Qin Shi Huang’s Tomb, Xi’an (China)

The Fengsui of Chinese Emperor Qin Zi Huang of the Qin Dynasty Located in Lin Tong district. Away from Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China

The Qin Zihuang Mausoleum was accidentally discovered on March 29, 1974 by a farmer in Xiyang Village named Yang Zhifa while digging up the soil to make a well. At the foot of Lishan Mountain Away from downtown Xi’an To the east about 35 km during the excavation. Accidentally found the remains of the terracotta soldiers That was later known to be over 2,000 years old

Today, the Chinese government unearths artifacts belonging to terracotta soldiers, arsenal, chariots and war horses. The total number of more than 7,400 pieces within the area of ​​the tombs of more than 25,000 square meters, it is estimated that the territory of the Qin Zihuang Mausoleum will have an area of ​​more than 2,180 square kilometers. Cultural in the year 1987

The Mausoleum of Qin Zihuang began construction during the Qinzhuang period. The construction period is approximately 38 years from 208 – 246 BC, the territory of the cemetery, a total of 2,180 square kilometers, divided into the inner court and the outer court. Inside the tomb was used to contain the remains of Qin Zihuang. Various treasures, including the military forces Concubines and maids Numerous chariots and military commander to represent the courtiers in Qin Huang’s Hereafter Expedition.

Overall structure and architecture of the cemetery Has a rectangular area Its average depth is 35 meters, width 145 meters and length 170 meters.

For the chamber containing the tomb at the center of the cemetery, it is 15 meters high and has a size and enormous size like a football field.

As for the interior, the stone construction is still well sealed, keeping it intact. And has never been digged and demolished before By the structure of the said cemetery The structure and construction are complex. The size of the cemetery was enormous. Great in honor of the Emperor of China, who unified China.

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