Secret Happiness Novel

Forbidden Love
Alternative:  Forbidden Love / Cheating / Secret Happiness / Tōu Huān / 偷欢 / Secret Love
Author(s): Bai Zhishu
Genre(s): Drama, Romance, Urban Novels
Type: Web Novel Chinese
Status: Ongoing

Brief Introduction: 

Bai Pu had never been so willful, and she gave all her “happiness” to Lu Zhaohe. Lu Zhaohe had never been so out of control, and he gave all his “greed” to Bai Pu. Sheep are ruthless and wolves are greedy, fish and water are happy, this is just a tacit agreement between the two of them.

When the game ended, Bai Pu held the other person’s hand and left the game in a high profile. Only then did Lu Zhaohe realize that the leader of this game was no longer him. “Interesting.” He sneered. Perhaps the real game has just begun.

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Forbidden Love Table of contents:

Chapter 1 Spending Money
Chapter 2 Care
Chapter 3 Uncle
Chapter 4 Habits
Chapter 5: Reserved
Chapter 6 Burden
Chapter 7 Asking for Signs
Chapter 8 Trial Marriage
Chapter 9 According to you
Chapter 10 Thirst
Chapter 11 Politeness
Chapter 12 I am poor
Chapter 13 Pretending to be drunk
Chapter 14 Where to go back
Chapter 15 Congratulations
Chapter 16 Special Plane
Chapter 17 Tadpole
Chapter 18 Asking for help
Chapter 19 Career
Chapter 20 Influence
Chapter 21 Reporter
Chapter 22: Temporary post
Chapter 23 Secretary
Chapter 24 My People
Chapter 25 Airborne
Chapter 26 Mr. Lu
Chapter 27 Testing
Chapter 28 Reminder
Chapter 29: Overtime
Chapter 30: Handsome
Chapter 31 Strawberry
Chapter 32 Blessing
Chapter 33: Being pigeonholed
Chapter 34 Mu Qingyun
Chapter 35 Experience
Chapter 36 Not bad
Chapter 37 Senior
Chapter 38 Drunk
Chapter 39 is good
Chapter 40 No choice
Chapter 41 Drunk Crazy
Chapter 42 Quarrel
Chapter 43 Room allocation
Chapter 44 Benefactor
Chapter 45: Catch the adulterer
Chapter 46 Lost
Chapter 47 Compensation
Chapter 48 Lively
Chapter 49: Poor
Chapter 50 Vaccine
Chapter 51 Manual Control
Chapter 52 Full Payment
Chapter 53: Fishing
Chapter 54: Come alive
Chapter 55 Enrichment
Chapter 56: Obscene
Chapter 57 Hook me up
Chapter 58 Meal Delivery
Chapter 59: Either adultery or theft
Chapter 60: Selling miserably
Chapter 61 Painting Cake
Chapter 62 Change of Legal Person
Chapter 63 Women
Chapter 64 Jealousy
Chapter 65 Pharmaceutical Factory
Chapter 66 Alone
Chapter 67 Enemies meet on a narrow road
Chapter 68 Warning
Chapter 69 Welcome
Chapter 70: Account
Chapter 71 Withdrawal of Investment
Chapter 72 Fatty Water
Chapter 73 Jealousy
Chapter 74 Bullying
Chapter 75 is very deep
Chapter 76 Black and White
Chapter 77: Glad
Chapter 78: Guilty
Chapter 79 Trumpet
Chapter 80: Is my uncle in love?
Chapter 81 The smell of perfume
Chapter 83 Pregnancy
Chapter 84 Celebration
Chapter 85 The smell of trenches
Chapter 86 Linjiang Capital
Chapter 87 Ex-boyfriend
Chapter 88 Domestic Violence
Chapter 89 Tracking
Chapter 90 Don’t be afraid
Chapter 91 Disguise
Chapter 92: Serve me?
Chapter 93: Overnight
Chapter 94 Aftertaste
Chapter 95 Courage
Chapter 96 Relationship
Chapter 97 Personal celebrity
Chapter 98: Poaching People
Chapter 99: Intimate
Chapter 100 Old Couple and Old Wife
Chapter 101 Help
Chapter 102 Pretending to be stupid
Chapter 103 Slap
Chapter 104 Shock
Chapter 105 Waiting
Chapter 106 Rider
Chapter 107 Tenderness
Chapter 108: Commit yourself to me
Chapter 109 Guidance
Chapter 110 Murder
Chapter 111 His People
Chapter 112 Flaws
Chapter 113: Exclusion
Chapter 114 Testing
Chapter 115 I am Brother Lu
Chapter 116 Split
Chapter 117 The legs are very long
Chapter 118 Maternity Solo
Chapter 119 Forced
Chapter 120 First Experience
Chapter 121 So urgent
Chapter 122 Business trip
Chapter 123 Jealousy
Chapter 124 Continue?
Chapter 125 The leader’s surname is Lu
Chapter 126 The mysterious man
Chapter 127 Zhaohe
Chapter 128 Xia Yan
Chapter 129: Very good vision
Chapter 130 Like
Chapter 131 We Zhaohe
Chapter 132 Choice
Chapter 133: Rumored Girlfriend
Chapter 134 Peeping
Chapter 135: Asking for Leave
Chapter 136: Not very good at that aspect
Chapter 137: Wear small shoes
Chapter 138 Honesty
Chapter 139 Traces
Chapter 140 Fun
Chapter 141 Showing your feelings
Chapter 142 Trivia
Chapter 143 Private Life
Chapter 144 Why are you here?
Chapter 145 Shura Field
Chapter 146: Weakness
Chapter 147: Winding
Chapter 148: Don’t you just like me like this?
Chapter 149 Liar
Chapter 150: Strong
Chapter 151 Where is my uncle?
Chapter 152: Side by side with you
Chapter 153: Endurance
Chapter 154 Curiosity
Chapter 155 Porridge
Chapter 156: Did you take the wrong medicine?
Chapter 157: Use your brain more and do less work
Chapter 158: Easy to feed
Chapter 159 Business trip
Chapter 160 Super Invincible Handsome
Chapter 161 Air
Chapter 162: Wool is spent on sheep
Chapter 163 Assistant
Chapter 164: The baffle goes up
Chapter 165: What’s wrong with my skills?
Chapter 166: Sleep with me for a while
Chapter 167 Morning
Chapter 168: Inspection
Chapter 169: Guilty
Chapter 170: Work is important
Chapter 171 Do you like excitement?
Chapter 172: Gentle Scum
Chapter 173 I only trust you
Chapter 174 She suddenly felt a little cold
Chapter 175 Just don’t be reluctant to let go
Chapter 176 What happened?
Chapter 177: Today is inconvenient
Chapter 178 I’m scared alone
Chapter 179: No rush now?
Chapter 180 Mr. Lu knows better
Chapter 181: There are places that cannot be covered by umbrellas
Chapter 182 Mr. Xiao Qin
Chapter 183: Where can you live if you don’t live with me?
Chapter 184 Ice American Style
Chapter 185 Conditions
Chapter 186 Zhaohe’s friends
Chapter 187 Twenty Years
Chapter 188 As expected of Mr. Lu
Chapter 189 What a dog
Chapter 190: I went back last night
Chapter 191 It wasn’t like this before
Chapter 192 Childhood Sweethearts
Chapter 193: Why do you apologize to me?
Chapter 194 How are you going to thank me?
Chapter 195 Chengchuan is not named Lu yet
Chapter 196 Waiting
Chapter 197: Throat discomfort?
Chapter 198 Don’t rely on that
Chapter 199: Quite generous
Chapter 200: Bad luck
Chapter 201 Crab
Chapter 202 The fish is hooked
Chapter 203 Meeting the Parents
Chapter 204 Mid-Autumn Festival
Chapter 205 False Proposition
Chapter 206 I’ll help her wipe it
Chapter 207 It’s not what you think
Chapter 208: I like listening to corners so much
Chapter 209: Don’t you just like it?
Chapter 210 The old man invites you
Chapter 211 Playing chess
Chapter 212 The old man likes you very much
Chapter 213 Falling into the water
Chapter 214 Why did you push her?
Chapter 215: Waste
Chapter 216 It will never be like this again
Chapter 217: Long-planned
Chapter 218 Never agree to break up
Chapter 219 Starting over
Chapter 220 Playing really wild
Chapter 221 What brain circuit
Chapter 222: Do you like him?
Chapter 223 He doesn’t have a girlfriend
Chapter 224: No need to ask
Chapter 225 Never forgot him
Chapter 226: Still thinking about others
Chapter 227 A bad day
Chapter 228 Who are you?
Chapter 229: Rear-end
Chapter 230 Nothing is lost
Chapter 231: Live at your house
Chapter 232: It’s time to be alone
Chapter 233 You have so many enemies
Chapter 234 I really can’t do anything to you
Chapter 235 So good
Chapter 236 Too ignorant
Chapter 237 Little Drunkard
Chapter 238 Let’s sit together
Chapter 239 Male Mistress
Chapter 240: Aren’t you going to take care of me?
Chapter 241 I want to hear good things
Chapter 242 It’s all pretending
Chapter 243 Dark History
Chapter 244 What is the relationship?
Chapter 245 Car accident
Chapter 246 She is tempted
Chapter 247 Unlimited potential
Chapter 248: Unexplained
Chapter 249: Are you coaxing me?
Chapter 250 Mr. Lu is a warm man
Chapter 251 I want to drink
Chapter 252: Can I take you home?
Chapter 253 There is something wrong with you
Chapter 254: Abducting a Drunken Girl
Chapter 255 I want to sue him
Chapter 256 Now I know I’m afraid
Chapter 257 Enjoy it slowly
Chapter 258: Just Patience
Chapter 259 Promise
Chapter 260 Regret
Chapter 261 Deliberately
Chapter 262: Perfunctory
Chapter 263: Should I be so stingy?
Chapter 264 I look like an eyesore
Chapter 265 I’ll pay you some favors
Chapter 266: Buy so much
Chapter 267: Life or death
Chapter 268: Drinking Wedding Wine
Chapter 269 Dinner Party
Chapter 270 Why did you agree to go home?
Chapter 271 There is no one stupider than her
Chapter 272 Why are you so cowardly?
Chapter 273: It’s useless if you don’t use it
Chapter 274: Crime
Chapter 275: Silencing
Chapter 276 Illiteracy
Chapter 277 Cuckold
Chapter 278 You are back
Chapter 279 You are a good person
Chapter 280 Meaningful things
Chapter 281 Fever
Chapter 282 Change of Heaven
Chapter 283: Of course it was her fault
Chapter 284 His Blessing
Chapter 285: What does she and Mr. Lu mean?
Chapter 286 Intensifying
Chapter 287: Come with me to have a meal
Chapter 288: Withdraw hot search
Chapter 289 Weird Things
Chapter 290 Getting further and further away from her
Chapter 291: Your family is white
Chapter 292: No matter how busy I am, I will always accompany you
Chapter 293: Xiao Pu has the kindest heart
Chapter 294 Hiding the Wild Man
Chapter 295: Tenderness of a Tough Man
Chapter 296: As long as people are still alive
Chapter 297: Laughing at her for being sentimental
Chapter 298: When it’s time to break up, let’s break up
Chapter 299 Shameless Pheasant
Chapter 300: Is it enough for me to deal with you?
Chapter 301 Which white is this white?
Chapter 302 He has been helping her
Chapter 303: I admit that I am jealous
Chapter 304: That would be boring
Chapter 305: Disgraceful
Chapter 306: Small hobby
Chapter 307 Amnesia
Chapter 308 Rigorous
Chapter 309 Archives
Chapter 310: Superfluous
Chapter 311 Get out of this damn place
Chapter 312: Carpe Diem
Chapter 313 Running errands
Chapter 314: Are there any other women?
Chapter 315: What does it have to do with it?
Chapter 316: Thank you in person
Chapter 317 Illegitimate Daughter
Chapter 318: Asking for it
Chapter 319 Where to travel
Chapter 320 Just be obedient
Chapter 321 Renew the relationship
Chapter 322: A false alarm
Chapter 323: Unexpected
Chapter 324 Tracking
Chapter 325: Catching a turtle in a urn
Chapter 326: Who else wants her life?
Chapter 327: Want to protect him
Chapter 328: You are responsible for the family
Chapter 329: Pursued specially
Chapter 330: If you ask me, who should I ask?
Chapter 331 Good news waiting for you
Chapter 332 I want to see more of you
Chapter 333: Ran away with someone else
Chapter 334: Guilty Heart
Chapter 335 Embarrassing
Chapter 336: Be polite
Chapter 337 Conflict
Chapter 338: Taboo
Chapter 339: Who says it’s not?
Chapter 340 Group photo
Chapter 341 Impulse
Chapter 342 Excuses
Chapter 343: Who has been here?
Chapter 344: Leave if you want
Chapter 345 Moving
Chapter 346: Running away from home
Chapter 347 You choose one
Chapter 348: Random
Chapter 349 Special
Chapter 350: Relocation
Chapter 351 I can do it
Chapter 352 How handsome he is
Chapter 353: Living Target
Chapter 354: Taking advantage of others’ danger
Chapter 355: I disagree
Chapter 356 Rooftop
Chapter 357: Kidney deficiency
Chapter 358 Bad luck
Chapter 359: Trouble comes from the mouth
Chapter 360 New Assistant
Chapter 361 Reminiscing about the past
Chapter 362 Show off
Chapter 363 Corner
Chapter 364 Low-level Error
Chapter 365 Concealment
Chapter 366: No difference
Chapter 367 Cooperation
Chapter 368 Gossip
Chapter 369: Turn around
Chapter 370 Chapter 370
Chapter 371: Nosy
Chapter 372: Very busy schedule
Chapter 373: Men
Chapter 374: Nymphomaniac
Chapter 375 Don’t let yourself go
Chapter 376 Necklace
Chapter 377: Take Care of One Night
Chapter 378: Don’t disturb me
Chapter 379 Story
Chapter 380: Please
Chapter 381 Irritability
Chapter 382 Men’s Restroom
Chapter 383 Three Days
Chapter 384: Can’t accept it
Chapter 385 What are you doing?
Chapter 386 You are here
Chapter 387: Treat her the same way you treat me
Chapter 388 I knew it already
Chapter 389: Absconding with money
Chapter 390: Be dedicated to me
Chapter 391 Signing the Contract
Chapter 392 Installment Payment
Chapter 393 Curiosity
Chapter 394 Poverty Alleviation
Chapter 395 Shrew
Chapter 396 Lu Bao
Chapter 397: Shameless
Chapter 398: Sneaky
Chapter 399 Big Heart
Chapter 400 Buying a House
Chapter 401: Chicken blood injection
Chapter 402: Taking Place
Chapter 403: Taking the blame
Chapter 404 Special arrangements
Chapter 405: Guilt and Compensation
Chapter 406: If it doesn’t work, change it
Chapter 407 A little surprise
Chapter 408: Going Wrong
Chapter 409: The relationship is so good
Chapter 410 Telephone
Chapter 411 Let her come out to see me
Chapter 412 Teach me
Chapter 413: Admiration
Chapter 414: Taking a step to speak
Chapter 415: Immorality
Chapter 416 Blackmail
Chapter 417: Caught
Chapter 418 Brother
Chapter 419: Proposal
Chapter 420 Complaint
Chapter 421: Want me to accompany you
Chapter 422 Victim
Chapter 423: Just this one
Chapter 424: Care about me?
Chapter 425: Drunk Crazy
Chapter 426: Send some people over
Chapter 427 Whoever catches up with him will be unlucky
Chapter 428: No rules at all
Chapter 429 is over
Chapter 430: To no avail
Chapter 431: Random thoughts
Chapter 432: For him
Chapter 433: Son-in-law who comes to visit
Chapter 434: Asking questions knowingly
Chapter 435: Wait for me
Chapter 436: Making Difficulties
Chapter 437 Abandoned
Chapter 438 Can I believe you?
Chapter 439: The Justice You Deserve
Chapter 440 I’m not that boring
Chapter 441 I really need to trouble you
Chapter 442: Why are you so curious?
Chapter 443: I’ll introduce you to a girlfriend
Chapter 444: Coax the donor well
Chapter 445: Need to clean up
Chapter 446: Having trouble with her
Chapter 447: So worried
Chapter 448: Lovesickness
Chapter 449: Don’t go too far
Chapter 450 Let’s meet
Chapter 451: Just to bring her to dinner
Chapter 452: Recognize him at first sight
Chapter 453: Style
Chapter 454 The results are out
Chapter 455: How much do you want?
Chapter 456: Pushing the envelope
Chapter 457: Penniless
Chapter 458: Who cares?
Chapter 459: Notify in advance
Chapter 460 Beautiful Sister
Chapter 461: Faith in the Heart
Chapter 462: You’ll decide when the time comes
Chapter 463 Read
Chapter 464: If you don’t dislike it
Chapter 465: Can’t wait to do it again
Chapter 466: Send the beggar away
Chapter 467: Middlemen
Chapter 468: Hypocrisy
Chapter 469: What on earth are you doing?
Chapter 470 I really dreamed of it
Chapter 471 Dare to play tricks on me
Chapter 472 Grandpa wants to see you
Chapter 473: Have the nerve to bring people in front of you
Chapter 474 Rabbit and Carrot
Chapter 475: I like gentle people
Chapter 476: It’s impossible not to come back forever
Chapter 477 Secret Mission
Chapter 478: Where did I sleep last night?
Chapter 479 I can solve it all
Chapter 480: Can’t Guard
Chapter 481: Trying to keep me here
Chapter 482: A ghost friend
Chapter 483: Kissed once each
Chapter 484: Heartbroken
Chapter 485: A biting dog never barks
Chapter 486: I don’t want my life anymore
Chapter 487 You lied to me again
Chapter 488: Give me an explanation
Chapter 489: A bunch of trash
Chapter 490: No Promise
Chapter 491 Rescue
Chapter 492 The Big Boss
Chapter 493: I don’t want Mr. Qin to worry
Chapter 494 Intentional scratching
Chapter 495: The Bitter Meat Scheme
Chapter 496: Quite generous
Chapter 497 Transaction
Chapter 498 Gossip
Chapter 499 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Chapter 500: A Merit
Chapter 501: Borrow a cigarette
Chapter 502: Begging for food
Chapter 503 Overlord’s Meal
Chapter 504: Cheapskate
Chapter 505: Seriously injured
Chapter 506 The key to defeating him
Chapter 507: Don’t be too greedy
Chapter 508: Serving
Chapter 509: Take good care of her
Chapter 510: Caught off guard
Chapter 511 Please
Chapter 512 Talent
Chapter 513: Confinement
Chapter 514: Complicity
Chapter 515: Like a grandson
Chapter 516: Playing Monkey
Chapter 517 Stars
Chapter 518 Suicide
Chapter 519: Stealing my boyfriend
Chapter 520 Collapse
Chapter 521: It’s not your turn to choose
Chapter 522: Interesting
Chapter 523: Not too optimistic
Chapter 524 Opportunity
Chapter 525 Sorry
Chapter 526 Feeding the fish
Chapter 527: Sneaky
Chapter 528 Looks familiar
Chapter 529: My own way
Chapter 530 Fainting
Chapter 531: Making friends
Chapter 532: Really hot-tempered
Chapter 533: Storm
Chapter 534: I thought you were dying
Chapter 535: Fake Wine
Chapter 536: Isn’t It Wonderful?
Chapter 537: Do you want to try it?
Chapter 538: Revenge me
Chapter 539: Uneasiness
Chapter 540 Save me
Chapter 541 Get out
Chapter 542: Not funny at all
Chapter 543: Special Physique
Chapter 544: How did it happen?
Chapter 545: Do me another favor
Chapter 546: Afternoon
Chapter 547: Two Clearances
Chapter 548 Impossible
Chapter 549 Passport

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