Tea Recipe Formula

Formula One: “Use Indian tea is 30%, Ceylon tea is 40%, Kenyan tea is 30%.”

  • Indian tea is 30%

What is Indian tea called?

Masala chai
Masala chai (/tʃaɪ/; lit. ‘mixed-spice tea’) is a flavoured tea beverage made by brewing black tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs. Originating in the Indian subcontinent, the beverage has gained worldwide popularity, becoming a feature in many coffee and tea houses.

Chai tea is a fragrant, spicy tea that may help boost heart health, reduce blood sugar levels, aid digestion and help with weight loss. Although most of these health benefits are backed by science, it’s worth noting that they are generally linked to the ingredients used in chai tea rather than chai tea itself.

What is Indian tea made of?
Recipes for chai vary across continents, cultures, towns and families. But the traditional ingredients of a spiced tea usually include black tea mixed with strong spices like cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger, and black peppercorns. The spiced tea is typically brewed strong with milk and sweetened with sugar or honey.

  • Ceylon tea is 40%,

Ceylon (say-lawn) tea is a tea produced on the island nation of Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon. Sri Lanka is small, but it has an enormous range in elevation, climate, soil type, plant varietals, and weather, so the flavors and character of the teas produced there vary greatly. Despite the regional nuances, a classic Ceylon flavor is generally thought to be bold, full, and brisk. It has medium-to-full tannins and some notes of citrus, chocolate, or spice.

Ceylon teas are made from the dried leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. The leaves are often described as wiry because they are left long and thin with a wirelike look. In the world of tea, these leaves are very easy to recognize. Most Ceylon tea is orthodox tea, meaning it was processed by hand, making a brisk, bright tea.

Ceylon teas contain higher levels of potassium when compared with tea grown in other regions. (1) Potassium is extremely important for the health of your body, especially your heart as it relaxes your veins and arteries. This reduces your blood pressure and reduces the strain on your heart.

What is the health benefit of Ceylon tea?
Aside from being rich in antioxidants, Ceylon tea is also linked to health benefits like improved heart health and blood sugar control, as well as weight loss. It’s also easy to make at home and has a unique, one-of-a-kind taste that sets it apart from other teas.

5 Health Benefits of Ceylon Tea:
Ceylon tea is known to have a long list of health benefits. Some major benefits include: Weight Loss, Immune System, Heart Health, Diabetes, Skin (Collagen is important for skin elasticity. Some of the antioxidants that have been identified in Ceylon tea are linked to reducing collagen loss in the skin by preventing oxidative stress in the surrounding cells.)

  • Kenyan tea is 30%.

Kenya is but one of many countries in Africa producing Tea. Others include Tanzania, South Africa (most famous for Rooibos rather than so-called ‘real’ Tea), Malawi and Zimbabwe (see Portsmouth Tea). Nevertheless, Kenya Tea is, undoubtedly, the best known. The country is also Africa’s largest producer, ranking fourth in the world according to some statistics. The local industry has two distinct divisions: the large-scale Tea plantation division and the small-scale Tea farms called smallholders. Overall, there are some 550,000 Tea farmers, many of whom harvest their crop in the highlands west of the Rift Valley.

The country’s equatorial positioning makes year-round production possible, all but guaranteeing a perpetually fresh product. The bushes flourish on the high-altitude estates, growing slowly, which makes for a better quality leaf. There are also few bugs, so there is little need for pesticides. What remains a constant issue, however, is the lack of rainfall – often causing much anxiety for many farmers.

Kenyan tea is widely considered some of the best in the world because of their distinctive taste, quality and characteristics. Tea’s taste and color is traditionally described as it’s liquor. … These individual tastes are created by the climate.

It will provide anti-cancer benefits, because of the presence of antioxidant content. The great elevation of tea plantations causes direct sunlight almost all through the year. Besides, the rainfall is adequate. These conditions generate high antioxidant content.

Benefits of Drinking Kenya Tea

Kenya tea comes in varied tastes like black tea, green tea, purple tea, etc. Each of them stimulates the proper body functioning on regular use. It is generally regarded that:

  • Constant use of this tea will trigger the proper metabolic functioning of the human body. Hence, the benefits go to the whole system.
  • It will enhance the digestive capacity. As digestive problems are the cause of various physical and mental conditions, this creates overall health benefit to individuals.
  • It will provide anti-cancer benefits, because of the presence of antioxidant content. The great elevation of tea plantations causes direct sunlight almost all through the year. Besides, the rainfall is adequate. These conditions generate high antioxidant content.
  • Anthocyanin is another content present in this brand, and this trim downs the chance of getting cardiovascular problems.
  • The control of blood sugar is another benefit, because of the low caffeine content.
  • Weight reduction is also possible when continuously used.
  • Good for human skin.
  • Works as an anti-aging agent.
  • Will control the chance of hair loss.
  • Regular consumption of green tea cuts down the probability of the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the blood and betters the ratio of good and bad cholesterol.
  • Kenya tea makes sure about the effective functioning of the brain. You can easily overcome problems like the depression, etc.
  • You can rein the likelihood of getting infections to a throat, teeth, and the related regions.
  • The anti-bacterial qualities of Kenya tea are widely accepted. This avoids the possibility of getting various bacterial problems.
  • Black tea reduces hypertension and the various other heart-related snags. Constant use of the same will also trim down the arterial rigidity, thereby cutting down the probability of blood pressure.
  • It will lower the mental stress, because of the direct natural action on the stress hormones.
  • As black tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols, the damage of DNA is blocked, which keeps the body healthy.

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