldn’t give birth to a prince for Kapilavatthu, she couldn’t give birth to a future master of the country for King Jingfan, and she often felt bored and uneasy in her heart.

It was when Mrs. Maya was forty years old. On a silent night, Mrs. Maya was sleeping comfortably and peacefully on the bed. In her hazy dream, she suddenly saw an imposing figure riding white hair. The elephant came slowly from the void, and when it approached the lady, it entered the belly from her right side. The lady was startled and woke up from the dream, only then did she realize that she had just had a dream.

After the wife woke up, she told the dream to King Jingfan who was sleeping beside her. After King Jingfan heard it, like his wife, they all felt that it was an incredible dream.

Madam has been different from ordinary women since she had this dream. She lives happily and peacefully every day, without worry, without distress, and without anger, greed, and hypocrisy. She doesn’t like noisy places and only likes to play by the quiet forest or water every day.

Not long after, the madam told the king the good news of her pregnancy. King Jingfan was overjoyed when he heard the news. He learned the good news that he had hoped for for more than 20 years, and completely wiped away the depression that had accumulated in his heart in the past.

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