The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha (The Prince Went out of the City for a Picnic)

“The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha” -10- The prince went out of the city for a picnic

“Chapter 10 The Prince leaves the city for an outing”

The joy of the royal city continued day after day, but the prince gradually became tired of the noisy hustle and bustle. Those living beings who suffered so much, their shadows were clearly imprinted in the heart of the prince. The beautiful Yasodhara and the newborn Rahula did not occupy an important position in the heart of the prince. Because in addition to these, he also has a higher ideal in his heart, and there are more sentient beings.

Although the prince lived in a palace full of entertainment, he liked to walk in quiet places or meditate in a quiet environment. It’s like an elephant. Although he is tied up in a beautiful house, his heart still remembers traveling in the grassy wilderness.

One day, the prince suddenly told his father that he wanted to go for a swim in the gardens outside the city. After hearing this, King Suddhodana immediately ordered his ministers to prepare beautiful carriages, sweep the left and right sides of the street, and remove any garbage.

On both sides of the road, King Suddhodana strictly ordered that no old people with dragon bells, groaning patients, dead corpses, and poverty should be allowed. The poor people, as well as the hungry and cold beggars, because they were afraid that when the prince saw these, he would inevitably feel disgusted.

King Suddhodana also ordered many ministers to accompany the prince to play, and secretly observed the prince’s color, whether he was happy or sad, they should report it when they came back.

It was on this day that the middle of the street in the capital city of Kapilavastu was decorated with silk and precious mandarins. The charioteer chariot and the carriage carrying the prince were walking quickly on the road. By the roadside stood the old and young men and women in the city. Everyone They all waved and saluted the prince who passed by on the road, and shouted long live the prince.

Let’s say that when the prince left the capital and looked into the distance, he suddenly saw a strange old man on the side of the road. He looked very frail. The prince was frightened and strange when he saw it, so he asked the charioteer Channi:

“Cheyana!” That’s an old man! You see, his head is white, his back is hunched over, his eyes are closed, and his body is numb. Why does he walk with a stick? Car hiding! Is he still in this state now? Or is it just destiny? 』

The driver of the car asked the prince, and he felt that it was difficult to answer. If he answered according to the facts, he would definitely make the prince sad; if he did not answer according to the facts, he would not dare to deceive the wise prince.

Che Ni hesitated and had no choice.

“Cheyana!” Why is he like this? Did it suddenly change now? Or is this his destiny? ” The prince knew that aging was a process of life, but he still asked with emotion.

The prince urged Che Ni again, and Che Ni could only reply faithfully:

“Prince!” I think you know he is an old man! Please take a look at his face. When he gets old, the color fades, his memory is lacking, his sorrows increase and his happiness decreases. My eyes, ears, nose, and tongue no longer have the vitality of my youth. This sign of aging is not something that happens when he is born. When he is born, he is still a suckling baby.

Then he understands the play of a child, and then he grows up and becomes a servant of desire. Now, because of his strength, he Years pass by, so he gradually becomes an old man. Soon, he will destroy his body for old age. 』

After hearing what Che Ni said, the prince sighed and asked Che Ni again like he was taking an exam:

“Cheyana!” There are many people in the world, but you think he is the only one who will age? Or do we also have to go through this old problem? 』

Channa replied respectfully:

“Prince!” In life, aging is inevitable for no one. This old problem, no matter rich or poor, high or low, no matter king or elder, must come to an end. At this time, we are all gradually approaching the stage of aging moment by moment. Prince! No matter whether you are a young person or a person in your prime, aging is something that no one in this world can avoid! 』

After hearing these words of Chen Na in the ears of the prince, he thought of a charioteer who understood such a principle. The so-called principle of impermanence was like a thunderbolt, and his body began to tremble without realizing it!

The prince sighed and thought to himself: “This old problem can destroy our physical body. All sentient beings, strong bodies and strong strength are just like a fleeting dream. Everything in the world is changing. “Look, it’s the same for others, and it’s the same for me. Seeing such a chronic disease, why doesn’t it make me feel sad and disgusted?”

After the prince let out a long sigh, he ordered Chen Ni:

“Cheyana!” Let’s get back to the city! Now I think that aging is coming soon in life. How can I have the leisure to go to gardens and seek happiness? 』

The prince had the thought of approaching old age in his heart, and deeply felt the loneliness, emptiness and distress of life. Although he lives in the royal city, he feels like he has entered a tomb. There was no joy, no happiness, and his heart simply could not settle down for a moment. To the prince, the neat and majestic palace was like a cage that closed him and made him depressed.

No third party could know the reason why the prince returned to the palace, except the charioteer Che Ni.

King Suddhodana felt very uneasy when he saw that the prince was sinking in sorrow all day long. Therefore, he advised the prince to go on an outing outside the city again, and ordered the accompanying carriages and horses to be better than the previous one, the necessary roads to be paved, and the streets to be cleaned.

The prince came out of the city and walked not far when he suddenly saw a dying patient lying on the side of the road. He was sleeping there. He was thin and had a big belly. His breathing was rapid. His hands and feet were like dead wood. His eyes were filled with tears and he kept moaning. , the prince felt sympathy and asked Channa, why did he become like this? Che Ni thought for a moment and replied without daring to hide:

“Prince!” This is a patient. If the various organs in the body lack coordination, the pain of this disease will arise. 』

The prince felt deeply, as if talking to himself or asking someone:

“Is he the only sick person in the world?” Or does everyone get sick from time to time? 』

“Prince!” In this world, as long as there is a body, there will be diseases. “Hearing the prince’s muttering to himself, Che Ni said this cautiously.

When the prince thought about the sufferings of life, he began to tremble with fear. He was like a small boat sailing in the stormy waves. His heart felt uneasy all the time. He sighed sadly:

“Ouch!” Life is really a hard thing! How can we get over it peacefully? well! All sentient beings in the world are blocked by ignorance and dark confusion. They don’t know that disease will come at any time, but instead pursue the unreal happiness of the five desires. 』

The prince walked around outside the city and then ordered Channi to drive back to the city. When he thinks about the pain of illness, he will feel as painful as being tied up and thrown around at will.

When King Suddhodana saw the prince returning to the city in a hurry, he didn’t know why, so he repeatedly questioned the people who followed the prince, including Channa, who honestly reported to the elderly and sick people he saw. King Suddhodana was shocked when he heard this and severely reprimanded the guards. He also added music of beautiful women in the palace to bring joy to the world, hoping to make the prince leave the abyss of sorrow. However, this had no effect at all. .

Therefore, King Suddhodana personally went out to inspect the city this time, looking for a lush garden, rebuilding the streets, cleaning up the impurities, and sent more beautiful maids and more intelligent and strategic followers to urge the prince to return. Go on a trip.

Seeing his father’s painstaking efforts, the prince couldn’t bear to show his kindness, so he went on a trip. Before the carriage and horse arrived at the garden that his father had chosen for him to play, he suddenly saw four people carrying a coffin coming towards him.

The coffin was covered with flags and canopies. The people following them all had sad faces, their hair was disheveled, and some were even wailing. Weeping loudly, the prince looked at it and realized whose life had died. The prince shook his head and sighed, while Che Ni reported from the side:

“Prince!” There is a dead man in here! 』

“Why do people have to die?” ” The prince couldn’t help but be filled with emotion.

Channi seemed to have a great feeling about death, so he explained diligently:

“A dead person is a person whose body structure is broken, all senses and consciousness are gone, the soul has left the body, the muscles and muscles are dry, and they have lost the flexibility and freedom of living when they were alive. They are like a piece of dead wood. Six relatives and family members cannot replace it, and friends and acquaintances cannot be exchanged.

No matter how loving the couple is, they can only leave the deceased alone in a tomb in the wilderness without saying goodbye. Prince! After death, the body will be destroyed if it is buried in the soil for a long time! 』

The prince knew that death was miserable, so he said to Che Ni in grief:

“Cheyana!” Death is the end of life. As long as people are alive, they must eventually die. No one, male or female, old or young, can avoid this! 』

The prince had been horrified by the pain of aging and illness in the past, but now when he saw the misery of death, he lay leaning on the carriage and kept lamenting: “Alas! The world has indeed misunderstood.

Death is approaching us. How can we live a relaxed life? Human beings are not grass and trees, nor are they earth and rocks. How come they don’t worry about the impermanence of the world, yet they still indulge in lust and games every day? I thought that death is inevitable in life. How could I watch life pass by quietly? 』

The prince immediately ordered his charioteer, Che Ni, to return to the city. This time, Che Ni was ordered by the king not to return early. He was too frightened to change the carriage. The horse ran very fast, and the prince’s carriage finally arrived at the garden where he was visiting.

As the carriage entered the garden, the prince took a closer look and saw that the water here was clear, the trees were lush, and the birds were singing. It was as beautiful as the paradise in heaven.

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