Ruijin Lei Cha

Ruijin Lei Cha

Lei Cha is a food with a unique flavor of the Hakka people. It has also been passed down from generation to generation in Ruijin and is widely spread.  Ruijin Leicha is made by adding an appropriate amount of rice into sesame seeds, peanuts, mung beans, soybeans, tea leaves, orange peel, etc., and then boiling it. Lei Cha has a unique flavor, fragrant, slightly bitter, gray-green in color, and turbid. Add some sesame oil when drinking it, it is very delicious. After working hard, people in Ruijin drink a bowl of lei tea, which immediately refreshes their minds, and appetizes and relieves fatigue. Lei tea contains some Chinese herbal medicines, which can detoxify, ventilate and cool.

People in Ruijin, whether they are countrymen or urbanites, men, women and children, love to drink Lei Cha. Lei Cha can not only satisfy your hunger, but also a seasonal drink. The peasant women brewed tea, boiled it, and brought it to the table in a pot full. Neighbors sat around and chatted while drinking, endless tea, and endless homework.

Lei Cha is made in a unique way. It is made by mixing various raw materials together. The tools used for making Lei Cha are “Lei Bo” and “Lei Chou”. The beater is a pottery bowl with fine convex and indentations carved on the inner wall, and the beater is a hard wooden stick about 2 feet long. When grinding, pour the raw materials into the bowl, housewives sit on low stools, hold the bowl tightly with their left and right thighs, hold the hammer tightly with both hands, and grind in the bowl vigorously to grind all kinds of raw materials into fine powder, and then add water into the pot and bring to a boil.

The unique Lei Cha of Ruijin people has attracted many people from home and abroad, and they are proud to drink Lei Cha in Ruijin. In 2001, when Chen Jiangong, a famous writer and vice-chairman of the Chinese Writers Association , came to Ruijin to collect folk songs, people from the literary and art circles in Ruijin entertained him with Leicha.

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