Psychic Princess S2 通灵妃 第二季 Episode 3

Psychic Princess S2 通灵妃 第二季 Episode 3

Ye Youming fights and learns to dance Qianyun Xi defeats Ye Youming

When Ye Youming heard that Qian Yunxi dared to provoke him in public, the unconvinced Ye Youming raised his eyebrows, compared to who was afraid of anyone, and promised to dance with Qian Yunxi on the spot, and he had to take a good brother to the show. Qian Yun Xi is dressed in a pink dress and white long sleeves, waving gracefully and dancing, especially when it rotates more beautifully.

Ye Youming and his good brother danced with Qian Yunxi’s pace, but they fell down because of the spinning. The maid and servants were afraid that Ye Youming would not dare to laugh presumptuously, so they could only cover their mouths secretly.

Ye Youming’s good brother looked very happy, especially that this sister-in-law was funny, even though she fell down, she still stood up and continued to learn. Although the dance is awkward, of course, it is not a dance at all. At best, it is called stretching your arms. Leg extension exercise. The movements of the Ye Nether brothers were clumsy and ugly, which caused some of the maids to be unable to hold back anymore, and they both laughed loudly. When Ye Nether fell down again, they got up and patted their hips and left with a cold snort.

Ye Youming’s good brother was chasing Ye Youming, while looking back at Qian Yunxi with a smile, couldn’t help but praise his sister-in-law as fun.

The maids were worried that they would offend Ye Youming because of this, and they persuaded Qian Yunxi, worried that she had done too much this time, and if Ye Youming was offended, they would not have any good fruits. It is better not to offend people too much, but Qian Yunxi However, he despised Ye Youming as his defeated man and would ignore it. And he had already made up his mind to come and beat Ye Youming again and again.

Just when Ye Youming left, Aunt Su came and told Qian Yunxi to follow her and claimed that this was the order of the prince.


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