Prosperity alone pet green tea emperor step aside

Prosperity alone pet green tea emperor step aside
Other names: 盛世独宠绿茶皇上靠边站, The King of Green Tea

Author: the voice of flowers
Genre: Crossing, Romance
Release: Unknown
Status: Ongoing


“Standing aside the Green Tea Emperor” – The story in the book is summarized as a beauty. As a makeup artist, Liu Yiyi’s job is to travel with each client. Although he is busy, he feels very fulfilled and satisfied. However, a car accident caused her to die unexpectedly, and when she opened her eyes again, she found herself reborn and returned to ancient times, possessing a favored concubine from the overhead dynasty. I thought that waiting for me would be a life of fine clothes and jade food, but what I did not want to wait for me turned out to be framed by the emperor! Looking at the man who had more green tea than himself, Liu Yiyi only felt that his three views were broken!

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