San Rai Coral Garden in Krabi Province, Thailand

This is an island that is only 3 kilometers from Koh Phi Phi (Island) but have a completely different atmosphere.

Bamboo Island or Bamboo Island for short. There is a clear blue water that you want to jump into the water to satisfy you. There is a clean beach with an atmosphere that is not crowded and the silence that allows us to hear the waves clearer.

Bamboo Island has been called Coral Grove San Rai. The nickname obtained because of the diverse coral reefs in the south of the island. The nickname that assures us that Krabi is still a diver’s paradise.

Bamboo Island is a small island in the middle of the Andaman Sea. But there are beaches from the north shore to the east coast. So we were able to walk around the island and find a calm photo corner with an open background.

General Information of Bamboo Island

  • Bamboo Island is in the care area of ​​Nopparat Thara National Park – Phi Phi Islands. Follow the route to Phi Phi Island, but it is about 3 km before Phi Phi Don Island.
  • Most of the time, tourists come to Bamboo Island with a One Day Trip Koh Phi Phi (from Krabi) tour, where the tour will visit Bamboo Island as the last stop before returning to Krabi shore / or charter a long-tail boat of Nopparat Thara National Park, Bamboo Island, Phi Phi Island.

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