So Young – 致青春

So Young
Other name: 致我们终将逝去的青春, 致青春, Zhì qīngchūn
Genre(s): Romance, Youth
Release: July 11, 2016 – July 30, 2016
Episode(s): 40
Country: China
Broadcast: Dragon TV
Director(s): Vincent Yang
Cast: Andy Zhang, Eric Yang, Sebrina Chen, Ma Ke


A woman spent her teenage years following the footsteps of boys she liked. Years later, those boys enter back into her life as men. After many challenges, she grew into a woman who can make better choices in love and life.

So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 40 End Recap

So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 39 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 38 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 37 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 36 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 35 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 34 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 33 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 32 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 31 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 30 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 29 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 28 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 27 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 26 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 25 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 24 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 23 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 22 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 21 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 20 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 19 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 18 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 17 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 16 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 15 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 14 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 13 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 12 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 11 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 10 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 9 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 8 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 7 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 6 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 5 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 4 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 3 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 2 Recap
So Young (2016) 致青春 Episode 1 Recap

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