The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha (The Birth of the Prince in Lumbini Garden)

The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha -6- The Birth of the Prince in Lumbini Garden

The Birth of the Prince in Lumbini Garden”

The days passed in joy, and Princess Maya was gradually satisfied with her ten-month pregnancy, but she still liked to go for walks in the quiet countryside. The green branches and leaves of the vegetation and the gurgling springs are all conducive to the cultivation of life. One day, on a full moon day in late spring and early summer, it was a good day with warm wind and clear sky.

My wife told King Suddhodana that she wanted to go for an outing to the Lumbini Garden on the outskirts of the capital of Kapilavastu. , and also planned to return to his mother’s house to give birth according to the custom after visiting the garden. After King Suddhodana heard this, he thought that his wife was full-term pregnant and returned to her mother’s house to give birth. This was a custom that could not be violated, but why did she still visit the garden?

After thinking about the strange interest and request for a while, he immediately ordered more maids and personally escorted the lady through the Lumbini Garden to her mother’s home, Sky Arm City

Shortly after the king and his wife arrived at Lumbini Garden, the wife gave birth to the prince under a lush and lush Ashoka tree. The lady who had just given birth did not feel any distress; the prince who had just given birth was also very peaceful.

At this time, the sun in the sky was extraordinarily bright, the flowers were extraordinarily beautiful, and the birds were singing joyful songs. All this is to celebrate the birth of the prince into the world.

To be honest, the prince’s birth is filled with all kinds of special and rare auspicious signs. Shortly after his birth, he walked seven steps automatically, raised his eyes and looked around, and said in a croaking voice: “This is my last rebirth in the human world. I was born in the human world in order to become a Buddha.” I am the greatest and most noble awakened being among humans, and I want to save all sentient beings extensively.

“After the prince said that, two silver chains of pure water poured down from the sky, one was warm, the other was cool. After the prince took a bath, his body and mind felt doubly refreshed.

Many heavenly kings and Brahma gods came to the sky. The heavenly king raised the four legs of the glazed bed, and the Brahma gods respectfully held the precious umbrella canopy. Countless heavenly beings appeared in the sky, and they all came to praise the current prince. The birth of Buddha.

The prince and his wife were lying comfortably on the bed, and King Suddhodana stood beside them in joy and surprise. At this moment, the heavenly clothes floated over the prince’s body from the sky, the burned fuel in the world began to bloom again, the muddy water turned into pure and lovely, and the flowers of various colors bloomed more beautifully and fragrantly than before.

vicious people also have a compassionate heart for a moment, moaning patients recover naturally without medical treatment, many singing animals suddenly become silent, tyrants who abuse their people become wise, and everything in the world is restored. Stable. Even people living in quiet and remote places know this rare auspicious sign, and thousands of people are rushing to gather at Lumbini Garden.

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