Sword Snow Stride 雪中悍刀行 Episode 24 Recap

Xu Longxiang sensed that Zhao Kai’s intentions were not good, and he was not afraid at all, and he had already prepared his posture to meet him, but at this critical moment, Zhao Xituan walked over unsteadily. Seeing this, Zhao Kai immediately changed his face, claiming that it was just a misunderstanding, and showed the three thousand red threads passed down to him by Han Diao Temple.

Just because Zhao Kai was an apprentice of Han Diao Temple, Zhao Xituan did not pursue it and asked him to apologize for what happened just now. Unexpectedly, Zhao Kai knelt down and begged for forgiveness very sincerely, which surprised Zhao Xituan. He couldn’t help feeling that the other party could bend and stretch, and that the new generation might have another talent.

When Mrs. Liu woke up and looked for her husband, she found that there were many people outside the door, so she learned the truth. Xu Fengnian rode a horse and dragged the corpse across the city gate, but he hadn’t noticed the girl Hehe who was behind her, who was waiting for a rabbit on the roof.

Xu Zhihu guarded the gate of Lu Mansion until Xu Fengnian and others came on horseback. At this moment, Liu Liting’s body was already cold and breathless. The siblings hadn’t seen each other for many years, but today they reunited, all kinds of feelings came to their hearts, Xu Fengnian went forward to hug the eldest sister, muttering that he would take her back to Beiliang.

As soon as the words fell, Xu Fengnian passed out directly. Xu Zhihu felt his brother’s back dripping with blood, and couldn’t help but turn pale with shock. Fortunately, Xu Fengnian’s injury looked serious, but in fact it was a skin trauma, and a simple bandage was fine. On the contrary, Liu Liting’s first wife refused to let the Xu family go, and is currently beating the drums in the Liyang City government office to complain.

Although the Lu family is a well-known scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, and their family background is no lower than that of the Beiliang Xu family, but they are only afraid of the prestige of Rentu Xu Xiao, so they dare not drive Xu Zhihu out of the family. If it is an ordinary general Children, their spines have been broken long ago by this group of hypocrites with high-level eyes.

Therefore, Xu Fengnian’s trip undoubtedly did not allow the Lu family to treat guests with any courtesy. They originally wanted to wait for Liu Liting’s death, they would get out of the business and leave Xu Fengnian alone to deal with the excitement in Jiangnan. It just so happened that the assassination came in time, and the fact that the injury was real scared the Lu family a lot. They were afraid that they would be accused of hiring assassins to attack the prince, and they were even more afraid that Xu Xiao would kill him for it.

In this way, under the care of the Lu family, Xu Fengnian can still recover from his injuries at ease, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. After all, famous families in the south of the Yangtze River were equal to the local emperors, and the government officials never dared to stir up trouble. They simply declared that the officials were infected with the cold and refused to accept the complaint. Madam Liu had nowhere to go.

Han Diaosi took the initiative to meet Xu Xiao, and told him the ins and outs of the turmoil in Liyang City. He intended to drive a wedge between Xu and Lu’s family, but Xu Xiao didn’t buy it and didn’t take it seriously. Xu Fengnian was fierce and violent in the south of the Yangtze River. The impeachment memorial of the literati in the south of the Yangtze River is already on the way to the capital. The current emperor is happy to hear it. If the Lu family carefully protects Xu Fengnian, it will definitely make the situation ugly.

Therefore, if Xu Fengnian wants hereditary replacement, Beiliang must be an isolated town. Regardless of what Han Diaosi has in mind, he mentioned a key point, that is, if the Xu and Lu families do not fall out, the hereditary replacement cannot be defended. live. Not only Xu Xiao knew it well, but Xu Zhihu also tried every means to break the situation.

But from Xu Fengnian’s point of view, if he follows his father’s wishes and quarrels with the Lu family, it will definitely make the eldest sister’s situation more difficult. Seeing Xu Fengnian’s hesitation, Xu Zhihu decided to go to Liu Liting’s mansion alone to pay homage. Only in this way can he add fuel to the flames and help his brother take an important step.

Jiang Ni took Yu Youwei to visit Xu Fengnian, but found that there was no one in the house. At this time, Xu Fengnian had stopped the elder sister halfway. He had expected Xu Zhihu to make his own claims, so he sent Ning Emei to monitor her every move. Xu Fengnian persuaded Xu Zhihu to go home, and begged her not to be wronged for herself, and at the same time promised to heal her injuries, so she would definitely think of a countermeasure to get the best of both worlds.

Zhao Kai followed the sound of the zither to the bottomless pool, and saw an old man cross-legged fishing, he sent a golden armor to try, but before he got close, he was already blown away by the opponent’s powerful internal force. The old man threw the Chuanguo Yuxi over, Zhao Kai held it in his hand quickly, his mind was in a turmoil for a moment, he suddenly saw himself enthroned in a dragon robe, and all the civil and military officials bowed their heads below.

Because the dream was too real, Zhao Kai was obsessed with it, and finally regained his sobriety under the guidance of the old man. After talking for a while, Zhao Kai learned that the old man was Zhao Huangchao whom Han Diao Temple asked him to find. The method he practiced was to use objects to lure people into dreams and reflect their hearts through dreams.

Twenty years ago, Zhao Huangchao and Wang Xianzhi fought against each other, resulting in backlash in his skills. Later, he retired to Longhu Mountain, where he sat by the bottomless pool every day, fishing for thousand-year-old salamanders with vermilion wild fruits. Fishing every ten years, the fishing line is more and more long. Even if the salamanders have not come out, the bottomless pond water can still suppress the backlash for him, and he can’t go out until he gets the salamanders.

On the other side, Xu Xiao gave up the chess game and had no intention of dealing with Yang Taisui anymore. He bluntly said that he had investigated Wu Su’s murder for many years and why there was no progress. In the past, Yang Taisui would find an excuse, but this time he didn’t mention anything, so Xu Xiao guessed that something was wrong. Under Xu Xiao’s questioning, Yang Taisui had no choice but to reveal that a person had been found to have participated in the assassination of Wu Su and was currently in the capital.

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