Pregnant Mothers – Take one Glass of Ginger Tea with Good Health Benefit

Ginger is known to be a familiar spice. Not only does it enhance the flavor of the dish, ginger is also a medicinal taste. In the cold season, ginger helps warm the body, helping to boost immunity against colds and flu.

For pregnant mothers that every morning drinking a glass of ginger tea is good for health. Ginger tea not only warms the mother but also helps her mother to pass through the 9 months and 10 days of pregnancy help increase the amount of amniotic fluid, give your baby a chubby pinky when born.

The pregnant mother can refer to some of the drinks from ginger below to sip in the morning after getting up.

1. Honey ginger tea

Mother can make honey ginger tea herself to enjoy it, iron rich honey, vitamins and minerals. Ginger is rich in vitamin C, calcium, iron, and zinc … Ginger honey tea not only helps mothers to become thirsty and warm after a night’s sleep but also provides essential micronutrients for healthy pregnancy and ruddy , especially rooms prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Raw materials for making

  • fresh ginger Tea
  • Honey
  • Boiled Water

How to do:
Ginger scraped the rind clean, sliced ​​thinly, put it in boiled water, put the ginger out of the glass, cooled the water, add honey and enjoy.

2. Ginger warm

lemon A glass of warm lemon ginger in the morning has provided the mother with vitamin C and minerals, calcium, iron, zinc … help boost immunity, healthy pregnancy, prevent iron, calcium and child deficiency born pinky white skin. You can make ginger lemon tea to enjoy yourself.

Raw material:

  • Fresh lemon Fresh
  • ginger
  • Honey

How to make:
Fresh ginger shave clean, clean, slice thinly. Add ginger to boiled water, squeeze out ginger juice, stir in fresh lemon juice, add some honey and enjoy.

3. Warm ginger tea

In the morning, Mom can also drink a glass of ginger tea warmed with a little sugar to warm the abdomen, provide energy for the body, help strengthen amniotic fluid. Mom can use a little freshly shaved ginger, cut it thinly, put it in a pot of boiling water, then grab ginger juice, add a little white sugar and enjoy.

Notes when drinking ginger tea

  • Mother should drink ginger tea early in the morning to wake up, absolutely do not drink ginger tea or eat ginger in the evening.
  • Although ginger is very good for mother and should not abuse, drink too much ginger because it can cause dry mouth, thirst.
  • If the mother regularly loses sleep, constipation, has stomach problems, gallbladder, hemorrhoids … should not drink ginger tea.
  • When choosing ginger to cook tea, mother should choose fresh ginger, not damaged and crushed, because in the ginger, it produces safrol, an extremely toxic substance that can cause liver cell necrosis, leading to liver cancer. .

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