The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha (The Prophecy of the Fortune Teller)

The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha” -7- The prophecy of the fortune teller

Chapter 7 The Prophecy of the Visionary

King Suddhodana, with his wife and prince beside him, saw the changing situation in the world. On one hand, he was happy, but on the other hand, he was worried.

At this time, there was a Brahmin fortune-teller near the Lumbini Garden. He was knowledgeable, talented and eloquent. He ran over with joy and excitement, and kept saying that he wanted to pray for the prince. King Suddhodana was in a state of shock and doubt. , grant his request. He first looked at the prince who was lying peacefully, and then at the shocked and horrified King Suddhodana. He began to talk nonstop:

“Your Majesty! In life, the first thing you want is to have an outstanding son. Your Majesty gave birth to a prince who looks like a full moon today. I am really happy to celebrate! The growth of this prince must be a glory to the Sakyamuni clan. King! Don’t be surprised in your heart, I tell you, there is really no need to worry at all. 』

“scholar! You are right, I am really filled with doubts and fears! 』

“Your Majesty! Not only do you not have to worry, but you can also give an order right now for all the people in the country to celebrate. From now on, it will be our national honor. Such a wise prince born in our country will surely become the savior of the world. I pay my respects to the prince’s majestic appearance, which is definitely not comparable to that of the wise men or scholars in the world.

He will definitely be able to open the road to liberation for all sentient beings in the future. If he inherits the throne, he will not only be the monarch of our country, but he will also be a rare saint king who can rule the four worlds. He will spread good governance and practice the king’s laws, making all the kings of the five seals bow to the wind and beg for alliance. to him. He can give light to the world!

“is that true? scholar! It would be great if he could rule the four worlds. ” King Suddhodana smiled happily.

“However,” the scholar said solemnly: “If he hates the hustle and bustle of this world and loves to live in the quiet mountains and forests, he will definitely be able to seek the highest solution, achieve true wisdom, and become the most noble and noble Buddha.”

The Buddha is the greatest and most noble enlightened being in the world. The Buddha in the human world is like Mount Sumeru, the king of the mountains. Among all the treasures, gold is the first. Among the rivers, the ocean is the broadest. Among the countless stars, the Buddha is the king. The moon is the brightest, and the sun is the most brilliant among all lights. Buddha is the teacher of humans and gods, and nothing can compare with him.

“Scholar! How do you know that he will love silence and become a monk in the future? ” King Suddhodana asked suspiciously.

The scholar pointed at the prince and said:

“Look, the prince’s distinguished face, his bright eyes are wide and regular, his upper and lower eyelashes are long and even; his cyan eyes, his tall and straight nose, such an appearance is definitely not the same as that of ordinary people. He will definitely accomplish the Buddha’s deeds. May the king be free from fear and celebrate quickly! 』

When the Brahmin fortune teller said this, King Suddhodana couldn’t help being surprised and surprised. He asked the Brahmin fortune teller:

“The scholar I respect most!” If what you said is true, but with such a strange appearance, why did you not give birth to my wise late king as an heir, but give me this unworthy heir?

“Your Majesty! It’s not like you say it! ” The Brahmin fortune teller shook his head: “Everyone in the world, even if they are brothers born from the same family and the same parents, has different destinies.

Some are extremely wise, those who have a far-reaching reputation, those who are knowledgeable and versatile, and those who have a prosperous career; there are also those who have little knowledge, those who are ignorant and clumsy, those who are notorious, and those who have no success in their careers.

These virtuous and dishonest things can never be seen as related to the relationship between father and son. You should now be filled with joy after seeing such a strange appearance, and be free from these unnecessary doubts forever!

After hearing this, King Suddhodana was very happy and said:

“I am so lucky to be born with such a special prince in this life!” I am getting older day by day. I hope that he will grow up soon and inherit my throne. At that time, I am willing to go to the mountains to become a monk and accumulate some quiet holy life in order to obtain the peace and happiness of future generations. I will never let this prince I renounce the secular world and become a monk, cutting off my royal heir. 』

After King Suddhodana said this, he immediately rewarded the Brahmin Prime Minister with many treasures. After he took his leave, King Suddhodana ordered his attendants to carefully escort the wife and the prince back to the palace.

When the king was ordering the maids to place his wife and the prince in the palace, the king’s bodyguard came to report that there was an ascetic sage outside the palace gate asking to see him. This ascetic sage is named Asita Sage.

Among the Brahmin ascetic scholars, he is the most authoritative wise man. He stays away from love and often enters meditation. King Suddhodana was a courteous and courteous monarch. When he heard that the visitor was the famous Immortal Ashita, he quickly ordered his bodyguards to invite him in.

After Ashita entered the palace, King Suddhodana was very respectful to him and immediately asked Ashita for advice:

“My most awe-inspiring great immortal!” I am now the happiest king in the world. I got a priceless treasure and gave birth to a strange prince. I only hope you can bring good luck to me!

After hearing this, Immortal Ashita was very happy and said:

“The true and kind king!” You are both benevolent and wise, and the country’s fortunes are prosperous. You spread the king’s laws widely and care for the people. Good seeds planted in the past will bear good fruits now. King! It is for this important reason that I have come to the palace to pay my respects. Please listen to what I have to say.

I was in meditation today and saw a heavenly being saying to me: “King Suddhodana has given birth to a prince, who is actually the future Buddha. In the future, he will be able to preach the same great Dharma as the past Buddhas and teach the highest truth in the world. .” Your Majesty! Lucky king! I came to the palace today for no other reason than to pay homage to the Great Enlightened One of the Future Universe! 』

After King Suddhodana heard the words of Immortal Amitabha, he hurriedly ordered the palace maid to bring out the prince and show him to Immortal Amitabha.

Azita Immortal looked at the prince with perfect appearance respectfully and devoutly. This was the appearance of a Buddha with thirty-two attributes and eighty good attributes, without any shortcomings. Immortal Asi Tuo has never seen such a wonderful love. All he could do was stick out his tongue and roll his eyes. Crystal tears fell from his eyes one by one, and he kept sighing.

When King Suddhodana saw Asita, he came in a happy mood at first, but now he looked so sad. He thought that something bad would happen to his beloved son, and suddenly he trembled! My chest was so full that I could hardly breathe. He was frightened and immediately stood up from his seat and said to Immortal Asi Tuo:

“Great Immortal!” Why are you doing this? When you first came here, didn’t you say that my prince had all kinds of strange acquaintances and that he was the most honorable and victorious among men? Why are you so sad after meeting the prince in person?

Could it be that my prince’s short life caused your sorrow? Or do you think I am a thirsty person who has received nectar and is about to lose it? Or will the birth of this prince lead to the destruction of the country, the loss of the family and the loss of treasure?

I can tell the Immortal now that if my prince can grow up, even if my country becomes a vassal state of others and all my treasures are lost, I will be willing to do so. Great Immortal! Please tell me, why are you crying? Why sigh? Please teach me quickly so that I can have peace of mind! 』

King Suddhodana gave birth to a son in his old age, and this kind of expression of true love was inevitable. Seeing King Suddhodana being so worried, Immortal Asitra said to him sincerely and respectfully:

“Your Majesty! Please don’t be so sad in your heart. The way I am paying my respects to the prince at this moment is no different from what I said at the beginning. I am extremely lucky to be able to meet the prince’s sweetheart in person today. But when I think that I am now in my prime, I will not live long in this world, and I will not be able to receive the teachings of the prince who will become a Buddha in the future, so I don’t sigh and shed tears. 』

“Will the prince really become a monk and become a Buddha?” ” King Suddhodana was a little worried.

“Your Majesty! The birth of this prince is the last birth in the human world. The birth of such a person in the human world is like the rare Utambhava appearing in the world. The birth of such a prince will not only be the happiness of the king, but also the happiness of all mankind; not only will the king obtain a priceless treasure, but also the savior of all mankind! He will definitely become a monk and achieve Buddhahood! ” Immortal Asi Tuo replied affirmatively.

“How is that possible?” Who will inherit my throne? 』

“Your Majesty! Your prince will not be obsessed with the realm of the five desires in front of him. He will abandon the throne to practice and seek true enlightenment. Only he in the world can help ignorant sentient beings eliminate their troubles and karma. He is really the eternal light of wisdom in the world! King! Unfortunately, I am too old to hear the Buddha’s teachings with my own ears.

Although I have attained meditation now, I have not heard the Buddha’s teachings. After all, I do not know the true teachings of liberation. Once my body breaks down and I die, I will definitely fall into the Three Difficulties Heaven, alas! 』

At the end of the sentence, Immortal Asitra sighed deeply. King Suddhodana, his relatives, and the maids in the palace heard the story of the Immortal sighing and weeping. On the one hand, they became more worried, and on the other hand, they felt relieved.

In the heart of King Suddhodana, he thought of what Asita said, that the prince could not inherit the throne and had to become a monk and learn Taoism. He felt deeply distressed, and his face was full of sorrow. Asita saw him. Then he continued:

“Your Majesty! I tell you the truth, just as you are worried, the prince will become a monk and achieve the Buddha’s path to enlightenment! 』

After Immortal Asituo said this, he bowed respectfully to the prince and left.

Although King Suddhodana felt disappointed and empty at this time, he had a new respect for the prince. He immediately ordered the whole country to open the prisons and grant amnesty to all prisoners: hard laborers were also given special holidays; he offered the best food to Brahmins, offered sacrifices to the good gods in all temples, and rewarded the ministers with precious items.

The poor in the country The beggars were given food and drink, and the attendants and maids were given oxen, horses, elephants, gold and silver. All the people in Kapilavastu were rejoicing and cheering, and the people all over the country celebrated the birth of a prince. cheer!

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