Thai Basil Benefits

Thai basil (โหระพา)
Thai basil is a type of basil native to Southeast Asia that has been cultivated to provide distinctive traits. Widely used throughout Southeast Asia, its flavor, described as anise- and licorice-like and slightly spicy, is more stable under high or extended cooking temperatures than that of sweet basil. Wikipedia

Basil Ocimum basilicum L. is classified in the family basil ( LAMIACEAE or LABIATAE ), native to Asia and Africa. It is a native plant of India. But widespread in Asia and the West Basil is a fragrant herb. It is very popular in cooking and flavoring the flavor to be more appetizing.

Basil has many properties, but few people know how useful it is, with one cup of thyme contains 452.16 mcg of beta-carotene, which can help prevent heart disease. And also contains other vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, including carbohydrates, proteins and fats, etc. The properties of basil that we use in the treatment of major diseases Then use only the leaves and oil extracted from basil, but other parts will work as well, whether it is the root, the stem is considered to be almost all useful. But basil oil can cause allergic reactions if used by pregnant women. Therefore should be avoided.

Properties of Basil Benefits

  1. Basil propertiesFresh basil leaves are used as an essential oil.
  2. It helps to prevent damage in our body from free radical damage.
  3. Help stimulate the body’s immune system
  4. Contribute to helping prevent ischemic heart disease.
  5. Has the effect of helping to reduce cholesterol and plaque in the blood stream.
  6. Contribute to preventing cancer
  7. Help drive acne and fight the growth of acne bacteria.
  8. Help with appetite
  9. Can be used as a poultice to absorb toxins from the skin.
  10. It improves the milk supply for mothers who are breastfeeding. By bringing the leaves to boil with royal milk to eat
  11. It is believed to be a sexual health tonic as well.
  12. Help heal headache by using young shoots boiled with water. And bring it to drink as tea Or eat fresh vegetables
  13. Cure dizziness by bringing the leaves to boil and drink
  14. Basil oil has calming properties and helps reduce depression.
  15. Helps to treat conjunctivitis, eyes with a lot of dust
  16. Helps cure colds and helps in sweating. By bringing fresh leaves and plants to boil together and bring water to drink
  17. Helps relieve nausea and vomiting. With the introduction of fresh basil leaves about 1 tablespoon of water mixed with 2 tablespoons sugar cane juice mixed with warm water. And brought to drink twice a day
  18. Used to treat purulent gingivitis With the introduction of dried basil leaves, ground them into a powder and applied to the inflamed area.
  19. Used to cure hiccups By bringing fresh basil leaves with fresh ginger soaked in boiling water and drinking while still hot
  20. Used as a diuretic By bringing the old seeds to soak in water to fully swell And then eaten with desserts mixed with nectar and ice
  21. Used as a laxative By bringing about 3-5 grams of dry seeds to boil drinking water
  22. Helps to heal stomach ulcers Because it helps to inhibit the effect of aspirin, which is the cause of stomach ulcers.
  23. Helps to expel the wind, cure indigestion.
  24. Basil seeds when soaked in water will swell into slime. Brought to eat to cure dysentery
  25. Thyme oil has properties to relieve colic distension.
  26. The essential oil of the leaves is great for digestion of meaty foods.
  27. If the child has stomach pain Use 20 basil leaves to brew hot water and bring to brew milk for children to drink instead of carminative.
  28. Used to cure irregular menstrual symptoms
  29. Used as a remedy to relieve bee stings.
  30. Helps to treat rash, itching and lymph by applying the lower leaves and mask.
  31. Help to cure a child wound. Or have chronic pus With the use of basil roots burned to ashes and applied to the wound area.
  32. Helps to cure bruises from a concussion, falls, snake bites by applying the lower leaves and mask.
  33. Properties of basilThe seeds when soaked in water will swell into mucus. Used as a laxative Because it helps to increase the amount of food waste
  34. Basil oil helps kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  35. Thyme oil helps to loosen muscle contractions.
  36. Help treat arthritis symptoms Inflammation wound by applying a pound or a compress
  37. Basil oil can be used to kill mosquitoes, mites, and insects by pounding the root leaves thoroughly and adding a little white wine. And bring it to a boil just when it’s hot Leave it to warm and apply to the knee and leave it for about 15 minutes, 2 times a day, the symptoms will gradually improve.
  38. Help in the treatment of osteoarthritis
  39. Has an anti-inflammatory effect
  40. Basil leaves have a specific smell and are used as fresh vegetables. Used as food Food flavoring And used as a seasoning in food
  41. Basil oil is also used to flavor ketchup, pickles, candies, sausages, baking, and even beverages.
  42. Used to flavor some cosmetics.
  43. Processed into Thai herbs in the form of dried basil And used to make basil oil to help reduce stress, reduce swelling

Basil – Herbs Basil
Other names: Thai basil, Prophet Phatet (general), Kom Ko (North, Isan), Im Kim Khao (Thai Yai – Mae Hong Son), wrapped in Wasu, wrapped in Kuay Suay (Karen)
Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum Linn.
Common name: Sweet Basil. , Common Basil

The home of thyme:

Basil is native to Southeast Asia, namely Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, etc., but has been distributed throughout the world thousands of years ago. Especially countries in Asia and Europe It is said in some texts that the Roman Empire used basil to spread throughout Europe. And then distributed worldwide in tropical and warm throughout the world, basil is a plant from the old world to the east are the most common type of well can be said that the current planting basil in the warm bar. There is more than the original origin of the tropics of Asia again

Besides the English name basil, the word Basil comes from the Greek basileus meaning “the king or leader of the people.” The name comes from the royal aromatic scent of basil and the other names for basil in European languages ​​are also available. All the root names come from the word king. It is believed that basil was used as an ingredient in an herbal bath that ancient European royals used to put in their bath. Basil is a plant that is widely grown in Asia, Europe. South America and Africa For in Thailand, it can be found all over the country. Including can be planted throughout all regions of the country as well Most of the basil that is commonly grown in Thailand are native varieties that are grown continuously by collecting their own seeds. And later some that were caused by mutations, but still not clearly separated into each species.

Benefits and properties of basil:

Basil is a fragrant plant. They are popularly used in various types of food in Thailand. Which helps flavor the food to be more appetizing Helps reduce the fishy smell of many foods such as stir-fried clams, stir-fry meat, use the leaves to cook vegetables, sprinkle many kinds of flavor, such as red curry, curry liang, stir-fried leaves and young shoots, can be eaten as fresh vegetables. It is a great accompaniment to a savory food or snack because basil has thicker leaves than basil. Including the smell and taste, not as hot as basil Therefore, it is commonly used as a dip or eaten fresh vegetables rather than basil. It is also commonly used with foods that have strong flavor and smell, such as simmer (sausage, simmer, naem, simmered shrimp paste, etc.), such as Laab (Laab, catfish, Larb blood, Larb, Duck, etc.) such as Yam Miang, Jaew, Som Tam, etc. With rice noodles, fermented fish sauce, it is used in some curries such as green curry, curry Soros, and red curry with pork, red curry with chicken, etc.

In the west, dried leaves are commonly eaten as a spice. And salad dressings that use basil as an ingredient (pesto) is a common salad dressing used in Italian cuisine. In the United States, it is popular to eat basil. But use basil from Egypt, France and California Which smells different from Thai basil Then use basil oil to flavor ketchup, baking, candy, pickles, sausages and beverages.

In addition, basil has other benefits. In addition, such as the leaves and stems of basil, when distilled to produce essential oils, which are useful for many purposes, such as flavoring foods such as confectionery, ketchup, pickles, vinegar, sausages, various beverages, etc., for flavoring toothpaste and oral medications and Necks make lotions, creams, shampoos, soaps, etc. And basil oil is also used to repel insects. Or can kill some insects such as mosquitoes and flies as well

For the medicinal properties of the basil According to the Thai drug textbook stating that

Leaves: has a pungent smell, hot taste, relieve wind, dizziness, expel air in the intestines, expel fart, relieve stomach bloating, relieve stomach pain, burp, cure colic in the stomach, neutralize Tan Sang poisoning, help digestion. Solve colds, help appetite
The whole tree: neutralize Than Sang poison, cure the baby sleep, startled because of bile blame
Seeds: resolve dysentery, make the stool not sticking to the intestines, convenient to be taken as a laxative, used to mask abscesses to treat stomach ulcers.

Another textbook states that the entire leaf has a pungent taste, discreet, expelling air, causing appetite, headache, cold, stomach pain, colic, tightness, irregular menstrual diarrhea. Bruises from a fall Or concussion, snake bites, rash, itchy, lymphatic, seeds are moist, cool, discreet, water will swell into mucus, used to cure red eyes, have a lot of eye crust, eyes, use as a laxative root, cure children wounds Chronic pus And abroad, basil is used as a herb as well, for example, in India, it is used to cure fever, cough, parasite and gout. Apply the skin to cure skin diseases. Edible seeds cure indigestion in Malaysia, use the juice from the leaves to relieve cough. For children, the juice from the inflorescence is a mild flavor than the European leaf juice. They use dried basil to brew hot water. Gargle to cure bad breath or bad breath.

In modern medicine, research studies indicate that Basil leaves are high in beta-carotene. Can help prevent ischemic heart disease and cancer by 1 dash thyme contains 452.16 mcg of beta-carotene, the adult body needs 800 micrograms of beta-carotene per day, and one study has shown that thyme extract. And peppermint , a plant in the same family, has properties as a powerful antioxidant. It protects the genetic material from damage and has a killing effect on breast cancer cells in vitro. Found that extracts from basil leaves help fight toxicity to the bone marrow and the blood system. This is a side effect of chemical exposure and may be effective.It is a natural product that can help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

General characteristics thyme

Basil is an annual plant. There is a root system and roots. The trunk is about 40-100 cm tall. The trunk is square. The core is soft wood. The skin of the trunk or young branches are reddish purple. The trunk branches from the low level of the trunk until it looks like a canopy. Branches split into pairs opposite each other. Basil leaves a single leaf. Stabbed out at the joints of the branches, the leaves are oval like basil leaves. The leaves are dark green or purple red or purple green, 3-4 cm wide, 6 cm long, rounded base, pointed leaves, smooth and quite glossy leaves. The edge of the blade is sawtooth. There are clearly visible veins, hairless leaves, and essential oils which give a pleasant smell. The flowers are white or pale pink. Into a bouquet at the end of the branch, inflorescence 7-12 cm long, with purple-green bracts, which will remain when the result. Petals are connected to the base, the ends are split into 2 parts, the stamens are 4, the fruit is brown, the seeds are 4 seeds, the seeds are round, oval, about 2 mm long.

Basil propagation

Basil can be propagated in three ways: sowing. Planting, transplanting and cutting cuttings But the popular method is to cut the branches And cultivating, transplanting With the following methods

Transplanting seedlings By sowing seeds to spread throughout the plot and using fresh husk Burnt rice husk or straw is sown or covered with a thin layer. Then watered immediately after watering every day, morning and evening. Until the age of 20-25 days to transplant. By plucking the guts and then removing the top to be planted in the plot Using a 20×20 cm spacing when plucking the seedlings from the plot, they must be planted within the same day. After planting, you should find straw or hay to cover for moisture and water immediately.

Cuttings by cutting the mature branches 5-10 cm long and removing all the leaves to be cuttings in the plot. Using a 20×20 cm spacing, use dry grass or clean dry straw covering the entire plot. And immediately watered For both propagation, this method should be performed in the evening as it is a weather-appropriate technician.

The basil is a plant that needs high and constant humidity. Therefore, it should be watered every day. But be careful not to let there be a flood of water in the plot. In the early stages, soil should be shoveled and removed every 1-2 weeks by using a hand to remove a hoe or mow out, and should be done with care not to affect the plant and roots.

Approximately 30-35 days after planting, the harvest can be performed using a sharp knife to cut off the plant or branches. From the top down about 10-15 centimeters, which can be harvested every 15-20 days until the age of 7-8 months.

Format and size how to use

  • Cure fever, headache, sweating, expelling phlegm, helminth, cure indigestion, indigestion, diarrhea, appetite. And building immunity By using the young shoots boiled with water Eat as tea Or eat it as fresh vegetables
  • Treat the symptoms of purulent gingivitis by grinding dried basil leaves into a powder.
  • Relieve nausea and vomiting By juice from fresh basil leaves, about 1 tablespoon mixed with sugar cane juice 2 times a day with warm water.
  • Cure hiccups by using fresh or dried basil leaves with fresh ginger soaked in boiling water. Eat while the water is still hot.
  • Anti-cancer, acne, fever, cold, cough, poisoning, abscess, digestion and appetite. And help stimulate – build immunity to disease Bring 2-3 teaspoons of dried leaves to a boil with 1 cup of boiling water and drink 3 cups a day.
  • Children have a stomach ache, use 20 basil leaves to brew hot water and bring it to the child or bring it to brew milk for the child to drink. It is safer than alcohol-containing carminatives.
  • Basil seeds, when soaked in water, will swell into mucus and can be eaten to cure dysentery and lubricate the intestines as a laxative. Due to increasing the amount of food waste (bulk laxative)
  • Relieve cough and bronchitis, take 2-4 grams of juice with honey.
  • For toothache, use a small cotton ball. Moisturize the juice from the painful tooth cavity filling.
  • Reduce the inflammation of the wound, make the wound heal faster. By using about 5-10 fresh leaves to squeeze and crumple and apply to the wound to reduce pain and swelling due to insect bites by crumpling the leaves and using it or compressing the insect bites will help.

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