The Arc of Life 她們創業的那些鳥事 Episode 22 Recap

The Arc of Life 她們創業的那些鳥事 Episode 22 Recap

Marriage is when two people grow old together. Xiao Tiao in the room suddenly heard the voice of the young chicks outside the door. It turned out that Xia Zhi wanted to untie Xiao Tiao’s knot and invited them to come. Xiao Tiao seemed to be turned on, crying and apologizing for not being a good mother… Xia’s father escorted When Sister Feng came home, she met Lei Zhenyu and the two wrestled. Sister Feng told Father Xia never to interfere in their housework.

The next day, Lei Zhenyu came to see Father Xia. Father Xia looked solemn… Guests complained and cried on the Internet. Since then, Little Bird Coffee has established VIP seats for children with autism. Entrepreneur Yang Zhenglong expressed that he wants to adopt VIP seats for a long time. Meiji’s consumption made Meiji admire, Xiaomin saw through Ade’s love for Meiji, and asked him to confess to Meiji as soon as possible, otherwise it would be too late.

Lin Chuan wanted to plan a power outage proposal while everyone was in the office, Xiao Chu agreed with tears, and kissed Lin Chuan thought to the cheers of the crowd. Yang Zhenglong came to the coffee shop again. This time, he came to confess with Meiji and proposed the relationship based on marriage.

Meiji honestly told the dressing style of the usual Meimei adults, but Yang Zhenglong did not expect Yang Zhenglong to approve, so Meiji went back to the sexy costume. Happy ending and betting with Ad’s chest sealing… Father Xia was again depressed by Feng Sister’s rejection. Xia Zhi realized that he had also neglected to take care of his father’s mood after retirement…


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