Roi Et Tower Tourist attraction in Nai Mueang, Roi Et (Thailand)

Address: Voting Tower 101, Suriyadet Bamrung Road, Nai Mueang Subdistrict, Mueang Roi Et District Roi Et Province
Open Hour: Scheduled to open in December 2020
Tel: 0-4351-1222

Roi Et Tower Tourist attraction in Nai Mueang, Roi Et (Voting Hall 101) หอโหวด 101

Roi Et Tower (Voting Hall 101), a new landmark of Roi Et, is located at Somdet Phra Srinagarindra Park, Roi Et. Suriyadet Bamrung Road, Nai Mueang Subdistrict, Mueang Roi Et District Roi Et Province It is 101 meters tall or equal to a 33-storey building. The bottom base is 30 meters wide and the top of the vote is 20 meters wide, totaling more than 3,621 square meters.

Inside the building, there will be coffee shops, restaurants, local product shops, including restaurants, Roi Et City Museum and an open viewpoint. for tourists to see the beauty of Roi Et city in 360 degrees. As for the name of the voting tower, it comes from the voting that means a musical instrument that is a symbol of Roi Et. It represents the art and culture of the Northeastern people.

By designing the tower to watch the city It is also a shape of a vote. which reflects the identity and identity of Roi Et very well Let me tell you that there is only one place in the world. As for the highlighted area, let us have a chance to win. is in the area of Sky Walk sky glass area and adventure activities such as taking a cable car ride up and down the voting tower, I must say that you must not miss playing for sure. This work has trembling legs for sure.

It’s really close. For the opening of the 101 voting tower, this schedule is expected to open in December 2020.


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