Rental House Story

EP3. Rental House

The parent, Ms. Z, studied with her in Shanghai a few years ago and has a very good daughter. It was not until her daughter graduated from college that Ms. Z returned to her hometown.

But every time she mentions Shanghai, the first thing she thinks of is that there are a lot of ghosts there. She said that the house she rented several times was not peaceful. One time in particular, she was almost frightened into a psychosis.

It is said that the newly rented house is near the school. The house is very expensive but it is small and old. However, it is still good after tidying up, so the mother and daughter feel that it is OK after moving in.

But something started to go wrong after a few days. She and her daughter shared a room, and the toilet was opposite the kitchen. The door was usually closed because it was an old-fashioned hinged door that made a sound when the door was opened and closed. After Ms. Z went to bed, she was always woken up by the sound of the toilet door opening and closing. At first, she thought her daughter had just moved here and was not adapting to it, which caused her poor health, so she had frequent urination.

She bought some tonics for her daughter to make soup to drink. However, after a period of time, her daughter not only did not get better, but also had serious dark circles under her eyes.

So one day off, the mother and daughter sat down and had a good chat. She asked her daughter, “You go to the bathroom many times every night. Is there something wrong with you?”

Her daughter looked at her with wide eyes and said, “It’s obvious that you go to the bathroom so many times every night and it makes me unable to sleep at all. I originally suggested that you go to the hospital for a checkup.”

After saying this, the mother and daughter were dumbfounded. They both thought it was the other who got up to go to the bathroom, but in fact they were both the ones being harassed by the sound of the door opening and closing.

It’s not Ms. Z or my daughter, so who could it be?

That night, the mother and daughter lived in the same room. Sure enough, not long after they slept, they heard the sound of the door opening and closing outside. They quietly opened the door and looked outside. Through the dim light, they found that there was a room in the living room outside. Sure enough, there was a shadow, and the shadow was sitting upright on the sofa.

After a while, I got up and went to the toilet. There was the sound of flushing water. After a while, I came out and sat down again.

From the body shape, he looks like a young man.

Both mother and daughter were so frightened that they didn’t dare to speak or look. They hid in the room all night. Finally, the daughter called the police. The mother and daughter swore that the figure was still there just one second before the police arrived. Went to the toilet and even as the police came in there was the sound of water flushing.

However, when the police came in, of course, they found nothing. Except for the mother and daughter, there was no trace of anyone else in the room.

The police also comforted them by saying that they were too scared and nervous. The mother and daughter couldn’t explain clearly, so they checked out of the house that day, stayed in a hotel, and rented a new house.

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