Roselle Story

Scientific name: Hibiscus sabdariffa L..
Common name: Jamaican Sorrel, Roselle.
Family: Malvaceae.
Other names: okra, okra, okra, citrus genus, citrus genus.

Roselle has a local name as okra, okra (medium), vegetables Kaeng Keng, orange Kaeng Keng (north), orange Taeng Lang (Tak), orange crab (Ngao-Mae Hong Son) (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a species of Hibiscus probably native to West Africa, used for the production of bast fibre and as an infusion, in which it may be known as carcade.

Botanical features: shrub 50-180 cm tall, with many varieties. Stems reddish, single leaves, palm-shaped, 3 or 5 lobes, wide and elongated, approximately 8-15 cm. Single flowers axillary, pink or yellow petals around the area. Middle purple-red flowers The stamens are connected in a tube, resulting in a dry, cracked fruit, with a red, succulent calyx covered with water.

Properties and benefits:

  1. Calyx of flowers Or the petals remaining on the fruit
  2. Is a drug to reduce fat in the blood vessels And helps to lose weight too
  3. Can lower blood pressure without any harmful effects
  4. Roselle juice causes the blood to thicken.
  5. Helps to treat brittle arteries well.
  6. Roselle water also has a diuretic effect. Is another way to reduce the pressure
  7. Help digest food Because it does not increase the secretion of gastric acid
  8. Increased secretion of bile from the liver
  9. Is a drink that helps the body to refresh Because it contains citric acid
  10. Leaf to cure trichomoniasis, phlegm bites, cough up mucus in the throat To go down into the anus
  11. Flowers to cure kidney stones Solve gallstones because urine is interrupted, dissolves fat in the blood vessels, bites the mucus in the intestines to pass into the anus.
  12. Reduce blood fat in the thirst, cure stomach ulcers
  13. Seed, maintenance of element, good maintenance, cure diuretic, reduce fat in the blood vessels
  14. In addition, properties have been identified by not specifying which parts are used as follows: cure fatigue, nourish, nourish good elements
  15. Disability, urinary incontinence Cure thirsty The high blood pressure, phlegm bites, cough, mucus in it.
  16. Intestine, reduce blood fat, nourish blood, reduce body temperature Cure diabetes Solve thrombosis
  17. In addition to being used alone, it is also used in combination with other herbs. Used to trichina trichomoniasis

How to use:

Calyx is dried or fresh. Boil with water to simmer the red color as much as possible. Filter out the remaining waste by using a thin white cloth to squeeze the water out of the petals completely Roselle juice, which has a deep red color (Anthocyanin substance), can be used to color food as desired or add sugar A little salt can be made as a drink.

The calyx or use secondary purple-red flowers Dried and ground into powder. Use 1 teaspoon (3 grams of weight) at a time, brew with 1 cup (250 milliliters of boiling water). Drink only clear red water. Drink 3 times a day, continuously, until suppression and other symptoms are disappearing.

Flower chemicals found Protocatechuic acid, hibiscetin, hibicin, organic acid, malvin, gossypetin, nutritional value.

Roselle juice has a sour taste, boiled with water, added sugar, drink hot in thirsty and helps prevent the capture of fat in the veins. And can also be used to make desserts, jellies, jams or as a coloring agent The leaves of okra are vegetables. Or use sour curry Good sour taste Roselle is also known as “the perfect orange” in the leaves. Vitamin A helps to nourish the eyes. The calyx and the petals. Calcium helps to maintain strong bones and teeth. Roselle juice has a deep red color. Anthocyanin is used to color food as desired. Source by rspg

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