Radiator problems and caused will be – Check it before things happen

Before the engine is completely destroyed, big problems are often caused by “radiators”.

When we have to travel far from home. What we need to check the car to be complete. Whether it is illumination, signal lights, engine oil, brake systems, batteries, air pressure, and that is indispensable. The cooling system in the engine is a radiator.

Radiators are the heart of cooling. Its principle is Bring water to circulate In an overheated engine Due to the ignition of the engine compartment And the friction of the mechanism in the engine room and the radiator that brings water to air To cool off the heat with a fin that is cool. Both the front side while driving And let the fan help while the car is parked Causing the engine to not get knocked on Due to heat overheating

Before traveling, simple ways to check the radiator are as follows.

       1. Fill the radiator with water And add water to fit in the pot (a small water canister). There will be a mark saying to add between the HI-LOW to fill between the middle of the mark.

         2. If there is coolant coolant or radiator solution Add the liquid first Before adding water to the limit The benefits of radiator cleaners are Helps the interior to not rust And increase the boiling point and improved heat dissipation

      3. Try to start the engine for about 10 minutes to see the system. Without having to accelerate the engine See the free pump work. Or whether the air conditioner fan is fully working or not

      4. Turn off the engine and check to see if water flows out from various parts of the engine or radiator.

      5. Check around the radiator. In the case that we add radiator fluid With colors such as green or red if the radiator is leaking Will have these reagents clearly seeping into the color

Only then can safely travel.

In case of driving while having the following symptoms, stop the car.

      1. Heat on the speedometer, up to the red limit

      2. The air conditioner is not cool. Or cold while running But when parking the air conditioner is not cold

      3. Water vapor coming out of the bonnet

When the car stopped Open the car bonnet for cooling. Never open the radiator cap. Wait until the machine is cool.

And check the topics listed above About checking the boiler To prevent the cylinder head from bending due to extreme heat

Note **

Do not drive If the heat rises, should stop immediately. Because if the cylinder head is buckling, then it may be necessary to operate Or have to lift a new engine

Which has escalated costs If the car cannot move, call a forklift or a slide. In order to enter the garage

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